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Posts posted by Xixiel

  1. Ivan: Well I certainly didn't flame him! He flamed me! He's only a -2 on my Fail Scale (which he also flamed), but his score may decrease in the future if he keeps flaming everything I say.

    Shuuda: What do you think is so wrong with telling people how they stand with me? It's helpful for people to know when they've said something that puts them on my bad side (Or my good side, if they're nice). I reported your post, but I have no intention of doing more than that. You also said you'd stop flaming me if I gave you a "dignified" response. I've given you THREE counting this one, and just becuase you don't agree with it doesn't mean it's not "dignified". The only reason you're not lower than -2 on my Fail Scale is because I respect you as a person, which is apparently not returned. If you continue to flame me, I'll continue to report your posts, and your Fail Scale score will continue to decline. Hopefully you'll stop before it reaches -10. By the way, you said that people don't "fail" just because they're not nice to me. However, considering people other than me are reacting negatively to this, I'd say "fail" is appropriate.

    Everyone who's trying to stand up for me but making things worse inadvertantly: Thank you for trying, but I can handle something like this myself WITHOUT flaming. Just because the post count doesn't increase here doesn't mean you can flame back at him. Even the SPAM section of the forum has rules on this sort of thing.

  2. I've played/watched a random assortment of video games/movies from 7:00 PM to 9:00 AM with breaks only to get Doritos and Bawls and change games.

    14 hour LAN parties are the best! Especially when you look at a screen for 13 of the 14 hours, and a wallscreen for 3!

    Games that I played:

    Warcraft 3: Frozen Throne

    Counter Strike 1.6

    Starcraft: Brood War

    Guitar Hero 3


    Monty Python and the Holy Grail

    Family Guy episodes

    Some people may find it hard to believe one could occupy themselves with that...

    However, If you try it, you'll probably enjoy it!

  3. 2 straight hours of forum surfing isn't my best record, but it's pretty amazing since I have the attention span of a 3 year old with ADD...

    The longest I've ever sat and done one thing was 4 hours replaying level one of the Hunter levels in the Lost World: Jurassic Park game for PlayStation over and over for no apparent reason...

    In case you have no clue, I mean THIS game:

    I can't believe I actually managed to find the clip of the level itself...

    Feel free to tell me to get a life, as I'll just shoot you down. I LIKE having no life! It's fun!

    Just so this won't be marked as spam, I'll ask you this question:

    What's the longest amount of time you've done a single thing for?

    Bathroom breaks and food breaks will not be counted as breaking the streak, but switching activities will.

  4. Why don't you talk about something more constructive?


    Is it possible to be a ****head, an ***hat and a *****mouth all at once, and if so, is your body severly deformed?

    If 2 + 2 = 4, then why do people say "So I put 2 and 2 together..." and follow it up with something other than 4?

    Do penguins have knees?

    And many more...

    I didn't put the "If a Tree Falls In The Forest And No One's Around To Hear It" question because that's been resolved as a no... really!

    What we call sound is simply an interpretation of vibrations in the air by our ears, so sound doesn't exist outside our ears.

    Therefore, since the tree isn't near us, the vibrations don't reach us and it DOESN't make a sound!


    You can thank me for the lesson later!

    NOTE: Ok so only the Tree thing is constructive... but the stuff I said is better anyway!

  5. If you're on US East I'll play with you. I'm a decent Protoss, and I prefer Lost Temple and BGH.

    I also play CS:S, TF2, and Insurgency. Plus, if I get enough motivation to hook up my Xbox, I also play Halo 3 and some CoD4.

  6. Say your a youtube celebrity, like 10,000,000,000 Subscribers famous and someone gave you a bag full of cash to say some stuff you don't believe...would you say it?

    YOUR ANSWER: If I were that popular I'd probably be rich anyway, and people would give me large amounts of money to say things I DO believe in.

    "3... 2... 1... ACTION!"

    "Hi, I'm Xixiel, and I saved 15% on my car insurance by switching to Geico! *thumbs up*"

    "CUT! That's BRILLIANT! Here's a bag full of cash!"

    I think the moral here is that money is... what... I'm going to use to buy a new computer so I can play Crysis on a graphics setting higher than Medium!

  7. Do you actually do sad things like that? Degrading people who are not ultra nice to you.

    I lower people's ratings on the -10 to 10 Fail Scale (which I believe to be a fitting name) when I don't get along with them, and I lower it even more when I see that others feel the same way I do about said person. Also, I do something called INCREASE ratings when people say NICE things. I don't consider being hostile toward new users being NICE. Consider yourself lucky that you're still at -2 instead of -5 (Pretty Nasty) or -10 (Mortal Enemy).

    Now I think this would be a good time to say LET'S DROP IT! This is the Introduction Forum, not the Argue With Shuuda Forum...

  8. Thanks for telling me where the Search button is. I expected it to be somewhere near the bottom of the topic list or immediately above it.

    DotA stands for Defense of the Ancients. It's a custom map for Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne.

  9. Socialism is not necessarily the enemy of Capitalism since it's one of the more moderate Marxist ideas. Seeing how lots of Socialist countries are doing fine, I think it wouldn't be half bad to at least implement some Socialist ideas into our current system. Unfortunately there is no such thing as a perfect government, so really no matter what we do someone is going to be upset. I figure it will be the rich people who would oppose the implementation of Socialism. As far as I can see, they wouldn't lose anything they couldn't gain back easily enough; they'd just stop gaining as much (like tens of millions of dollars isn't enough)...

    So, I'm going to say YES.

    NOTE: I see no reason to flame this topic anyway. It's not like he's recruiting us for a Socialist movement; he's just putting it out there to discuss...


    How many people do you think actually post something COHERENT in the intro forum anyway?

    Besides, "HI THERE! XD XD XD XD XD XD" is not spam, as nothing is really spam in the intro forum since some people only say "Hi...".

    You didn't even really welcome me. Two lines of criticism for a post that doesn't even go toward the post count and my choice of generic welcome? Congrats on giving me a bad first impression. I hope you redeem yourself in the future. :P

    **Shuuda's score was changed from 0 (Neutral) to -2 (Somewhat Disliked) on the -10 to 10 Fail Scale**

    And a quick thank you to everyone who gave me nice welcomes! Your scores have been changed from 0 (Neutral) to +1 (Nice Person) on the -10 to 10 Fail Scale.

  11. Does anyone here play DotA? All my friends have stopped playing DotA for World of Warcraft and my clan only has four or five active people in it. If anyone plays DotA regularly on the Azeroth (US East) Gateway, feel free to PM me for a game.

    My info:

    Name: MechanicalClaw

    Gateway: Azeroth

    Clan: DotA Mechies (MECH)

    I'm usually online between 4:00 PM and 10:00 PM Eastern, usually at least twice in one night. On weekends, however, I'm on at random times throughout the day.

    NOTE: I would have done a search for any previous topics on DotA, but I didn't see any sign of a search button...

  12. I have to be the voice of reason here I guess...


    Cartoon Network is a business!

    Cartoon Network is not solely an anime station!

    I don't see why this is such a big deal anyway. I just watch everything online. No commercials, no bad dubbing and edits, and (in the case of Toonami) no robots saying pointless things at inopportune times.

    Was this meant to be a Cartoon Network bashing topic anyway? I thought it was just to show a funny video about Megas...

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