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Posts posted by AkioRed

  1. And on Lunatic, not only are those boxes more expensive, skirmishes are pretty much suicide. They're horrendously way more well equipped. Their weapon levels are all A, so any weapon triangle disadvantage is DEADLY. Their stats are usually maxed if it's a promoted set of enemies with the "cheating" forged weapons. Their AI are also aggressive and don't wait until you're in their range. They WILL pursue you.<br style="color: rgb(7, 55, 2); font-size: 13px; line-height: 19px; background-color: rgb(239, 255, 240);"><br style="color: rgb(7, 55, 2); font-size: 13px; line-height: 19px; background-color: rgb(239, 255, 240);">Streetpass battles give only 1 EXP for each battle and give now weapon EXP as well. If you're going to grind on Lunatic, your only option is the Mummy/Money DLC.

    Oh, is that so... I'm still trying to get all the support conversations, and it's taking me quite some time... didn't have the time to try Lunatic.

    Also, I'm a more casual player, so I think Hard is as far as I go.

  2. So, here's Selena x Noire (requested by ISHYGDDT)

    Support C

    Noire: H, hey... Selena... Could you, accompany me... again?

    Selena: *sigh*... Again? Come on, just get a grip already and go alone!

    Noire: N, no way... P, pretty please...

    Selena: I get it already. Really, you're hopeless...

    Noire: I, I'm sorry... I'm such a coward...

    Selena: Really... Being unable to go to the toilet alone 'cause it's dark; you're just like some little kid... (LOL)

    Noire: I, I'm truly... Sorry...

    Selena: *Sigh*... It's fine, already. Just get this over and done with.

    Noire: Thank you... I wonder what I would do if you weren't around...

    Selena: You're making such a big deal out of it, you know? If I weren't around, you could just ask somebody else, right?

    Noire: Someone else... I couldn't, it would be embarassing...

    Selena: *sigh* Then, why aren't you embarassed to ask me?

    Noire: It's because you wouldn't make fun of me, even if I ask such things...

    Selena: Well, I normally do avoid people who are overly self-concious. 'Cause you see, if I got into a fight with someone like you, it would look like I was bullying someone weaker than me...

    Noire: Eh...? I, is that how things are?

    Selena: Oh well, just forget about it already, it's not like it matters! ... *Sigh*. But now that I think about it, it looks like you have forced me to take quite a troublesome role looking after you.

    Noire: I, I'm sorry...

    Selena: Oh well, we are childhood friends after all, so it's fine. It's give and take, you know. Or rather... Forget that. We're even, that's how it is.

    Noire: Yeah... Thanks...

    Support B

    Noire: Uugh... I, it hurts...

    Selena: Huh... Noire!?

    Noire: Ah... S, Selena... Uugh...!

    Selena: W, What happened? Is it a stomachache!?

    Noire: Y, Yeah... Truth is, I tried to mix some medicinal herbs (no, it not vulneray nor any healing item) by myself, but... When I tried on the first mix I made, it had the opposite effect and my stomach started to hurt...

    Selena: Huh...? Do you know how to mix medicinal herbs?

    Noire: I... I don't but, well, you see... I tried to mix the better looking ones...

    Selena: I can't believe it! Really, just what are you trying to do! ... Normally, people wouldn't try to do this when they don't know how to do it, you know? Also, you know that the stomach is prone to get bad easier than other body parts, don't you?

    Noire: B, but... At least, I can make my body more resistant by drinking thoses mixes, you know...?

    Selena: Well, I don't think it's a bad idea, but you're being just too careless!

    Noire: B, But... If my body got healthier, I though I would started feeling stronger as well... T, Then, I though that maybe, just maybe, I could get rid of my cowardice and stop being a bother to you...

    Selena: That's why I'm saying you're doing it wrong. If you make matters this bad, you'll actually give me more trouble.

    Noire: Y... Yeah. You're right. Sorry... I'm reflecting on my mistakes.

    Selena: Anyway, you just go lay down.

    Noire: O, ok...

    Selena: I'll go get something warm to drink and some medicine for your stomach. You just stay here and wait quietly.

    Noire: Y, yeees...

    Selena: Be a good kid 'till I get back, 'k? (OMG big sister Selena is cute OTL)

    Noire: ... (Noire disappears from the screen)

    Selena: Really, that girl is just so hopeless I've no choice... But why is it that I'm always the one she looks for help...?

