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Posts posted by bookwormbabe29

  1. Sure, no problem. I appreciate the help, really. It's fascinating to me how codes work. I'd love to learn codes on how to do supports as well, but I'm guessing that is more complicated, eh?

    If I'm not being too nosy, what's your paper on? I was once an English Professor, and I dealt with a lot of different papers lol. No pressure if you don't want to talk though, just me being nosy, as I said.

  2. Wow, that's a lot of details needed....are the codes that specific?

    Ok, I am using Visualboy advance.

    I'd like to delete Roy's B support with Wolt, Lilina'a C support with Wendy, Sue's B support with Wolt.

    Roy is in first slot. Lilina is second. Sue is third. Wolt can be 4th, and Wendy 5th to make it easier (I would think).

    Does that help? Anything I can supply?

  3. Hi there!

    Yes, cheating is bad, etc. However, I would like to use some codes to 'fix' my supports, as I think I've screwed them up quite a bit. I was not aware of the 120 point limit per chapter, and did a few early supports I now regret (like supporting characters I don't plan on using ever again). Then I did learn of the limit, and in a blind panic I made 'quick' supports to have something, and made some poor choices. I was hoping to find some codes/way to delete bad supports, and add in ones that well, don't ****. I found some codes over at gamefaqs, but I can't seem to make them work and don't know if it is the codes or me. Any help would be appreciated!

  4. Hey all!

    Quick questions. I'm still learning this game, and I want to make sure I understand the difference from FE7. I just made it to chapter 6, and have my first prep screen. I see now that Merlinus takes a spot in this game, which seems a waste of a unit, really. I have read I can still send items to storage even if he is not deployed. You just can't use your storage items in that battle, which frankly, I never do anyway.

    Question 1, is this true? I can never deploy him and still send items to him, and access them in the next prep screen?

    Question 2. I notice there is a shop option in my prep menu. It sells iron weapons, fire tomes, heal staffs. Is this ALWAYS there? I tend to well, over buy on the basic iron weapons and etc. so I always have a spare. But if I can always buy this stuff, that changes a lot of things. Any information on this shop, such as if its wares change (and when if they do) would be a BIG help in planning out my strategies.

    Sorry for the newb questions, but knowing this stuff for sure would make things a bit easier now. Thanks for your time!

  5. I've read a bit on this game, and several times now I've seen people mention how important it is to keep turn order to a minimum, to beat chapters fast as possible. Why is this? What's so important about winning fast?

    I usually wait a LOT to build up supports, and since I hear supports are vital in this game for survival, beating the game fast seems a contradiction.IF anyone could clear this up, I would most appreciate it.

  6. Hehe, I'm usually the one who makes topics like this one.... :)

    Since this is on the front page, I won't make another. I will hijack it (unless anyone raises an objection) to ask a newbie question or two.

    1. I ask this on every game, but how many units can you typically field on this game's maps? Or put another way, I'm trying to decide how many units to use.

    2. How crucial are supports in this game? I was told that A) There are no double endings in this game, so i figured supports not as a big deal, and then B) the stat boosts are near crucial for surviving on later maps, so you need to support early. What's the real deal here? Are supports that vital in this game?

    Any advice/tips/hints/etc are welcome, of course, but the above would be wonderful to know. Thanks for the help!

  7. Hi there! Some of you may remember I was on a 'play every fire emblem game' run a while back. I finished the SNES era, and well, I had to take a break as my wedding was getting close and I had to work on you know, planning that. Then I got sick, was in an accident...pretty much life kicked me around a bit. Still, after a long time away, I am resuming my run. I played FE7 (Blazing sword) to get me back into the swing of things, having beaten than game to death many a time before. I also wanted to refresh my memory for when I now play this game, I can see all the hints for FE7.

    But one thing I am noticing as I begin looking into this, is that there are some 'subtle' references, without being blatant. It's never clearly stated who Roy's mother is, for example. I would love to build a team around the kids of my old favorites, and would love to know what details we do KNOW, and what is speculated. I can't find this information at the moment, though I could have SWORN I had seen something like this on the site before. Did I imagine this? Am I going crazy? If anyone can shed some light on this, I would be most appreciative!

