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Sacred Blaze

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Everything posted by Sacred Blaze

  1. Whoa, that's a big write up... Glad you're enjoying it though. Not really much for me to address here, but it's always interesting to hear how the stages go for other players. Prologue: Be thankful for NPC's being smart for you. Believe me, there are some runs in which they may as well not even be there with how stupid they can be. Chapter 6: I believe there is actually some dialogue at the beginning of the chapter that hinted (unless I forgot to add it in this version) if only very slightly of the possibility of reinforcements, but you're past it now, so I guess it doesn't matter. Also, don't worry about Nella too much. Chapter 7: I'll say this now that you're past it, but you could actually have left the stat boosters in Almer's storage to carry them over. You're probably going to end up using the characters once they come back though, so it's not that big of a deal. Chapter 8: I would attribute the three weeks to a combination of plot, plot and plot. Honestly, I've got no good answer. It's just the time-frame I chose. This is a time with magic healing staves, so I don't know what to say really. Her luck stat is high. Hmm, on that note about Katarina, her fast experience gain is due to a bug caused when you hack ROMs. I was actually thinking about fixing that to honest. Any thoughts on this? (Addressing anyone else here) I mean while it's good that she levels up quickly, but it does kind of lead to some odd level balancing stuff later in the game. But at the same time, in game that's shorter than the standard FE7, getting her light magic level up without it would be a pain, unless you promote her a lot earlier.
  2. Thanks for the feedback. Yeah, maybe, but I don't really know what I'd do to change around all of the item stats. Maybe I'll give that a go someday. I opted to just stick to the A rank light tome in the end, mostly because I found it difficult - outside of arena use, or using her a lot over others, to get Katarina to S in light. The only options for it would be her and Rayden anyway. But considering your point above, it might make a bit more sense to give the A rank one a bit of a buff in its attributes Yeah, you're probably right about that. I did balance things a bit too much with the growths in the end, although it wasn't how they used to be. The variances are still there, I believe, but maybe just not enough to make any real kind of difference in the long run, considering most characters will reach high levels. I did change some, I think. Probably not a lot though. Yeah, I didn't think it'd make that much of a difference, because outside the arena or low-manning, characters probably won't get to 20/20 except maybe on the final chapter. (Ordanze is the strong swordmaster, so maybe I will do that for him.) On that note about Skye, I think he definitely might be someone who needs the nerf hammer if I get around to it, because every time I use him, he gets blessed. I've never once had him stick to his averages. And yeah, I was on the fence about whether to give the 15% crit bonuses to those units, so that's something I might do. Fair point. It is annoying to have to grind up weapon ranks from E in the first place, especially in this GBA era with no arms scrolls. Shhhh. I was waiting to see if anyone else would find my support farm. (I had to check all the conversations somehow, right?) Other than that, there's just some background information there, nothing major. Just as a note anyways, whilst I probably won't be making any major overhauls to the game (new maps, characters etc), changing the small stuff is no problem for me, though it might take a while.
  3. Thanks for letting me know and for the support, man. Appreciate it.
  4. Yeah, I can get that. That's fair enough. But my thinking was this: When the characters from Val's mode return in Ash's mode, they're generally a lot stronger than most of your characters, so they can afford to miss a few stages and not fall too far behind. If not that, then you can switch around whatever units you deploy on certain stages. I believe there's enough experience to go around. If they do fall a little too far behind, there is an arena on chapter 18, where you can deploy 12 units other than Ash. One thing I've done with the enemies is that they only really get significantly stronger every two or three chapters. 12,13 and 14 are about the same, then 15 and 16 are, then 17, 18, 19 and 19x are, and from there on they start getting stronger every chapter, sort of. But from this point on you can always field about 12 or more units. This one's a bit of a weak reason, but there's only 30 (I think that's correct) units in the game. By chapter 14 you can deploy 9 of the 16 you have at the time. Chapter 15 gives you 11 out 20 you have. Looking at it now, there's no real reason for it to drop to 10 in chapter 16, considering you get more. Might change that. My advice, provided that you're not well beyond that point now, is to possibly bench Val and Alicia a little bit (unless they're terrible) and then alternate around who gets to fight. @felixng2015 People are telling me that there's only one other completed one. The Last Promise, I think it's called, by a guy called Blazer. That being said, the ones in development are looking good as well. @The Protagonist You can do that if you want, I don't really care. This might not apply to you, but some (most?) people are only going to play this once anyways, so getting the most out of the characters is probably better than not seeing most of them ever.