    Support A

    Noire: Selena... I'm truly sorry... for anything untill now... *sniff... sniff...* (I want a little sister like Noire D=)

    Selena: Come on, it's fine, really. Don't cry just 'cause you accidentally flipped over my meal!

    Noire: But, I'm always causing you trouble... Even though it looked like today's meal was really good, I ended up dropping your share...

    Selena: Noire, I told you already that you don't have to keep apologising over and over again. Also, there was lots of leftovers from our meal, so I just got then easily afterwards. Don't bother yourself over it.

    Noire: B, but... But...

    Selena: Oh well... But, you see...

    Noire: Selena?

    Selena: You know, you... are usually so quiet, even though that's your nature; but there's always more to you, isn't there?

    Noire: ...? What do you mean?

    Selena: Well, let's see... It looks like, whenever you are with me, you start acting like a really clumsy daughter... Maybe I'm imagining things?

    Noire: ...!

    Selena: You ask me to go with you to the toilet; you get stomachaches by drinking some weird medicine... Even right now, when you dropped that plate... All of that happens when I'm close by, right? Well... It's not like I mind it, though.

    Noire: ... Yeah. Truth is, I've also been thinking about that.

    Selena: Huh...?

    Noire: Of course, it's not like I do that on purpose, and I don't have any evidence... But... Deep inside my unconsciouness, I though that I would like being spoiled by you. Maybe...

    Selena: Spoiled...? You... by me? So you mean that you wanted to depend on me without me knowing it?

    Noire: I, I guess that's it... I'm sorry. Selena...

    Selena: W, why are you apologising! It's not like you done anything wrong, right?

    Noire: B, but... I ended up giving you a lot of trouble.

    Selena: W, well... That's alright. Being dependable and spoiling you... (Tsundere mode: on)

    Noire: Huh?

    Selena: We are perfect opposites, so it's not like I can really depend on you. Well... It's not... that bad spoiling someone, so... I'm not letting you go, even if you want to!! (oh, just get married already)

    Noire: Selena...! T, Thank you!

    Selena: B, but just let me tell this now; it's just from time to time, you know!?

    Noire: Y...Yeah, I get it! Ufufu... I'm so happy, Selena!

    Oh, you can feel the yuri everywhere. I guess I should started lurking around pixiv again...

  3. I see. Very well, let's compare Female MU x Chrom, then. I'll only put the S support because that's the only one available for them (there are few "mute" conversations in the site I use)

    Female MU (mute) x Chrom


    [クロム]! ルフレ…!

    な、なんだ? 俺に話って?▼












    [クロム]挙動不審? まさか?




    [クロム]そ、それは、違う! この前言ったことは








    お前を嫌うなんて… そんなことあるわけない!▼


























    [クロム]待たんぞ!! もう絶対に言ってやる!




    すぅ~! はぁ~! すーっ! はーっ!▼

    もう言うぞ! 言うからな!!

    覚悟しろよっ!! ルフレ!▼






















    [クロム]…えっ? ほ、本当か?▼











    Female MU (Watashi) x Chrom



    [クロム]! ルフレ…!▼
























    [クロム]い、いや! そ、そういうわけじゃ…!▼





























    [ルフレ]…? …違う、とは?▼





    [クロム]う、うるさい! ここまで言ってしまった以上、



    [クロム]待たんぞ!! もう絶対に言ってやる!



    [クロム]すぅ~! はぁ~! すーっ! はーっ!▼

    もう言うぞ! 言うからな!!

    覚悟しろよっ!! ルフレ!▼




































    Female MU (Atashi) x Chrom



    [クロム]! ルフレ…!▼









    [クロム]い、いや? …










    [クロム]い、いや! そ、そういうわけじゃ…!▼





























    [ルフレ]…? …違う?▼





    [クロム]う、うるさい! ここまで言ってしまった以上、



    [クロム]待たんぞ!! もう絶対に言ってやる!



    [クロム]すぅ~! はぁ~! すーっ! はーっ!▼

    もう言うぞ! 言うからな!!

    覚悟しろよっ!! ルフレ!▼




































    So yeah, it doesn't change much from "Watashi" to "Atashi". The former sounds more polite, while the second sounds a little childish. But for "mute", Chrom says not only his own dialogue, but snipets of a voiced MU.

    ...suddenly mute MU sounds very interesting.

