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Posts posted by Quick

  1. I hope it's okay to ask this here, but I'm currently on Chapter 6 on my Lunatic file and I'm starting to love this mode. It's not as challenging as I feared and it's fun once I actually use this thing called my brain. Anyways I have noticed that MUxLissa seems more probable than SojiroxSumia. (and Lon'quxPanne over Lon'quxCherche sadly) To cut things short, pairings won't matter too much in Postgame so I am assuming these pairings are what I should stick with if I plan to beat this mode without DLC grinding, right?

  2. How would it not be "canon" if it was within the game? I mean, I could understand if it was in the Outrealm gate, but the fact that Gangrel can help beat the final boss, and no eyebrows are raised, just brings up too many questions.

    Unless I'm missing a perfectly logical explanation somewhere, it takes a dump on a perfectly good story.

    Which sucks, especially seeing how they made a logical and reasonable explanation for Paralogue 21's appearance of you-know-who, but they couldn't do the same here?

    According to the official site Gangrel realized that Aversa was a spy, maybe this would urge him to hide in shame since he realized he could trust nobody.

    Even then, none of the sidequests, except for 21 and 23, have any realistic explanations anyways, and the next sidequest (I think that's with the one with the certain sage) honestly makes me cringe in the lack of sense the sidequest has.

    Emmeryn survives the fall? Really? I'm not trying to sound cruel but her staying dead would've given SOME MERITS for the plot, but nope, no merits whatsoever now.

  3. I'm only about halfway through Lunatic, but I found chapters 2-3 to be the hardest so far, but then again I started buying brave weapons and killing edges from Eliwood's SpotPass team the moment it became possible.

    Why I felt Chapters 2-3 were the hardest? Your units are still weak because you haven't had any time to level them up via story chapters/paralogues or DLC, (skirmishes are basically impossible on Lunatic mode) meaning Frederick and maybe the Avatar or Chrom will be the only units that can't be killed in one round.

    BTW I find Thracia 776 easier than Lunatic mode.

    I ended up almost Frederick soloing 1-4 with Chrom and MU only gaining 2 levels and Lissa gaining 5. I think I just need to redo the first few chapters to raise up everybody's level. I also heard Virion is very useful in Lunatic mode.

  4. One of the problems with this game IMO is the difficulty scaling. Hard mode is easy and Lunatic mode makes me scared to play Threcia 776. The first four chapters start easy...and then chapter 5 makes you extremely salty. I really hope this game gets easier later on like in FE10 otherwise this might be one of the hardest FE games I have ever played. (Don't get me wrong I love challenges, but this game right now in Lunatic is making me look like the biggest idiot on the entire planet)

  5. I hear the Kellam!Nah Morgan (Def+ Avatar)being thrown about for defensive characters, because she has the highest defensive caps in the game. She ends up with a +11 modifer to her defense, and as a General her Defense caps out at 61 without Limit Breaker

    Dragon slaying weapons seem like they will be a small issue with that, and especially with armor weaknesses it might suck for Morgan. Then again 61 defense is 61 defense and with Limit Breaker Oh Lord that's bulky.

  6. Honestly never found interest in skill sets like those, always seemed to defensive while lacking a skill that makes it hard to kill back, but I might try it on some non-armored unit sometimes.

    Anyways, this is MY best (soon to be) defensive character:

    Paladin Ephraim:

    Weapon: Brave Lance. (Forged and named Siegmund)

    Skills: Conquest, Res. +10, Limit Breaker, Luna, and Renewal.

    I recommend reclassing into a Tactician first before doing it so you get Veteran and get EXP more quickly, but yeah buying Ephraim Day 1 and this is the main reason.

  7. I have another question. How outclassed will the mommies and daddies get ingame/postgame.

    So far I like most of the parent characters more then the child characters. Parents are probably good ingame, but are they still worth it in the endgame chapters?

    I think this has been answered before very recently, or that might've been another topic, but I'll give my two cents anyways.

    No, most won't. Some, have advantages that many children can't take, such as Lon'qu's speed that makes him really good and gives him a different niche than the children. On this note, why give children units sets that parent units can use to the same effect anyways? Such as Libra being able to effectively pull off a Lifetaker+Renewal set. Why give Laurent that when he has the chance of a lifetime to be a godly healer?

  8. Lucina is the only female character who can get the skill, and she cannot pass it down to a female Morgan either (nor can any other potential female children from Chrom because they will only have Aether). If you have Rightful King, you must be related to royalty somehow even though you could be as many as 2 generations down the line, and barring Lucina, they will all be male.

    That explains everything. I guess it's more a title than an actual reference to the gender. I would assume that would be the most practical choice, seeing the timeline(s) this game takes place in.

  9. Owain's personal weapon is Missiletainn.

    Weak Beats Strong is now Underdog.

    Mug is now Despoil.

    Life Absorb is now Lifetaker.

    Support Boost+ is now Dual Support+.

    Royal Weapon is now Rightful King.

    Also, Owain uses some past game names as battle cries... he's super amazing.

    Divine King was a terrible name change, did they forget that many children units (one being a girl) ALSO get that skill?

  10. That depends entirely on where you live.

    Google your local sales tax (e.g. 8.75%), move the decimal two spots to the left (e.g. .0875) and multiply that by 2.50, then add 2.50. In that situation, it would be $2.72, but obviously this will vary if you live somewhere else.

    $2.75 for me, glad it seems if this is for the rest of the DLC I can afford all the DLC I want and maybe the Infinite Divine Weapon AND Entombed Heaven, but we shall see.

    "Back in MY day we didn't need no fancy time travel or casual mode or weapon ranks or plot or character development for the whole cast..."

    "Back in MY day we didn't use our own children to fight in a war either..."

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