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Everything posted by alittlelapin

  1. banned because i'm sleepy again
  2. not that kind of news i was hoping to see returning back here... damn, rest in peace 🙏🏽
  3. banned because it's really cold...
  4. banned because i forgot my login and it's been a while! :'D
  5. banned because i didn't go to bed before 4AM again...
  6. either in that moment, que extensive research or theme/symbolism/motif surfing and plotting OR immediately from the top of my head because it "feels/fits/sounds right" worse case scenario: no name at all, and they get stuck with a sad, sad placeholder instead for months to come
  7. banned because it's 2024 now! 😆
  8. banned bc i still can't charge my 3ds
  9. kind of surprised that she's a water legendary (?) not that i try to make sense of those anymore... the units on the banner with her are pretty nice though i suppose!
  10. banned because i didn't eat breakfast like i wanted earlier. :(((
  11. banned because i want breakfast (it's only 3:24 am though).
  12. banned because i forgot about checking back here for a bit! :'D
  13. banned because holiday shopping sucks.
  14. banned because i don't have any blankets with me right now.
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