  4. @Levaine: No, you're not wrong. Both Male and Female MU have a "mute" option. I haven't seen all of the supports yet (there aren't many to begin with), but it seems that the characters do all the talking and MU just says "....". I'll take a better look at it later.

    Edit: I don't have the time to translate it now, but here a sample of Female MU (mute) x Chrom


    [クロム]! ルフレ…!

    な、なんだ? 俺に話って?▼












    [クロム]挙動不審? まさか?




    [クロム]そ、それは、違う! この前言ったことは








    お前を嫌うなんて… そんなことあるわけない!▼


























    [クロム]待たんぞ!! もう絶対に言ってやる!




    すぅ~! はぁ~! すーっ! はーっ!▼

    もう言うぞ! 言うからな!!

    覚悟しろよっ!! ルフレ!▼






















    [クロム]…えっ? ほ、本当か?▼











  5. @Only My Unit: Like Miscellany has said, I don't think the voice you choose changes much of the dialogue (well, except for mute). I'll take a look later and, if it turns out to be different, I'll translate it, though.

    @Miscellany: Indeed, translating japanese accents and politeness into english isn't that easy. Translating Mariabell's speech is rather though, and Donny's will probably be quite horrible to do, as well.

    @Xjezhekiir and ISRMMBV: The supports available are the same, the lists are different 'cause the players haven't done all the supports yet. I still have to see if the content of the conversations is changed, though.

    @Fat Bunny: Sure, I'll do that after I finish previous requests.

  6. @Only My Unit

    Ask and thy shall receive:

    Male MU (Boku)

    -Chrome (CBA)

    -Liz (CBAS)

    -Frederik (CBA)

    -Viole (CBA)

    -Soiree (CBA)

    -Sol (CBA)

    -Wyck (CBA)

    -Miriel ©

    -Sumia ©

    -Cullum (CBA)

    -Ronku (CBA)

    -Richt (CBA)

    -Mariabell (CBA)

    -Velvet (CBA)

    -Gaia (CBA)

    -Tiamo (CBAS)

    -Greg (CBA)

    -Libera (CBA)

    -Sariya (CBAS)

    -Olivie (CBA)

    -Serge (CBAS)

    -Henry (CBA)

    -Sairi (CBAS)

    -Basilio (CBA)

    -Flavia (CBA)

    -Donny (CBA)

    -Anna (CBA)

    -Tiki (CBAS)

    -Gangrel (CBA)

    -Valhart (CBA)

    -Emelina (CBA)

    -Renha (CBA)

    -Children (As family):

    -Wood ©

    -Selena (CB)

    -Jerome (CBA)

    -Female Mark (CBA)

    -Nn ©

    -Children (Non-family):

    -Lucina (CBAS)

    -Cynthia ©

    -Selena ©

    -Nn ©

    Male MU (Ore)

    -Chrome (CBA)

    -Frederik (CBA)

    -Viole (CBA)

    -Soiree (CBAS)

    -Wyck (CBA)

    -Miriel (CB)

    -Sumia (CBAS)

    -Ronku ©

    -Richt ©

    -Mariabell (B)

    -Velvet ©

    -Tiamo (CBAS)

    -Anna ©

    -Valhart (CBA)

    -Children (Non-family):

    -Lucina (CBAS)

    -Cynthia (CBAS)

    -Selena (CBAS)

    Female MU (mute)

    -Chrome (S)

    -Sol (S)

    -Ronku (S)

    -Richt (S)

    -Gaia (S)

    -Libera (S)

    -Children (Non-family):

    -Brady (CBAS)

    Female MU (watashi)

    -Chrome (CBAS)

    -Liz (CBA)

    -Frederik (CBAS)

    -Viole (CBAS)

    -Soiree (B)

    -Sol (S)

    -Wyck (CBA)

    -Sumia (CBA)

    -Cullum (S)

    -Ronku (S)

    -Mariabell ©

    -Gaia (S)

    -Grego (CBAS)

    -Libera (CB)

    -Olivie (CBA)

    -Henry (S)

    -Donny (AS)

    -Gangrel (CBAS)

    -Valhart (CBAS)

    -Children (As family):

    -Lucina (CBA)

    -Male Mark (CBA)

    -Children (Non-family):

    -Lucina (CBA)

    -Wood (CBAS)

    Female MU (atashi)

    -Chrome (CBAS)

    -Liz (CBA)

    -Frederik (CBAS)

    -Viole (S)

    -Soiree (CBA)

    -Miriel (CBA)

    -Sumia (CBA)

