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Posts posted by Lenh

  1. Seconding that, take a look inside FEBuilder's animation Editor and view/play around with commands and editing a script from there. The codes and requirements are very well annotated/documented within FEBuilder.

    (I could've sworn there was some text documentation on the animation script format, but can't find it at the moment.) Found it! Didn't realize it was FEditor era, but still might be useful.


  2. Admittedly Creative has more traffic 


    It looks a lot like a recolored Denning chibi with a few alterations.

    Main notes would be:

    - use more of the colors/shades you have in the fullsize mug, particularly on the face and the headpiece

    - replace the bit of leftover collar from Denning with the burgundy collar Bramimond has, so chibi matches the fullsize


  3. 11 hours ago, LaurentLacroix said:


    Is it correct ?

    Yep, looks good!

    I would like to do #9, #28, and Mr. Mustachio specifically, I've got other random preferences or you can just give me a row or about 7 more you aren't eager to bother with, and I'll knock 'em out on Saturday/Sunday when I've got time again. They all look pretty straightforward.

    I was pretty eager to fiddle with #28 so I went ahead and did 'em earlier. Think this was before your color reductions and I did it my own way, let me know if you'd rather I preserve the shading and colors you already have instead of playing around with it.


    Mug blitz is here: https://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?/topic/79457-mugging-blitz-round-1/


  4. Some of these are pretty nice!

    With making/getting frames, I've found it easiest just to splice in the base mouth/eyes from whatever your source mug was, or reference it strongly when you're drawing them in (sheet*: http://i.imgur.com/TwEvuNP.png, from Toa's tutorial: https://www.reddit.com/r/fireemblem/comments/2jag7e/toaomrs_splicing_tutorial/). 

    Chibis are the same, although plan B is to make them from scratch, so you'd select a 64x64 area of the original mug, reduce to 32x32, and smooth it out. (Reference sheet: http://i.imgur.com/IbGJl0Q.png.

    I'd be glad to do a few as you're offering to free-to-use license them. Do you mind them being submitted to the mug blitz?

  5. It's a decision you get to make. Sprites typically get flipped so if you want to emphasize right/left handedness you'll need to create an alternate sprite for the flip (or never flip) if that's important to you.

    Vanilla sprites have the weapon in the hand farther from the player, though some riders have them in the near hand as they'd be obscured otherwise. Lyn does near hand too, but then I guess she's special.

  6. 8kxriLn.png

    Natalie, Hawkeye, Hausen, King Zephiel

    Optional Theme: Western

    Deadline: Sunday, October 29th, 2017


    Competition Rules:

    • The contest theme is optional. The theme is provided as an additional option and is not mandatory.
    • No large "full custom" (made from scratch) areas, parts, or pieces. The final result should be made of and identifiable to areas from the source mugs. If you feel like your entry may be considered "questionable" to others, you are allowed to post work-in-progress screenshots or other visual proof of your process.
    • Only use the given set of mugs; other mugs are not allowed. You may, however, elect to use fewer than the amount of given mugs. (Ex: 4 mugs are given, but you only use 3.)
    • Recommended color limit: 16 (15 on your mug +1 for background). This is rule is flexible, but being cautious with your color count as a general rule of thumb for good pixel art. You are allowed to deviate from the standard FE color choices if you wish to do so, as well.
    • Don't vote for yourself, or I will cry sad tears devoid of mod power. Seriously, if you think none of the other entries are worth a vote, please select the "abstain vote" option.
    • Hosts may enter contests As a public poll is used as the voting platform, hosts receive no benefits or unfair advantages from running the contest.
    • Only 1 entry per member. However, you may edit your entry while the contest is still active. Please edit your first post, or quote the most recent entry you wish you submit for clarification, or the wrong entry may be submitted for voting.

    A public poll (users can view voted results) will be put up once the entry period has ended.
    Voting consists of 2 categories: 'Best in Theme' (single choice) and 'Favorites' (multiple choice).

