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Everything posted by Blank069

  1. So this is a long explanation so please bear with me. I just recently restarted playing fates again and decided to erase everything and play through all 3 routes on Lunatic mode with both a male and female Corrin. I've already planned most of the 1st gen couples but then realized that I haven't really planned a spouse for Corrin or any plans for their Boon/Bane/Talent. Based on my idea for the couples for the 1st gen I would have to marry either a Corrinsexual or a 2nd gen and I don't have ANY idea on what to do and would like some help and advice please. Here's a list of my idea for all 3 routes. Birthright Azura: Jacob Takumi: Haha Ryoma: Kagero Kaze: Rinkah Silas: Hinoka Hayato: Felicia Kaden: Oboro Subaki: Sakura Hinata: Mozu Saizo: Orochi Azama: Setsuna Conquest Azura: Jakob Kaze: Beruka Silas: Selena Leo: Felicia Xander: Charlotte Keaton: Camilla Arthur: Effie Odin: Elise Niles: Nyx Laslow: Peri Benny: Mozu Revelations Azura: Silas Leo: Sakura Takumi: Camilla Xander: Hinoka Ryoma: Kagero Odin: Elise Jakob: Mozu Kaze: Beruka Kaden: Peri Keaton: Hana Hayato: Nyx Subaki: Oboro Hinata: Selena Saizo: Charlotte Azama: Orochi Niles: Setsuna Arthur: Effie Laslow: Felicia Benny: Rinkah I just need to know the best Boon/Bane/Talent for Kana. The talent is mostly for Corrin's spouse since I plan on just buying skills. For boon I was thinking of either strength, magic, or speed and for bane I was just planning on doing luck for all 3 since it's the easiest to deal with.
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