    -Cullum ©

    -Mariabell (CBA)

    -Velvet (CBA)

    -Tiamo (CBA)

    -Nono (CBA)

    -Sariya (CBA)

    -Olivie (CBA)

    -Serge (CBA)

    -Sairi (CBA)

    -Flavia (CBA)

    -Anna (CBA)

    -Tiki (CBA)

    -Gangrel (CBAS)

    -Valhart (CBAS)

    -Emelina (CBA)

    -Children (As family):

    -Lucina (CBA)

    -Male Mark (CBA)

    -Children (Non-family):

    -Degel (CBA)

    -Cynthia (CBA)

    -Selena (CBA)

    -Noire (CBA)

    -Nn (CBA)


    -Male MU: boku (CBA)

    -Male MU: ore (CBA)

    -Female MU: watashi (CBAS)

    -Female MU: atashi (CBAS)

    -Liz (CBA)

    -Frederik (CBA)

    -Soiree (CBAS)

    -Wyck (CBA)

    -Sumia (CBAS)

    -Mariabell (CBAS)

    -Gaia (CBA)

    -Olivie (CBAS)

    -Children (as family):

    -Lucina (CBA)

    -Cynthia (CBA)

    -Male Mark (CBA)


    -Male MU: boku (CBAS)

    -Female MU: watashi (CBA)

    -Female MU: atashi (CBA)

    -Chrome (CBA)

    -Frederik (CBAS)

    -Viole (CB)

    -Wyck (CBAS)

    -Sol (CBS)

    -Cullum (CBA)

    -Ronku (CBAS)

    -Richt (CBA)

    -Mariabell (CBA)

    -Gaia ©

    -Grego (CBA)

    -Libera (CBA)

    -Henry (CBAS)

    -Donny (CBAS)

    -Children (As family):

    -Wood (CBA)

    I'll stop here for now (I've typped lots of things wrongly and my eyes are heavy. It's a bad sign)

    This list will still go on for a bit it seems, but I'll try to get it done by tomorrow (half my work is done, anyway)

    Good night for you all.

    ...Oh, yeah, before I forget, here are some notes:

    *When you customize your MU, you can choose it's voice. There are 3 types for each sex: Male MU can choose between "ore", "boku" and "mute". Female MU can choose between "watashi", "atashi" and "mute".

    *Yeah, so what? In japanese, there are many ways to refer to oneself, whereas in english and portuguese there aren't. Simply speaking, it's mostly a matter of looks. "Ore" is typically used for males, and is slightly rough, but not really brute. "Boku" can be used by both genders; for males it's neutral, if only slightly polite; for females it's tomboysh. "Watashi" is used by both genders, being neutral for females and very polite for males. "Atashi" is used by females; it's slightly girlish and, sometimes, childish.

    *As for mute, I haven't seem all the conversations yet, but it looks like it's just as it implies: MU says no more than "..."

    Now, if you'll excuse me... (flops dead on bed)

  7. @ Only My Unit: If there's such an option, nintendo can just shup up and take my money. Oh, I see. I haven't seen the whole site yet, so if you want, I can make a complete list later.

    @ISHYGDDT: Sure, just gimme some time to finish my school (university?) work. It's the end of the semester and the teachers are giving us more and more things to do (That, and the fact that I do all my work at the last minute OTL).

  8. Damn, I can't sleep OTL

    @Only My Unit: Unfortunately, the site I use only have her supports with Jerome (CBAS), Loran (CBA), Noire (CBA) and Female Mark as her sister (CB). And Male MU, but I just translated that already.

    @Ein Silver Rose: Indeed, their interactions are funny as well. There are just too many possibilities in this game.

    @Yojimbo: I'm pretty sure MU DOES know about the game mechanics. It's all a conspiracy. Well, welcome to the team. I've also been lurking around for ages, and decided to show up to help these guys get their translations done. Also, it's a nice way to keep my japanese AND english in touch. I'll pretty much not play the English version though. Nothing against localizations, but I prefer the original japanese audio. =P

  9. And here I am, translating these conversations instead of doing my school work... Good children shall not imitate me. And bad children... they probably do that, already.

    Anyway, this time its Male MU x Selena. Prepare for tsundere overload (ok, not really. She only gets tsundere on her S support):

    Male MU x Selena

    Support C

    Selena: Wait, Mr. MU!

    MU: S, Selena? ... What's the problem?