    'Winner' is the popular vote for 'Best in Theme' and the runners-up are taken from the most popular two from both voting categories. If there is overlap (e.g. 2nd place is the same participant for both categories), a weighted average of the total votes will determine the remaining runner-ups.

    The winner of the contest will choose the next theme and a mug, and runners-up will choose the remaining mugs once the theme has been decided. If you have been selected to choose a mug for the next set, please try to limit choices to actual portraits and not shopkeepers, blank/placeholders, or dragon Idoun.

    In the past, there has been a lot of conflict surrounding what does and doesn't constitute proper splicing techniques. This is not the venue to repeat that argument (if you're interested in it, please look at old rounds between 50 and 65). Please remember to allow participants the freedom to experiment and find their comfort zone in splicing. Give them votes when you believe they're successful, but do not use their entry as a platform to tell the world what you don't like.
    If you have any questions or concerns, please PM the current host.

  7. Currently, it's a 4-way tie between all entrants for Best in Theme! (Great job everyone~)

    Lt. Smirks'


    wins Popular Choice with near 100% favorability and will get to choose next theme and a mug in this case as there was a tie-to-break. Co-Best in Theme winners risingSolaris, Kramy, and ErrantShepherd will each get to choose a mug for the next round as well.

  8. Cv82frC.png

    L'Arachel, Karla, Narcian, Tethys

    Optional Theme: Unusually Happy!

    Deadline: Sunday, October 8th, 2017


    Competition Rules:

    • The contest theme is optional. The theme is provided as an additional option and is not mandatory.
    • No large "full custom" (made from scratch) areas, parts, or pieces. The final result should be made of and identifiable to areas from the source mugs. If you feel like your entry may be considered "questionable" to others, you are allowed to post work-in-progress screenshots or other visual proof of your process.
    • Only use the given set of mugs; other mugs are not allowed. You may, however, elect to use fewer than the amount of given mugs. (Ex: 4 mugs are given, but you only use 3.)
    • Recommended color limit: 16 (15 on your mug +1 for background). This is rule is flexible, but being cautious with your color count as a general rule of thumb for good pixel art. You are allowed to deviate from the standard FE color choices if you wish to do so, as well.
    • Don't vote for yourself, or I will cry sad tears devoid of mod power. Seriously, if you think none of the other entries are worth a vote, please select the "abstain vote" option.
    • Hosts may enter contests As a public poll is used as the voting platform, hosts receive no benefits or unfair advantages from running the contest.
    • Only 1 entry per member. However, you may edit your entry while the contest is still active. Please edit your first post, or quote the most recent entry you wish you submit for clarification, or the wrong entry may be submitted for voting.

    A public poll (users can view voted results) will be put up once the entry period has ended.
    Voting consists of 2 categories: 'Best in Theme' (single choice) and 'Favorites' (multiple choice).

    'Winner' is the popular vote for 'Best in Theme' and the runners-up are taken from the most popular two from both voting categories. If there is overlap (e.g. 2nd place is the same participant for both categories), a weighted average of the total votes will determine the remaining runner-ups.

    The winner of the contest will choose the next theme and a mug, and runners-up will choose the remaining mugs once the theme has been decided. If you have been selected to choose a mug for the next set, please try to limit choices to actual portraits and not shopkeepers, blank/placeholders, or dragon Idoun.

    In the past, there has been a lot of conflict surrounding what does and doesn't constitute proper splicing techniques. This is not the venue to repeat that argument (if you're interested in it, please look at old rounds between 50 and 65). Please remember to allow participants the freedom to experiment and find their comfort zone in splicing. Give them votes when you believe they're successful, but do not use their entry as a platform to tell the world what you don't like.
    If you have any questions or concerns, please PM the current host.

  9. Aaand the winner by a close race is Lt. Smirks'


    edging out Errant Shepherd's merc mug by one vote!

    Also, crcs sprite meido's


    takes Popular Choice with 79% popularity! Runners up (based on vote total) are Blue Druid and Errant Shepherd. Lt. Smirks will get to choose next theme and a mug, while Meido, Blue Druid, and Errant will each get to choose a mug for the next round. Great turnout this round, and thanks to all who participated!

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