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Party Moth

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Posts posted by Party Moth

  1. And Smaug... I thought he was awesome, although, my memory is a little sloppy here, but didn't he have golden scales in the book and not red? minor, but something that I thought of.

    If I recall correctly, most artistic depictions of Smaug either only show him lying upon his piles of gold or leave out the jewel-and-gold encrusted underbelly entirely. This adaptation is certainly the one that could have portrayed it well though, given the budget.

  2. I know for sure I've maxed out the clock's playtime on Pokemon Silver and Pokemon Sapphire many times, so those are likely the greatest candidates. Other contenders would likely be the old NES version of Galaga, the original Zelda, FE10, and maybe Super Mario Sunshine or Wind Waker.

  3. @Viewtiful_J: Let me clarify... When I said the word "art" in my last post, I meant high art which reflects us as human beings and leaves us pondering self-evaluation and seeking to better ourselves as individuals. Something video games need to prove they can do in order to be respected amongst other mediums (and some of them have).

    EDIT: All of this is quickly getting out of hand. How about we take this to private messages since this pertains more to the story itself than the characters?

  4. Just pointing out some of the cliche's and the inferiority of FE7's and FE8's plot to FE9 and FE10's. I always think gameplay comes first, and then story. They should be developed at the same time, but one should be a priority over the other. Because it's a game. I think a great story is also needed, but I also think FE13 has a great story. I would agree that an RPG that you described would be boring.

    There is great characterization in Fire Emblem Awakening. I don't think I can change your mind about that.

    I think another problem is that we need to recognize different tastes that we all have. For example, one of the most annoying complaint I hear is that the game has too many anime influences/cliches. I think that has more to do with someone's opinion about anime rather than the game. I can't change your opinion about anime, or the fact that saying that generalizes anime broadly.

    And there is a reason why anime is rarely taken seriously as a form of art. FE13 does not take nods from anime that is good.

    If you're going to put a heavy focus on story in a video game, it must take priority and go the full extra mile if it is to be taken seriously. The problem is that FE13 tries to be a story without understanding what makes a story work. The game wants to employ ideas of human morality and introduces yes-or-no choices to the player, but squanders it all with fake choices and a lack of human empathy for anyone who isn't on your side of the army. What's insidious is that it pretends to be so without any understanding of why these elements were employed and used in FE9.

    And that's what FE13 is, really. An attempt to emulate storytelling aspects of previous games, all meshed into one. It's fanservice to the ultimate level. Without the storyline to back it up, all the game can do storywise is employ deep characterization. Which it doesn't.

    I mentioned earlier that "If you took away every characters' gimmicks, they'd be completely bland." While there are a few who would not be as deeply affected, it all boils down to the fact that most of these characters were written as gimmicks first, characters second. It feels cheap and cliched in a way FE7 or FE8 never did. As others have noted, I can point to characters from previous games and understand why they worked and the current ones did not. Validar does not hold the menace of Gharnef. Grima does not hold the inherent injustice felt by Medeus. Chrom's actions threaten to invalidate him as the protagonist without any instory justification whereas the actions of characters such as Hector and Micaiah deserve reprimand and allow for critical self-evaluation.

    These failings are why everything in this game depends on the characterization. And when you have living breathing stereotypes all over the place who depend on dialogue quirks and labels such as "tsundere" and "yandere" to be enjoyed, you're taking the wrong aspects of what makes characterization work.

    I'm not very observant, and I am rather easy to impress in many things, like "bad" movies, or in this case- Writing.

    What is it that you guys expect of a game? It's not to say a game can't have good writing, but...I feel that you could be asking a bit too much, and happen to get a little out of hand referring to characters as "gimmicks" many, many times...

    And like I said, I'm not a person that reads books, so I don't really know very well what's "good" and what isn't.

    Is it really that much to ask for a plot that makes sense?

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