  8. Ok, finally onto game number 5 in my Fire Emblem play through! Holy War was quite an interesting title, so I have high hopes going into this game. Any way, I'll start this topic off asking the standard "anything you would want to know if you were just starting out?" question, requesting any tips, tricks, or advice you feel so inclined to give. Thanks for your help, as always!

  9. Well, after a little break due to real life issues, I finally finished the Holy War! Now as the patch doesn't have an english ending of all silliness, I read the scripts on here. But I did have two questions, I wanted to ask about. (spoilers for the end)

    1. I paired Serlis/Celice up with Tinny (who was Azel/Tiltyu's kid) and from what I can tell from following the ending while reading the scripts, Celice doesn't get her as a "wife" in the ending, for she goes to Freege to inherit those lands. Can anyone confirm this? I mean, every other pairing seemed to work as expected but this one, and it annoys me a tad as I don't know what happened, if there is a 'special' ending where they still marry and she gets the lands there, or what. (for the record, arthur seems to take up Velthomer's land with his lover). Are there other endings where this happens?

    2. What is the deal with Levin? I figured we'd learn why he had such a change in character at some point, and the ending makes it sound like he is now one of the dragon kind, a warrior from a distant land, etc. I am utterly confused by this. Does any anyone have any theories?

    I have some real life stuff to work out first, but after a little break i'll make a new post about starting up FE5, and playing with Leaf a bit more... :)

  10. Ok, I managed to get those two to trigger. Thanks!

    My new problem is again with pairings. I had planned on sec gen pairings, and my characters seem to disagree with my choices by following in love with others (notably Serlice/Celice with Lana) when I had hoped for him to pair with Tinny. I thought to try the jealousy system, but it looks like the second gen isn't as detailed as the first gen. So I thought tot try cheat codes, but even when I pair them together with codes, the fortune teller still says "celive is in in love with Lana" and what not. I'm not sure what consequences there could be using these codes, and was wondering if anyone had used the codes, or knew of any other way to manipulate the pairings in second gen. Suggestions/ideas?

  11. I don't know if anyone can answer this, but here goes. I'm on chapter 8, and there are two conversations I can't seem to trigger. The first is Fee's hidden conversation with her pegasus. Just WHERE am I supposed to wait? Any hints? Second, Leaf mentioning that "female dragon rider" (Altenna) no matter where I move him. Any ideas how to trigger either of these?

  12. Ok, at the risk of being called a cheater, does anyone know of any money codes for this game? I'm on chapter 7, and there is a LOT of stuff at shop, and I hate leaving stuff behind. I found one guide for codes on gamefaqs, but some of the codes don't work (notably the ones for 'multiple characters' including Johalva, Yuria, Oifaye, Shannon, and presumably Finn '2' and Hannibal). I don't like cheating, but i don't like not getting everything either, so i'm torn. Is it silly to buy weapons i will never use? Yes. Am I still tempted? Yes. Any suggestions/tips are welcome!!

  13. Oh crud, another decision so soon!? Johan or Johalva....crud i hate making these kind of choices. They both look sound on paper, but I'm more interested in story. I 've tried both recruit options now, and Johan seems to be a ditzy romantic chasing after Lacke despite her having no interest, where she does seem to be interested in Johalva. Am I reading this right, or reading too much into this?

    Anyway, any suggestions? My initial reaction was Johan as i liked his movement and face better, but after reading the recruit convo's i'm tempted to go with Johalva. Not sure though, hence the call for ideas.

  14. Well, it seems I have expectations to meet for this post, so let me just say.... WHAT THE *$%& JUST HAPPENED?!


    Ok, I kind of figured things were not going to go well with each conversation that came up in chapter five, but THIS? I figured the tragic twist would involve Deidre getting killed and not remembering Sigured and son, but THIS? The bad guy just...won! The good guys were wiped out, and the bad guy wins!? AM I THE ONLY ONE HAVING A PROBLEM WITH THIS!?


    Sorry for the caps use, but I am shocked. I finished it last night, but I couldn't wrap my head around it until today. I replayed it again, just to make sure I didn't miss something. I keep thinking stuff like "Well, what about those Return rings I have? Can't we just warp back to the base?" and what not. I just can't bear to see this happen, and part of me wants to /ragequit. But I NEED to know how this game can continue, so i'll keep going. It's just painful. And maybe I'm being a sap feeling for characters in a game, but damn it, I do.