    Selena: Don't you "What's the problem" me. That previous strategic meeting... Just what was all that about?

    MU: Strategic meeting? ...Ah. You mean those plans to decide what to do after the last battle?

    Selena: That's right. Why did you decide against it? Normally, no matter how you think about it, this is a perfect chance to chase after the enemies, right?

    MU: W, Well... I think it's pretty dangerous, you know? We have to take everyone's fatigue into account as well, and if the other side has retreated, I think it's better not to be so brash. Don't you agree?

    Selena: What silly things are you babbling about! If you think like that, we won't be able to win!

    MU: Wel, time will tell... I think. After all, I was against it so that we could prepare to fight in that mountainous area.

    Selena: What do you mean?

    MU: Even if the enemy retreats, there is no way they could get too far, so there's still a chance that we can win, right? Also, if the weather got bad on the other side of the mountain, even we would be at a disadvantage. If we take all that into consideration, it's for the best that we retreat, as well.

    Selena: ... So that's why. Ever since Lord Chrome nomitated you his strategist, you've become rather outspoken, huh?

    MU: What!!? I don't think that's the case??

    Selena: What, are you trying to be modest? Oh Mister Strategist, you are sooo competent. It soooo cool.

    MU: Very well. Then, you have been temporary nomitated the strategist. How would you chase after the enemies, and what would be your strategies for battle?

    Selena: Eeeeh!?

    MU: If there's a good strategy to chase after the enemies, it is obvious it would for be the best. How about you spend some time thinking about it? ...Ah, I have an appointment, I have to go now. (MU vanishes)

    Selena: Ah, wait up, Mr. MU! ...What was that! He just talks big!

    Support B

    Selena: Mr. MU, I found it!

    MU: Ah, Selena. What's up?

    Selena: I won't let you say that you forgot about that, you know? I found an aswer for that thing we discussed previously.

    MU: Yeah. It's about a good way to chase after the enemies who had fled behind the mountain, right? Did you come up with something?

    Selena: We will bring just those who are strong and go after them. It would be dangerous if we bring everyone, but if we let only the strong ones fight we should have few casualities. Fuhuun! (Sorry, I don't know how to translate this. And it's cute anyway xD) What do you think?

    MU: Hm, maybe... that might work. But, what if the enemy was just pretending to flee and had, in fact, prepared a trap for us?

    Selena: T, that's...!

    MU: If we don't know what's behind that mountain, it will be dangerous no matter who goes there, right?

    Selena: Ugh... Even so, it's better to send only those who are strong! At least their chances of survival are higher!

    MU: But... that's no good.

    Selena: N, no good... you say?

    MU: Chrome and I don't try to minimize the casualities. We try to avoid them. Even if there is the slightest loss on our side, it means we failed. This strategy, it only tries to reduce our casualities to a minimum.

    Selena: Come ooon! What's all that about! You're just talking big! Even if you stick to that stupid argument of yours, there are things that cannot be changed, you know!? Even though I though hard about that plan, why are you criticizing me so much!! Are you making a fool out of me!? Tooo bad, I'm not as smart as my mother!

    MU: N, no... I, I didn't mean it like that...

    Selena: Enough already!! Mr. MU, you stupid! Blockhead!! (Selena vanishes)

    MU: Selena! ...*sigh* She's gone.

    Support A

    MU: Ah... Selena.

    Selena: Ah... Mr. MU.

    MU: You see, I'm sorry for before. I though really hard about that strategy, yet I did nothing but criticize it.

    Selena: Well, I was pretty immature as well... Sorry for getting angry before.

    MU: Selena...

    Selena: But, you see, I tried thinking about that again, and guess what? I think I know of a solution for that.

    MU: What? You mean about chasing after the enemies in the mountain?

    Selena: That's right. First we use our Pegasi and Dragon knights to drive the enemies into an area under our control, and then we move our grounded units to ocuppy the spot they were on... How about it?

    MU: Ooh... that's amazing! I get it. It's truly brilliant!

    Selena: Fuhun (again lol). There's also no risk of our flying units being targeted by archers, and they can even land to investigate the area without worries. It's perfect, you know.

    MU: As expected of you, Selena... It's great! Really great! Hm... I give you 90 points!

    Selena: Whaaat!? 9...90 points...! It's not a perfect score!? I don't get it!

    MU: Well... If you must know why, now that I recall that meeting, there were no pegasi nor dragon knights in our group, back then (Strange, I remember having Sumia in the group since Ch4 =P). So, I had no choice but to decide against chasing after the enemy, after all...

