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Posts posted by hinode

  1. It's been over a decade since I played Gaiden so take this with a huge grain of salt, but IIRC effective weapons are 3x might as usual. This means that the generic 0 mt bow does nothing extra to fliers.

    The one glaring exception to this is Falcon Knights vs monsters, perhaps since they might not have a weapon equipped. So instead they get 3x attack power, which winds up being completely insane if you do have a good lance equipped.

  2. 1 hour ago, freewaffles said:


    I still prefer Pally/Pally, because you can pump Authority and still have time for C-Armor rating.  But eve in that situation, the comparison is:  1 move, 1 strength, 2 dex, 1 attack Speed, 2 res versus 3 HP and 6 defense. 

    For Sylvain (and Ferdi who is pretty close to identical) Pally/Pally over Warrior/Great Knight is at least debatable.

    The big glaring problem with Warrior/GK as a path is that you're stuck as a 5 move infantry for the entire L20-L29 phase. Even if a Paladin's AS isn't that great for part of the game, they at least get the benefit of 8 move+canto for that duration.

    The game doesn't just begin once you hop into your endgame class, and neither characters nor their class choices should be evaluataed as if only L30+ performance matters.

  3. So far Crimson Flower is the only route I've beaten through endgame, and the last two maps of that route (especially 17, yeesh the terrain on that stage) really do make fliers the dominant combat option outside of siege magic, which you only get a few shots of per-map. If you're on a self-imposed challenge to see every single map gimmick and fight every single monster unit possible, then sure, go ahead and make a team full of earthbound War Masters or whatever. But fliers backed by mages with warp/physic/Meteor/etc. are pretty self-evidently the best choice for anything resembling a fast playthrough for those stages.


    I say this as someone who's only done one mostly blind playthrough of CF and thus didn't have the foresight to actually make that optimal team comp, but it was pretty noticable how much more effective that one flier I did have was; she could zoom around and target pretty much whoever I want while everyone else was stuck slowly slogging through rough terrain.

  4. AoE specials are extremely practical in Rival Domains/Grand Conquest specifically. With the recent changes, you want to get most of your kills on player phase anyways, especially for newly spawned formations.

  5. 19 hours ago, Tybrosion said:

    Joke is on the both of you, as Louise will clearly beat both of those guys and get in FEH first because waifu appeal. And do you want to know the sad part? I’m pretty sure IS actually follows that kind of logic based off of a good portion of their previous decisions.

    Louise placed higher than both Erk and Rath in CYL2 so it wouldn't be surprising if she were added first. In fact, she came fifth among votable FE7 chars. Blame Mangs.

  6. 13 hours ago, nocturnal YL said:

    Is it possible to miss items like this if I open a chest and leave the room without collecting it? I think I did make sure to collect every treasure box items, but I can imagine it to be easy to miss the cogs, thinking those are just the very common silver coins.

    Thankfully, it's not. I realized I was missing one cog in Act 6 and ended up finding it in the Dragon Shrine. I had opened up the chest without actually picking up the cog, but it was still there on the floor when I went back for it.

  7. Definately getting the Deliverance pack, and probably the CIpher chars just on principle since I was convinced they'd be JP-only.

    Exp/gold DLC is a definate no, I'm content with grinding in maingame dungeons. Also having two of them (with seemingly no character dialogue, unlike the Awakening/Fates grinding maps) feels like a cashgrab to me, the kind of thing I definately don't want to encourage.

    I miiight consider the second Starshard map if the dungoen looks interesting, but leaning no at the time.

    The overclass DLC is crazy expensive as a whole, they feel like a bad deal unless the dungeons they come with end up being really good. I might consider the Alm/Celica ones out of pure character favoritism but otherwise no.

  8. 22 hours ago, Jedi said:

    I'm talking to the Source Gaming guys and literally the only people worried about these lower sales numbers are devoted FE people, everyone else is like "this seems alright". 

    Kinda interesting to me I guess.

    Makes sense to me. 3DS game sales, in general, are lower than their DS counterparts, often significantly so. And 131K week 1 is more than fine compared to other 3DS RPGs - Bravely Second sold 100K week one for a comparison, and that was two years ago.

    Awakening and Fates were exceptions to 3DS trends, which is what made them such a big deal even though they their raw numbers were well short of Mystery of the Emblem in Japan alone. Echos isn't performing like a blockbuster in JP, but its sales are still quite good for a 3DS RPG.

  9. Side stories to flesh out the plots of secondary characters or major NPCs would be my number one wish. The various standalone Fates DLC maps would be a decent model for this.

    Not particularly interested in new DLC classes at the moment, though I suppose an axe user would have novelty value. Bringing in Anna or more Archanea characters as DLC characters might be interesting; I believe they already have a perfectly good map sprite for Marth, based on the LE bundle pins, for starters...

  10. What struck me about Faye's ending is that she's the only one of the villagers to go back to Ram in the end, whereas Kliff travelled the world while Grey and Tobin become knights in the unified Valentian army. It gives me the sense that they (much like Alm) grew up and matured over the course of the war, while Faye remained the same, clinging to her childhood life.

    This ties into what happened in her A support with Alm; what he explicitly rejected there was going back to the village, saying he had things he wanted to do in the outside world. Faye reacted to this by acting like returning to her old village was even more important to her than staying alongside Alm, even at a point where she presumably isn't aware that he's destined to unify the continent or marry a way prettier childhood friend whom he had been consistently more attached to as a young kid.

    This makes Faye a thematic contrast not only to Alm but to the other three villagers he grew up with. Her ending is sad, yes, but it does make sense given her unwillingness to grow up when everyone else in her circle of childhood friends did. If she's going to cling so tightly to her hometown at all costs, it makes sense that she would have trouble giving up on her childhood crush who's gone on to much bigger and better things.

  11. We've already seen from the PAX East footage that Steel Sword reduces speed by 1 and Iron Bow reduces speed by 2.

    The big quirk to tome weight in Gaiden which I presume will carry over to this game is that IIRC the mages would always default to Fire on enemy phase, regardless of what you used on player phase. This made heavy spells like Aura and Ragnarok less of a liability than they would be in more conventional FEs with equipment weight.

  12. 3 hours ago, Koumal8 said:

      Am I the only one who is actually starting to question the choice to include Lords (and Avatars) in the poll? Let's leave aside the fact that I don't particularly like most of them: they dominate the competition so much it's not even funny. I think it would have been a much more interesting poll had hey decided to leave them out.

      Also, FE4 did so bad I'm kind of changing my mind about a possible FE4 remake... so little love for my little gem... :cry:

    If remakes were made based on popularity then surely Gaiden of all things wouldn't be getting one right now. Now there's a game that's never done well on any FE popularity polls that I've ever seen.

  13. 7 minutes ago, Party Moth said:


    Full results here for anyone interested.

    'Masked Marth' coming in at 52 was my first WTF moment when scrolling through the results. 5400+ people seriously voted for that?

    Sigurd is the highest ranking Genealogy character at 55, followed by Ayra at 64. Next is... Arden at 93? That has to be meme votes.

    Binding Blade chars in the top 100 are Roy, Lilina, Lot (what the heck? is he some sort of jp meme?), and Sophia.

    Nobody from Gaiden or Thracia in the top 100 at all.

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