  5. Thanks for the semi-detailed impressions. I won't claim it to be a super original story in the first place anyway. It's basically just supposed to be my own version of an FE-like story. Yeah, the stuff with Ash isn't really supposed to be some sort of surprise or anything. He's had it coming from the prologue really. The difficulty was a lot easier to fine-tune in the earlier chapters with limited units and smaller maps anyways. RNG, man. Although, my recent few versions of her have all been terrible. :/ Lol at the last point. It took me about just under 2 years, I think. It was actually a remake of an earlier version of the same game that I made back in 2012, although that version of it was a lot worse. (like, seriously) On the point about the low number of units, I'm going to apologise in advance now for chapters 17, 19 and 19x. Although I thought it was fair in the earlier chapters. Any specific chapters that you think should have had more deployable units?
  6. Yep. Don't know how far you are, but the changes are effective as of chapter 14. (Andrei now rejoins with one) If you're further than that, the secret shop in chapter 18 will have Hero's Crests. There's also one in chapter 19 now. If you're further than that, then unfortunately, the issue will still be there.
  7. Yeah, I've just recently addressed some of the promotion item issues in the most recent update to the patch, or at least I hope its helped a little bit. Thanks for playing though. As for the difficulty, yeah there is a bit of drop from that point. I thought there were still a few hard chapters beyond that, but I found it a little difficult to balance against your good units without simply flooding you with enemy units. And if you ever do see yourself playing it again, I find that the hard mode (for Ash) at least does maintain a bit more of the difficulty from Val's mode because experience is a bit more scarce. I don't know how much experience you have with codebreaker codes, so I'll just try and say as much as I can here. Basically, in the emulator that you're using, there should be an option in the toolbar in the menu. (for me it's called "Cheat List" on Visual Boy) If you go in there should be an option to use a codebreaker code. From here you should refer to this link: http://www.gamefaqs.com/gba/468480-fire-emblem/faqs/31542 And go to the character codes section Then step-by-step: Figure out what slot the unit is in. The order that they're deployed in on the map, basically. (Example: The main lord is slot 1, character after that is slot 2 and so on) Find the code for whatever stat it is that is broken for the character in the said slot. Enter the code given into the section labelled "code" and replace the "ZZ" at the end with the hexadecimal value of whatever you want their stat to change to. If you're not sure about number to hex conversion, use this link: http://www.binaryhexconverter.com/decimal-to-hex-converter (Sorry posted the wrong link before) After you can confirm this, the units stats should change. At this point, it would be ideal to disable the code, so that it doesn't cause any issues later. If you don't get this, ask and I'll try and explain this a bit better or something. I'm sorry that you have to do this in the first place anyways.
  8. Nice and thanks for playing! Honestly, whilst I did think about extra material after I had finished, I just don't really have the time for anything like that anytime soon anymore. This one went through several drafts over the years before it could become what is now, so I'm a little burnt out on hacking for now anyways. Really glad the feedback has been positive so far though.
  9. Alright, I thought it might have been that. I think I'll switch around some things and add a new patch to the main post.
  10. You do. Because you get a decent amount of stat items in Val's mode, I wanted to make sure that they could be transferred over. Thanks for saying that. Now that I think about it, I do need to make some changes there, actually. Poor thinking on my part. Can I ask what promotion items you were lacking in? I'm guessing one was a hero's crest. I think you only get one, don't you? Even though there are 6 units that can promote with it. [spoiler=Super Plot Spoiler] There actually was at one point, but I couldn't figure out a way to really to make it make proper sense, unfortunately, so I just kind of gave up on it.
  11. Glad you enjoyed it enough to play it through until the end. I only really made him turn into a rogue because I thought it fit the character better. I think the "effective against infantry" is the default description for the Lord weapons actually, so I just left it. That's cool, I'll make sure to fix that. The little things always slip by with a big project like this. Honestly, chapter 7 isn't that bad, so don't worry about it too much. I had the chapter objective written like that from a long time ago, (when the hack was in a different state) and I just left it in as a "joke" of some sort.
  12. Yeah, Borz is right. His sword isn't that great. It's alright if you're using him and he's kind of struggling in speed or strength because of it's crit potential, but otherwise he's generally good enough that he doesn't need it that much. ...Yeah, as far as I'm aware, this is some weird kind of bug. In my Nightmare modules, his "tutorial" version has 0 resistance, and then his non-tutorial version has 2. So how it jumps up to >30 doesn't make much sense to me. As I had said in the readme file, this just seems to happen to one, or several, of those four characters.
  13. Glad you like it. I think the escape points are anywhere kind of just below where the "entrance" at the bottom-left of the map is. (Co-ordinates are [2,22] to [6,23]) Come to think of it, there's no actual pointer, is there? My mistake... And no, Ash isn't based off me, to answer that.
