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Posts posted by pichupal

  1. I THINK everything is updated. I'll try to update quickly tomorrow morning before work, but do try to check the last page to make sure you're doing something that's claimed. For all the people who like doing what's unclaimed, do try to post what you're planning on getting right before you do it - just to make it a bit clearer.

    I'll be working on the wiki and setting up the rest of the Season 1 claims this weekend.

    Uh.. pichu? You made a slight oppise. I had claimed Sully and Miriel and Gregor and Lon'qu.

    Is this one for Festival of Bonds? I'll double-check this soon.

  2. So I've had no reliable internet access for about 4 days. I'll be fixing this stuff up now.

    ISorry for all the claiming confusion from me not updating the posts. I *luckily* don't forsee any more busyness, so I should be able to update everything continously for the next while. I DO have work the day DLC is released though, so everything that morning to afternoon will have to wait - despite the surge of posts at that time.

    Now to look through what I missed...

    EDIT: Taken off what was posted from LB2. Checking Regalia next.

    EDIT 2: Checked Regalia, almost done, apparently.- and to check the support topic...

  3. I'm dumb. And forgetful. Facepalm_emote_gif.gif Should have said I was working on those chapters before. I've learned my lesson. ;-;

    I managed to get all the encouragement quotes (I even screwed around a ton of times to get the proper order), except for MaMorgan. Thank you for that! ^^

    IIRC, which should help when doing the epilogue and endings, whoever ends up doing them - they follow recruitment/support order. Can you confirm this?

    So it pretty much goes...

    Characters recruited in Main Chapters (Lucina is between Henry and Say'ri, if I remember, and support list when chapters give two characters)

    Characters recruited in Sidequests by Paralogue order (Donny, Anna, then the children starting with Owain)

    Spotpass characters

    And in the paired endings, the basic structure of each support is based on the males and Avatar, so they take priority order in the list. Like, Lissa will come up pretty early if she's unmarried, but could come in as late as Henry.

    I'll need to double check this to make sure - once I'm done my work. Probably sometime tomorrow?

  4. I, uh, have 23 finished. I'll be putting in the wiki along with 21-Endgame when I finish up the endgame script. Collecting the encouragement lines is irritating me... Also have most of Irreconcilable Paths typed up.

    But I do not have Dead King's Lament typed, so that would be helpful. :3

    Maybe do Chapter claiming? Or at least post when you start working on it or something?

    Oh, and I think I have some of the encouragement lines somewhere...

    Even if you have them already, I at least have both Morgan's. Should've typed out their endings and post-game quotes when I had the chance though.


    Miriel: Arise from your hypnopomic state! You are sorely needed here!

    Maribelle: Set up right this instant, or suffer a swift smack of my parasol!

    Panne: Do not rob the last taguel of one of our last true champions!

    Gaius: Up and ay 'em Robin! One dragon oughta be a piece of cake!

    Nowi: I thought I was your favourite dragon! Forget about Grima!

    Olivia: Please, Robin! I still haven't shown you my new dance!

    Henry: I know the darkness is warm and delicious... But too much of a good thing is just bad!

    Lucina: You have earned my trust and my love, sir. Now return to us!

    Flavia: You don't bow to dragons. You break 'em!

    Donnel: I need ya to come on back, y'hear?!

    Kjelle: This is a test, and by the gods, you're gonna pass it!

    Yarne: You're going to be okay, right? ... I need you to keep me safe.

    Nah: You'll return. I know you will.

    Tiki: You are not Grima, nor is he you. Remember that, Robin!

    Stahl: Wake up, Robin! Only I get to oversleep!

    Kellam: Hello? Can you hear me? ...Perhaps if I shout? AAAAAAH!

    Ricken: Please, Robin! You're too important to me!

    Tharja: Get up, Robin! No one goes down without my say so...

    Say'ri: Aye, awaken! You cannot leave now, with my debt to you unpaid!

    Basilio: Pull it together, lad! Death is overrated, believe me!

    Anna: Robin, you can't close up shop on us now! We still need you!

    Owain: Heed not the dark's eerie call, friend! Summon forth the strength inside you!

    Inigo: I can think of nothing worse than dying alone. ... No, seriously. I can't.

    Brady: Come on, bud! No givin' up now!

    Severa: If you don't come back, I'm never going to forgive you!

    Gerome: We lost to the fell dragon once. Do not grant fate a second victory!

    Morgan(F): Father! You mean everything to me! I can't lose you again!

    Noire: Blood and thunder! Return to us now!


    Mother! You mean everything to me! I can't lose you again!


