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    Path of Radiance

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  1. AAAAAARRRRRGHHHHH!!!!! SO CLOSE!!!!!! I almost did it. If Mia and Nasir both hadn't missed Ashera and Ike had hit with both of his attacks, it would have been over!!!! At least now I know that it's possible. But like I said, I have to rely on luck a lot. Even after getting to that point. Yes...Finally did it. Thanks for the help. Giving parity to Mia really helped!!
  2. It was in the Dheginsea part. Nailah died from too many dragons attacking her and me neglecting her (I assumed she could take it). Giffca got Ire'd by Dheginsea. I do not have the provoke skill on anyone but I've noticed that they predominantly attack Caineghis.
  3. Doesn't parity have to activate? Or is it like Nihil?
  4. I do not have fortify but I have physic staves that rhys and Micaiah use.
  5. I am totally stuck on endgame-5 on part 4 (on hard mode). I have beaten the game on Normal and Hard one time each but it's been years since I last played it. I wasn't expecting it to be this difficult. The problem is that many of my characters are dead (Giffca, Nailah, Rafiel (the heron), Shinon, Ena, Kurth, Sanaki are all dead). If I remember correctly (and I should because I've tried this chapter SOOO many times), these are all of the characters I have left in the endgame: Ike Micaiah Rhys Soren Nasir Gareth Renning (shouldn't have picked him for the endgame) Gatrie Caineghis Mia (with Ike support) Bastian So here's my situation: I'm facing Ashera on hard mode. Gareth, Gatrie, Renning do not last very long if I make use of them because of their poor resistance. I use Nasir's moon tide to allow Caineghis (and sometimes Ike) to double the aurora's around Ashera. I took Nihil from Nasir and gave it to Caineghis so Ike and Caineghis now both have that skill. If need be, I use Mia to finish off an aurora after getting it's hp down. I use Soren, Bastian, Renning, etc, to get rid of the annoying phantom thingy's that teleport so they don't block my way. As you can imagine, this level is very difficult with the characters that I have right now. After much strategizing- and maybe a little luck- I managed to take down all of the aurora's once. But then I realized that I didn't have enough characters to take down Ashera!! The only damage dealers I had at that point were Nasir, Ike, and Mia. Since Ashera recovers 40 hp per turn, it was basically impossible. Now I realize that even if I can make Caineghis survive until all of the aurora's are gone, it will not be enough to kill Ashera in one turn. With Nasir's help Caineghis can do 31 damage to Ashera without getting doubled. Then Mia can do 36 with Nasir right beside her. Then Nasir has a small chance (30ish) of hitting and doing 14 damage (and have him survive her attacks). After that, I'll have to double with Ike (Nasir next to him) to finish her off. I can not take multiple turns to do it because she heals herself and, presumably, the phantom thingy's heal her too. I'm starting to think that this is impossible (or at least that I will have to get REALLY lucky). There doesn't seem to be a reliable strategy that I could adopt. Any tips (even abusing bugs) would be appreciated.
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