    Selena: Wha?? What's up with that!!! That's no laughing matter!

    MU: Hahaha... Well, I guess that I went too far with my joke. Sorry sorry...!

    Selena: Aaahh. I feel like an idiot for thinking about it so hard! It makes me so mad to know that was the reason all alooong!

    MU: No... that's not the case. If you though so much over a problem like this, it was definitely not in vain. I also had to hear lot of opnions to get here (he means he had to work hard to become a strategist).

    Selena: Even if you say that, I sense it's just some useless praise (As if, MU doesn't feel sorry and is just trying to make her forget her anger)?! I won't hang around you anymore!

    MU: Sorry sorry! I'm truly sorry so forgive me already~!

    Support S

    Selena: Hey hey, Mr. MU.

    MU: Hey Selena. What's up?

    Selena: Why don't you feel bad nor awkward even when I'm around?

    MU: Why, you ask... Isn't that because you're always like that?

    Selena: Well, I'm not always like this, but... Whenever I criticize people, or when I get angry, everyone starts ignoring me. Maybe, they think I'm a bother?

    MU: I don't think like that, you know? It's actually rather amusing to talk to you, you know that?

    Selena: ... Eh!?

    MU: Also, I don't really know how to put it into words, but I feel that your words aren't just harsh and superficial. It's rather the opposite, I feel that there's a kind of gentleness to them.

    Selena: So, you... Do you know what I'm going to tell you now?

    MU: What? ... That's a bit... You know, I can't tell that from just this snippet, you see?

    Selena: You are truly dense...

    MU: Huh? What do you mean?

    Selena: I, I... I like you, Mr. MU. I'm really happy that... You've always been so kind to me.

    MU: Selena...

    Selena: Y...You see! I'm sorry that I've always been accusing you and such... But... From now on, I want... I want you to talk to me as a lover... or something like that.

    MU: Selena... Ah... Yeah, that's ok.

    Selena: Really!? ... Really, really?

    MU: Yeah, really. It looks like this was the gentleness I was talking about earlier.

    Selena: W... What about it!! Is it a bad thing!?

    MU: No, not really? Rather, I have to say that I'm happy. I also like talking to you... But from now on we can be a little... how can I put it; we can be more romantic, and talk about lovey-dovey¹ topics.

    Selena: Eh...Eehh!? I, I have no choice, then... I'm fine with whatever Mr. MU says...

    MU: Then lets go to bed already Yes yes; then would you please go ahead, Lady Selena? (As if he wants Selena to start their "sweet conversation")

    Selena: Y, yeah... (Screen changes to an illustration and a low voice)

    Selena: ... I love you... Eh, what? You couldn't hear it? I can't believe it! I won't say it again, you idiot! (Tsundere level max!)

    ¹- The original said "amai kanji no kaiwa", literally, "Talks that sound/feel sweet". I couldn't think of a better way to translate that, sorry OTL

    Going to sleep now. I might translate more tomorrow, if I have the time.

  10. So many characters, it's kinda hard to choose. I'll probably try to complete the supports conversation gallery (if there is one, that is), so it will take lots and lots of runs...

    As for marriage, the ones I want to get as soon as possible are (in order):

    Male MU: Lucina, Tiki, Anna, Serge, Selene and Tiamo

    Female MU: Brady, Jerome, Loran, Wyck and Gaia

    If I can get my hands on the DLC characters I would like to go for them as well, but they aren't my top priority.

  11. Here's MariabellxRonku. I actually wanted to go for MirielxRonku, but I couldn't find the japanese script... Also, this one is missing the "S" support. I don't know whether it's missing or if it doesn't exist, so if anyone knows, please tell me.

    Mariabell x Ronku

    Support C

    Mariabell: Mr. Ronku! What do you intend?

    Ronku: What... do you mean?

    Mariabell: You just go ahead like this, so I can't heal you. I do not mind if you're okay with it¹, but couldn't you at least match my pace?

    Ronku: ... Don't mind me.

    Mariabell: You sure do talk big. I have heard that you are not good at dealing with women, but it'll be a problem for me if you don't put up with it and let me heal you.

    Ronku: ... It's nothing to trouble yourself over. The fact that I have been hurt is proof that my swordsmanship is still imperfect. I'll practice harder and come out unscathed next time.