    Rise, Robin! Show this god that man is made of sterner stuff!

  5. I haven't worked on Gangrel's section sorry I like Walhart better but here's all of Walhart's support increasing/sparkly text, minus the normal ones. I decided to grab 'em while getting Walhart's supports. He's surprisingly romantic, and I personally think "My star" is a really cheesy nickname, really odd coming from Walhart. The parent/child conversations, he's a lot less strict/cruel/what ever your opinion of his support with Morgan.

    Never grabbed Gangrel's, but he seemed a bit less... romantic and nice. Although I don't remember it all that well.

    (If someone want's to grab Gangrel's - or anyone else's for that matter, feel free to PM me - I'll find some time to add it to the wiki. They're all fun to read :) ).

  6. So, what should be done for Avatar gender differences? His/her, and he/she. Lord/Lady, and milord/milady. Son/daughter, and "Daddy's special little boy/girl." Anything bigger than that would have a note or a separation. But the smaller ones--I dunno what should be done.

    One possible difference--a tiny difference--is when the Avatar gets the Fire Emblem back. Chrom called me a cat. x3 "You sly cat." I can't remember what the male version is, but I'm wanting to say it wasn't cat.

    Heehee, cat. x3 He knows me well!

    Just to corroborate with an internet source, it is different with a Male Avatar.

    EDIT: And considering the japanese wikis wanted to have all six scripts for each Avatar voice before, anything you do will be more organized :)

  7. I can do Kjelle's Male MU, Inigo x Chrom Parent, and Lucina and Inigo Sibling, Fem Morgan x Inigo. I have a lot others so if you need me too, so don't hesitate to ask me for anything more.

    Thanks for the help.

    To be honest, those supports have already been posted - I'm a bit slow updating the main topic from work and school stuff so ill apologize if you dtarted working on those.

    there are some parent child conversations available, and you can also PM people who have claimed conversations if you would like to takeover for them - assuming they agree, of course.

  8. In the Barracks, Henry's question on dreams is something like

    Everyone needs a dream worth dying for. Or a death worth dreaming about. What's yours?

    Does anyone have the exact quote?


    Dream - Question

    We all need a dream worth dying for. Or a death worth dreaming about! What's yours?

    I should ask about making a topic to promote the wiki/script efforts...

  9. basically, but i don't think you can cross mountains either (Gangrel couldn't do that in his joining chapter)

    Acrobat is actually based on the units traversing capabilities. So if a unit can't move on mountains at all (horses, generals IIRC), Acrobat won't give them that ability, no moving on mountains. Which is why some units still can't traverse on water and none traverse air with Acrobat.

    But if they can move only one space on a mountain normally (a few... berserkers for sure...?), Acrobat will make it so they can traverse it normally, or the full 5/7/whatever spaces.

    I actually have no idea which classes can traverse which terrain though - just guessing.

  10. Meep.

    Updated the claims list. Henry and Merric were mixed up a few times... whoops. There was one really weird;y formatted post from Pikayoshi, pretty sure I grabbed everything.

    Thanks to Ace Tactician for taking the Before/After Battles scripts since they tend to take a bit more time :).

    Oh, and if Infinite Divine Weapons pops up - do note that you should be getting Eltshan and the Silver Card, but he doesn't have a special convo - it's just really a part of the ending text.

    Pretty busy - meant to add Smash whatever 1 today, but I got pretty busy. Well, more busy then usual.

    Hopefully it doesn't come out. I'm assuming they;d at least finish the Golden stages first.

  11. Lots of things to add...

    Sorry sorry sorry about the claims thing - I've been pretty slow updating from some family/school/work stuff, so some of it is just me being slow updating the topic. I don't think I've been really strict about it, but do try to claim before you post your conversations so people don't double work on things - although there's not much I can do about it if it happens.

    I opened up claims for LB2 and 3, and I'll go through one of the japanese wikis, probably peg.knight, to double check the conversations. I've been grabbing most of them from the conversation section on the site, so I can send in the corrections - maybe once LB is done. Probably should've noticed Etzel popping up twice - and how you can't fight him as an ally. Speaking of which, I might have forgotten to add Etzel and Gaius to LB2... better check that.

    In the process of updating the wiki page as well - it might take a while. Also updating the first post to see what's missing.

  12. EDIT 2: Wait a minute. You're telling me I have to get Panne all the way to Athena before Leif kills her?? That could be tricky. (Damn suicidal NPCs)

    Yeah, I managed to get Panne's - although I think I missed some of Athena's lines writing it down. The main issue is Leif, with Acrobat making it so he can reach Katarina's group. You'll need Rescue or Galeforce or something to get to Leif so he doesn't go for them.