  14. Update: I've created a sheet with the available supports and split the growths list into two separate sheets now. Hopefully that should solve the problem. (Even if it's a long way of going about it.)
  15. Ah, thanks okay, I'll add that to the main post. For me, all of the options can be seen, like in the picture I posted, so I don't need to scroll. People can click on other tabs though, right? (From the ones that are visible?)
  16. Sorry to hear about that first part there, man. I've never actually had an experience like that, so I'm glad that it doesn't come off as stupid or offensive. And hmm, I'm not sure what I can do to solve that problem about the growths page. I might have to upload to separate things, maybe. If anyone's got any better solutions, I'm open to suggestions. EDIT: Also just noticed that Alyssa's growths sheet (to anyone that can see it) don't tell you anything, although I guess she's just a dancer, so it doesn't matter that much. But I'll edit it once I fix the other issue too.
  17. ??? Does the page not look like this? http://gyazo.com/8567a10ba3dc947e369e0b7cce352368 EDIT: Also, heh, I don't see myself working on another hack anytime soon.
  18. Yeah, the supports are actually listed on the growths sheet link in the main post. (The last tab) Of course though, they're only available as of chapter 9 and onwards.
  19. Thanks. I had feared that the story might get particularly weak as it got closer to the end, seeing as the ending is usually the most difficult bit, but I'm glad someone likes it. Yeah, good point. I'll do that. Damn it... Now I get what Wayward Winds was saying earlier when he posted something similar. Yeah, I guess he must have the wrong description text ID :/ I think his description should instead be "The leader of a low-time mercenary group. Hired to fight for Egardia."
  20. Wow, you're there already? Anyway, to open the doors on that chapter you have to step on the different looking tiles. (Like the one that's above the where the sniper is standing.) There are two more of these as well to step on behind the boss units. It's like the switch tiles on the chapter where you get Rath on Lyn's mode. (Unless they're not working either, which is bad) Sorry about that, I thought it would have been a bit more clear, even if nothing is said about it. Kill them, kill them all Nothing wrong with that. Assume anyway that, your people aren't actually killing them all. It doesn't affect anything either way. I actually think that something hardcoded in the game? But one way to get them back is to go (in prep screen) to Trade -> Select a character -> List. From here you can look everyone's items and take items from him, I think. It will say "Owner: Almer" at the top
  21. Oops... Thanks for pointing that out. I'll edit that in the original post. Sorry if anyone else didn't realise this and killed him or something (I really hope you didn't. He's the only thief you get.)
  22. Thanks guys. Also @Alfred Kamon: Just wanted to say that I've played your Midnight Sun project. Really enjoyed what you have so far. Looking forward to be able to play the full version someday. (soon?) ...Well, crap, I can see how that might be misleading actually. Valentine is a liar, don't listen to her. She also says something like this later, so for future reference, you should instead just take her saying that to be in the context of what's going on in the plot, not actually as any kind of objective. Now that you mention that though, maybe that could be something I'll consider for the future, if I ever do decide to make any major changes to this.
  23. I'll get on that. I did have something like that before, but It'll need some updating. EDIT: Alright, done. Link in the main post. Yeah, there are a lot of valuable items (Killing Edge, Killer Axe, Speedwings, Dragonshield, Secret Book) and a lot of enemies on that chapter, so I'd say it's more worth doing the stage the more natural way, especially if you're using any of the characters here.
  24. There are two secret shops in chapter 18 and 19x. And I guess the dancer character is sort of missable, but it's not too difficult. (Requires visiting a village in an earlier chapter.) Events? There are talk conversations between characters, but not all of them are particularly important. Just some conversations to give some background, details and such. The only ones that actually yield anything is a conversation in Ch.9 and getting some extra items from a boss in chapter 21. (Funnily enough, both of these events involve Katarina, the priestess.) Also, there's a different conversation if you send Keiran to the closest house in chapter 4, (New Age) which again isn't too important. Thanks. Interesting observation there about Andrei. Never really noticed that before. Might be because he causes a game over on death or something. And yeah, Clive is sort of a throwback to those early Lyn mode bosses, so maybe he should. True, I can't argue that they're overpowered. But it's not like you have to use them. (I'm assuming that you're talking about the pre-promotes, right?) And some people I know would really have trouble if they didn't have those two to rely on. Maybe only giving you one of them might have been a better solution though.
  25. Nah, don't worry, Marco isn't no thief. When I'm giving these chapter numbers, I guess I'm actually counting the prologue as just that. So when I say chapter 2, I actually mean chapter 2 as said on the save screen. That means the chapter titled "Courage Within". Anyway, I'll actually post details of the characters to recruit in the main post under a spoiler tag. @Willie: No, probably not. Just posting this here.
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