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Everything posted by MJThom_2009

  1. Finished the [FE7-HNM] Classic Draft in 206 turns
  2. Chapter 25 – 5/113 Both Canas and Heath go for the upper fight area, Hector and Kent go for the upper left, and Eliwood and Legault go for the lower left. All three points were secured in the same turn. Chapter 26 – 11/124 I got the Heaven Seal for Eliwood to make things easier. However the chapter got hectic with all those dragon knights. Also Kent got some more weapons and avoided getting killed from Vaida. Chapyer 27 – 13/138 Louise, Heath, and Canas take on the enemies up north, Kent go straight to Kenneth, and the others kill off the enemies in the southeast. Chapter 28 – 15/153 All my high movement units and Legault goes to the left side while the other headed right. I manage to grab all treasures and defeat Ursula. Chapter 28x I have Legault steal the red gem and angelic robe. Chapter 29 – 10/164 Kent heads to the center while Karel, Louise, Canas, Heath, and Legault flanks the enemies from behind. Afterwards Kent and Louise took on Linus. Chapter 30 – 8/172 Kent and Eliwood participated in this chapter with Hector. They just rushed through to the boss. Chapter 31 – 11/183 Got all treasures, did plenty of grinding, and about three of my units are in level 20. Chapter 31x – 5/188 Chapter 32 – 6/194 I used the warp staff three times on Kent, Louise, and Heath while he’s carrying Hector. The three gang up on the boss so Hector can seize. Chapter 32x – 1/195 Nils gave Karel the attack boost, Canas warps Karel to the boss, and Karel kills him in one shot. Final –8+3/206 Louise and Heath go attack Uhai, Kent goes in alone against Kenneth and Ursula, Athos goes to (whats his name) on turn one. Then everyone goes attack the others when we open the doors. Afterwards Athos makes the first move against Nergal then Louise and Eliwood damage him and Karel finishes. On the dragon, Athos attacks first on turn one and Eliwood and Canas on turn two. Then on turn three, Eliwood and Athos attack the dragon and Canas finishes. Results Kent – B: 278 W: 175 Canas – B: 108 W: 93 Legault – B: 79 W: 37 Heath – B: 119 W: 58 Louise – B: 89 W: 45 Karel – B: 60 W: 46 Eliwood – B: 211 W: 108 Hector – B: 163 W: 91
  3. You know I've missed her birthday because I've killed her about a month ago
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