    To motivate me to keep playing I read up a bit about gen 2, trying to get me to love these new characters, and one thing i read left me with questions. I knew FE5 is a spin off type of game, but one thing said there were hinted at pairings in THAT game for this game, such as Nanna and Leaf. Are there a lot of those? I would like to make sure my FE 4 pairings don't conflict with FE5 so I don't go all crazy when I get to that game, if that makes sense.

    My other question is that it seems that some people survive chapter 5 massacre in the canon, others go missing, and others just die. I'm confused as to how that happens. I read some of it, but I was curious to what others thought of this, and who do we KNOW lived/died/etc and what not. There's so much left behind the scenes in this decade plus gap, and i want to KNOW. Does that make sense?

    Anywho, I'm on to chapter 6. Hopefully I won't lead this team to their deaths, eh?

  15. Well, I'm nearing the end of chapter five with more and more dread now. I'm doing the final check on my inheritance items now, and a few questions arise.

    First off, I'm looking over the list, I realized none of the kids can inherit Class A spears/lances, or A staffs. Does that mean items like Claude's Fortify staff is lost? Or would Corple (going to be Claude's son) hopefully get Major Holy blood and get Valkyrie and Fortify?

    Likewise on holy weapons; does Brigid's son (Faval, I think) always get the ichival bow? levin's son (Sety) always get Holsety? I think so, but I want to make sure.

    Finally, I have everything covered but axes (which I guess can pass on) and a rank A silver lance. Since I can't pass these down, they go to shops/bosses/etc in gen 2 as I understand it. Do the items keep their usage/kills, or all those stats lost?

    Thanks for the help! :)

  16. OH NO!!


    I'm on chapter five now, and Cuan and Ethlin... I can't save them! I have been trying for an hour to do so, and I can't do it! I looked up a guide for tips....and well, it flat out said it can't be done. I'm so ANGRY. I LIKE these people, and now i have to stand by and watch them die?! That just ticks me off royally. I am NOT happy now.

  17. Crud. Quick question. The love machine that is Fin (who is messing up my pairings) doesn't give points once he leaves, yes? So if I stop goofing around in chapter 3 and finish it quick, he will stop making the ladies fall in love with him from across the battlefield?

    Second question. I read the calculations page on how parents stats help children's, but i understood little of it. In general, how big a difference does this make? I mean, is one point either way going to change anything, or is it closer to a 3/1 ration, or 10/1 ratio? I don't need a complicated answer (as math and i don't get along) I was just curious to how this worked in lay man's terms.

  18. Hello all, me again!

    Thanks for all the tips for the battle! I ended up warping a force back to the home castle, and sending them straight north up the mountain path, and had them take out the ballista's that way while my main force fought the army in the pass. I had forgotten about my silence staff, but that plan worked well, so thanks to those who suggested it.

    I have more issues, though, as what would be a post from without asking something? :)

    One, i've encountered two seemingly minor conversations that didn't translate well in my patch; a conversation with the neutral mackily solider, and then an odd not listed when I had Elthin warp Aideen to the home castle; it said something like "Aideen teleports to lover Midir" which was true, as midir was at the castle, but I haven't seen anything like this before or since, and didn't know if that was too it as it looked weird. Anyone know more about these?

    Second, I'm FINALLY on chapter 3, and the guides i am using to make sure i don't miss anything are telling me to take anything important off Diedre/Diadora, Cuan, Ethlin, and Fin. Now it's spoiler free so I don't know WHY of course, but I've played enough games to know that usually means they are leaving the party for some time. I'm assuming they come back, as other wise shouldn't i put items on Cuan/Ethlin to pass down to their kids?

    A follow up to that, are there any suggested items i pass down onto kids? I'm likely using the following pairs:








    and obviously, Cuan/Ethlin and Sigurd/Diedre(Diadora).

    With Cuan and co. leaving, possibly for good, I am starting to plan this out, and was wondering if there are any recommendations /suggestions. Any input is appreciated, as always!

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