    Mariabell: Even a master swordsman gets hurt at times. That's why I am here. Won't you rely on me, even if it is just little?

    Ronku: About my injury... I'll do something about it myself². Leave me alone.

    Mariabell: I can't just leave you alone! Please wait, Mr. Ronku!

    ¹- It basically means that Ronku is used to getting hurt so he doens't mind the injuries. This was rather trick to translate.

    ²- Ronku can't heal, so it means he'll just tend to it and bandage himself.

    Support B

    Mariabell: Mr. Ronku! I have finally found you!

    Ronku: Urgh...

    Mariabell: The other day you have gotten yourself hurt, even though the injury from earlier is not healed! Please stop being so stubborn already!

    Ronku: ...I won't let you take my time this time. I'll try to get stronger again. So... Don't follow me. (Ronku leaves the screen)

    Mariabell: Please wait! (Ronku re-appears in the screen)

    Ronku: Urgh... L, Let me go...!

    Mariabell: No, I won't let you go! No matter what you say. At least tell me why you are so stubborn (she's talking about Ronku's fear of women)!!

    Ronku: I get it, I'll tell you! I'll tell you, so... let me go!

    Mariabell: Truly... Are you that scared of women?

    Ronku: Yeah. When I get close to a woman... I get nervous and my body stiffens. That's why... I didn't want to get close to you.

    Mariabell: So that is the reason why you would always go ahead of me or avoid me?

    Ronku: That's it. I'm sorry... Please try to understand.

    Mariabell: ... I will not aknowledge it.

    Ronku: What... ?

    Mariabell: If you want to get stronger, you have to overcome this fear first! What would happen if a woman did something like that (getting closer to him) while you were on the battlefield... I beg of you, please try to value your life more...?!

    Ronku: .........

    Mariabell: ... I am sorry. I have said too much.

    Ronku: No, it's just as you said. I'll not cause you any more problems. I'll try to match your pace from now on... I'll... try my best.

    Mariabell: Mr. Ronku...

    Support A

    Mariabell: Mr. Ronku, you were very participative the other day, were you not?

    Ronku: Y, yeah...

    Mariabell: You cooperated splendidly well, and you also helped me when I was in trouble. When an enemy approched, you even risked your life to cover for me... You were fine being that close, so I assume you have conquered your fear of women. I wanted to express my gratitude for that time. If you are fine with it, why don't we...

    Ronku: ! I'm sorry...! Please... don't get any more closer.

    Mariabell: What...?

    Ronku: ...It's shameful, but.. I'm still not cured... It got slightly better when I'm on the battlefield, but at times like this, it really...

    Mariabell: Oh my...

    Ronku: If you want to laugh... go ahead.

    Mariabell: I will not laugh. You was able to suppress your fear, and you even protected me...Please... Let me help you get over this fear.

    Ronku: Help me...?

    Mariabell: There has to be a way to overcome it. Let's see... It might be a slightly drastic measure, but how about I take you to a stablishment where you can get served by lots of pretty women? Of course, you can keep your distance during the way there.

    Ronku: ...It's really sudden, so I'll pass on this one. If I went to such a place, I would get so nervous that I would faint... By the way, why do you even know of such stablishments?

    Mariabell: It's a secret.

    Ronku: *Sigh*... Anyway, please do think of other ways.

    Mariabell: Ufufu, very well. Then, I will think about a much more normal way. I will help you, since you are such a dear friend, ok?

    Ronku: Friend... You mean, you and I?

    Mariabell: I don't think there is anyone else who could match the description.

    Ronku: Fu... We don't even get close to each other, yet we are friends. How comical... But... It's not that bad.

    Mariabell: Ufufu, that's good then.

    Sorry it's messy. It's been ages since I last took part in a forum. If anyone wants to take it and organize it more neatly, please feel free to do so.

    Anyway, it's kinda hard to translate Mariabells refined speech, but I tried the best I could. I hope you guys enjoy it.

  12. Hello there. I'm new in the forums, and have just recently started playing Kakusei. I have some understanding of basic japanese (as well as little bit of advanced), so I would be glad to help. Translating things I like are also a nice way to keep me in form, otherwise my knowledge might just rust. If there's anything you guys want translated, feel free to ask, just give me a link for the script. There are just 2 notes: 1) I'm a university student, so if I'm busy I might take some time to finish the translation and 2) neither japanese nor english are my native language, so there might be some mistakes. If you're fine with that, then by all means feel free to make request.

    See ya~

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