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Everything posted by Kayoshio

  1. Hey, big thanks for the mod, it was fun. I wanted to replay sacred stones after years but with an extra spice on top, and after just a bit of reading the description your mod seemed perfect. Also noticed that there were a very recent patch, so everything seemed to fit together just well. I decided to start 2.1.2 on a no skills, fixed growth rates, hard Ephraim game. The new animations, items, class and sprites are all good. Special mention to mage lord Erika which is 10/10 but I very much liked many other sprites as well. All the quality of life changes such as multiple S rank weapons or extra action after talking are very much appreciated, and I really liked the surprise. The level design is also quite nice. The first 10 chapters were on the perfect difficulty to me ; Not too hard, I only needed to retry at the fog of war chapter because I was surprised I think, but I was sweating all the way, which is nice. Chapter 10 is when things got too spicy though, my characters were underleveled, and Cormag alone was utterly terrifying and while I could manage him, I couldn't finish the chapter in time to get the special drop from the boss. After a visit to the Tower of Valni though the next chapters were perfectly fine again. One problem I found with the difficulty though, is that while characters starting as enemies such as Cormag get a nice level up to adjust to the game, ally units -both green and blues- spawn at the exact same stat as vanilla, making them clearly outscaled by the enemies. In the later chapters of the game, this is a bit penalizing. The two primary example I experienced was on chapter 15, erika was spawning as she left ; meaning very weak at this point. And let me tell you Innes and Saleh were clearly not up to date either, because they get two shotted by any wyverns or falcon. Same on chapter 17, saving the villagers is hard enough when wyverns can decide to rush them and go for the kill in turn 2, but Syrene also is clearly not there, similarly getting two shot by the 3 summoners and few wyverns coming her way, even worse is that she willingly is running to them on ally turn. Thoses chapters are possible with luck, teleports or such things but man it feel misplaced. Because of thoses experiences I was pretty happy to see that Rausten generals in chapter 19 were super strong. Two points I wanna notice though, one is that I'm still lost on a few mechanics the game has, I still have no idea on how the leadership system even start or what to do with the ore that some boss drop. Same for the surveying kit. Are they things only in the full version, or things I missed the point of? The other is a complain, as according to the mod description, myrrh dragonstone should be unlimited but nerfed. But I have only 30 utilisation ones... It was changed in a recent version I assume? That's too bad because it's actually one of the reason I clicked on the mod initially lol. I definitely expected The only bugs I had were minor visual bugs like that instead of "creature campaign" there's nothing showed in the chapter selection in my game ( like so https://imgur.com/a/gAFPmkW ), and the char selection sprite is weird since I did some lagdou level ( https://imgur.com/a/AElSjXl ) Maybe I aquired some char the game don't understand. There's also minor weirdies in the scenario, like at the very end after the demon king is killed Anyway very good spice would recommand. I'll likely replay the game again with skills, normal erika to see how the game is normally. Hard with skill sounds pretty painful so I'll avoid that.
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