    I think I might tackle all of Katarina's group that's unclaimed unless someone wants it - cause they're REALLY good at dying fast. You can still do Panne and Athena, of course, unless you're having trouble.

    Here's the ending dialogue for The Golden Gaffe. Pretty funny. x3 Just a note: I did check if it was the same if you let every enemy escape, and yes it is still the same.

    Thanks, I'll add this to the wiki soon.

  13. What? Doesn't the non-Avatar parent's dialogue vary at least a little in each support?

    In terms of the Morgan supports, Morgan's lines never change. The parents lines will be extremely similar, even identical, unless the character has i distinct personality or speaking pattern, like Henry, Donnel, or Say'ri. Although it'll still be similar.

    Its why I was initially hesitant the expand the parentXchild section to accomidate all the partners.

  14. I think Chapter 11 is decent as a base for the scripts. I will mention I consider the start of a chapter when you actually pick it on a map, but some (most?) people consider it anything after the save prompt. - Which is why I put the Lucina conversation in Chapter 11.

    I will mention I added more headers then normal there so the varying dialogue would show up easier using headers. I would assume most chapters would look closer to Chapter 4.

    Although for format, it's be easy enough to go through when there's more script and just adjust them, so don't worry too much about it. At least in my opinion.


    In other news, I finished making the Greetings page. The wiki said 30kb is almost too big, and recommended I split it up, so I might do a Main / Child+Spotpass Split or a Male/Female Split. Didn't realize the page would end up being that big...


    As a sidenote, does anyone know any better ways to start a line with an asterisk (*)? I've been doing this...


    ...but it seems sort of annoying to do everytime. I'll move on to putting some of the chapters in once I've wokred a bit on the Support and DLC topics.

    <nowiki>*</nowiki> Sigh*

  15. Edit: Nevermind, I see Gangrel has been done and finished (I was going by the unclaimed spoiler tab) In that case I'll just take Walhart and Yen'fay. Again, if they aren't claimed yet XP.

    Sorry about that - people posted them when they weren't claimed so I completely forgot updating that. I'll put you down for Walhart and Yen'fay. And thanks for the CGs as well.

    I'm assuming the ticket is private? I might make one myself... it probably wouldn't be too hard to find some more examples in the Japanese support thread.

    Pretty much this is what appears when I do it...


    The link that you get by clicking on the post number (#398 - FAvatar x Libra):


    The link you get when you actually follow the link:


    The link I corrected manually:



    Incidentally, even post 540 is on the previous page, unless the 540 here is supposed to be 541 from starting at zero? Don't know too much about this stuff.

    I'll add a note to the topic to look at the bottom of the previous page if you're not sent to the right post.

  16. But since she stays at the castle, I assume she DOESN'T get a scene.

    This reminds me... I need to kill off one of Chrom's S supports in Classic before Chapter 11 and before Chapter 13 to double check the script there... and skill inheritance, for that matter.

    I've also got to add all this script stuff to the wiki. And post my supports, for that matter...

    Also, I wanted to let you know, the Female Avatar x Libra link didn't take me to the post it's in, but the page after it.

    This... is a weird thing SF seems to do where it tries to link to the post, but looks for it on the wrong page. I think I might be able to correct it manually... although I'm not completely sure how right now.

    EDIT: Oh, and updated =)

  17. Huh. I thought I made a post saying I added the other Golden DLC claims, but I didn't. But you somehow knew anyways...

    But yeah, those claims are open! I'll be working on adding RvB to the claims list next and setting up the page on the wiki. I meant to be a bit faster in case we don't start off tomorrow with KvK, but I've been pretty busy.

    I'll be updating the support topic quickly, and then I'll try to update this...

    EDIT: Hahaha... I get to be lazy. KvK, or now Lost Bloodlines, was confirmed for tomorrow.

    Now I just need to add the wiki pages and rename KvK...

  18. @pichupal: My avatar is married to Cynthia. And uh...two? People have only been saying one greeting over and over, even Cynthia. (Depending on the time of day, obviously.) Speaking of Cynthia, she appears roughly 30% of the time.

    More like Cynthia's greeting, or anyone's if they're your child/spouse switches permanently - I'm getting the info from here.

    I'll try looking for what Cynthia says on one of my files to check...

    EDIT: That page reminded me I'll need to grab the Happy Birthday quotes eventually...

    EDIT2: (Only took like 100 tries to get her.)

    Cynthia - Evening - Unmarried

    Evening, Robin! About time you took a breather!

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