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Everything posted by DancingDanny

  1. Here's my entry!!! :D I call him... Dorian! :D
  2. I like do most of those, except I ALWAYS make Colm a Rogue, just because they are so freaking useful, plus as fighters they aren't terrible. I also make Ross a Hero usually and Neimi a Sniper. (Although I'm making her a ranger this playthrough.) Lol to the Joshua thing! xD I like Garcia a lot! :D He's got an awesome beard! XD Plus I dunno, the name Garcia sounds kind of exotic! :D He's also Ross' dad which makes him even cooler! -w- -nods-
  3. I'm sorry you feel that way Callum! :( I know how you feel about the respect thing, but I'm pretty sure they're just joking around. :O) (Although I do see some people get a little critical at times... ^^;) Don't forget, to get respect, you gotta give respect! (^^)b I hope things get better for you though! It really sucks to have a bad summer! :O\
  4. Lol! I think it explains their whole relationship! XD
  5. Some games that I really like: Chrono Cross Persona series Luminous Arc Arc Rise Fantasia Eternal Sonata Final Fantasy (V is my favorite! :D) Animal Crossing Kirby games Pokemon A bunch of others... Mostly RPGs... XD
  6. Welcome to the Forest!!! :) I hope you like it here! :)
  7. Wil's voice kind of reminded me of Italy from Hetalia! XD Nice work though! :) I really like what you did with Canas' voice! :3 It's very fitting!
  8. I try to use everyone also actually! :D It doesn't usually end that way, but I do try! XD Ooh... I like those choices for your girls... I usually make Lute a Mage Knight myself, but I'm thinking Sage this time... I kind of want to make Ewan the Mage Knight! XD Bishops are uber!!! *~*
  9. Oh, I LOVE Cormag! XD He's such a good character! :D Yeah I always do wyvern lord too. I have NEVER used a wyvern knight, but this runthrough I really want to... xD And like I was debating whether to make one of the peg knights one, but I just can't see them as one... I haven't made Garcia a hero before, although my brother has. I like making Ross and hero and Garcia a Warrior usually. I find it really weird when Ross is like taller than his dad... xD I can't actually do the super trainees yet, because I'm playing on the 3DS version, which I haven't played much of so I don't have access to those yet... xD When I do though, I want to make everyone their super trainee class, just because! XD And yeah super pupil does seem really interesting! :D
  10. Lol XD I just like having a General.... I dunno. xD The first time I played the game ever, I didn't even use Gilliam, I had Amelia as my general, (which looking back on it, she wasn't a very good one :\) And yeah I know Oswin and Gatrie are uber! XD
  11. Lol xD I don't think I've made Gilliam a Great Knight before... that could be interesting! XD
  12. Yeah... I know what you mean... xD I just always get like this though... owo; I think I'll try doing stuff that I haven't done before then... see what happens... xD Thanks for the reply! :O)
  13. I'm kind of curious to see who everyone uses (although I kind of already know someone who will be on there...), and what you usually make everyone when you promote them. I wanna play through the game again, but in Hard Mode, and I'm having one my usual "what am I gonna make so and so" dilemmas again! XD So I need ideas. xD
  14. I think Neimi's is pretty sad... And Amelia's... They aren't like boo-hoo sad, but they kind of leave a bitter taste in your mouth... :( (This is the point where I reset. XD)
  15. Here's my entry! :O) I hope you guys like it! :D It's kind of simple, but I just really wanted to enter! :O)
  16. Just keep at it! Oh and I really like your Kiara sprite! (I don't have much advice, since I'm not really a master at spriting like everyone else, but I do like it! )
  17. August 29, 2012 (*UPDATE*) Serra and Oswin
  18. First off, I absolutely love this game! Okay, so the voice acting isn't top notch, you get used to it. It's mostly just the talking with the storyline anyways. The battle voices are totally awesome!!! ^o^/ "A heavenly sword to strike you down!" Oooh.... love that... Anyways! I was just wondering if anyone has played it? And if so, who's your favorite character??? :O) Mine's Leslie... But Ryfia's in a close second! XD
  19. The Legend of Zelda Chronology Path of Radiance Here you go Marth! :O) I hope these help! :O) I don't know if you actually needed the Zelda one, but I went ahead and got it! :D It was literally just across the hall! XD Anyways, have fun with em! ^o^/
  20. Lyn is my favorite! I also like Eirika!
  21. I'd serve Ostia, because I love the people from it, and it would be so fun to meet them all! :D My other choice would be to serve Rausten, just because L'Arachel's so funny, I think it would be fun to have her as a princess! XD
  22. That happens to me ALL the time. This is why I just hide offline... ^_^;
  23. FE4: Battle Theme (I don't know the actual name xP) FE6: Recruitment Theme (As with this one....) FE7: Girl of the Plains and Reminiscence FE8: Comrades and Powerful Foe FE9: With Us! FE10: Fire Emblem Theme FE11: On the Path to Victory
  24. FE4: Ethlin FE6: Lilina FE7: Nino FE8: Eirika FE9: Astrid/Marcia FE10: Micaiah FE11: Roshea FE13: Callum (even though I haven't played it yet! XD) A lot of girls... xD
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