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Posts posted by Shugey

  1. Sedgar: Died helping King Aurelis escape imminent execution.

    How am I supposed to beat Hard 5 now? Jokes aside, I suppose Castor being a ranger-ish dude now makes up for it. I'm just going to wait to see if the game is fun to play at this point, which it sounds like it will be.

  2. So let's look at the original FE1 cast's 11 female characters:

    Caeda: Princess on a flying pony

    Minerva: Princess on a dragon

    Palla: Knight on a flying pony

    Catria: Knight on a flying pony

    Est: Knight on a flying pony

    Lena: Healer

    Maria: Healer

    Linde: Mage

    Midia: Knight

    Tiki: lolidragongirl

    Elice: Princess and healer

    In the original game, female characters were put in very specific niches (sans Minerva and Midia, the female cast is mostly dominated by gender normative roles). They were memorable because of their gender.

    Shadow Dragon added to this with Norne and Athena, two more female warrior characters. Considering that this game was released in 1990, I feel that it's appropriate to recognize that further improvements could be made. I've taken a pretty methodological approach (outlined above), and it isn't simply whimsical. It's for a specific purpose of doubling the proportion of female characters in the cast, and that's something that I feel will only serve to ultimately enrich the story.

    FE1 didn't have any memorable characters at all though. It was an NES game, not much to it. That is an issue not specific to females, but the entire cast. Bord and Cord were literally Axe dudes and Cain/Abel were generic knights. It goes both ways.

  3. ca6f46a2fa.pnga285867a5d.pngHahahahahahah. I'm just trying to promote strong female characters in fantasy (of which, and especially in this series, there can be a glaring lack), and now I am shit. It's great.I'm definitely more of a Social Justice Cleric anyways. Never really that blatant about it, but it's something I wanted to address in my designs for this hack.

    I don't see how changing genders in an FE remake hack promotes strong female characters. The majority of people that will play this already have played SD and other fire emblem games. FE is already known for good female characters, so it won't really affect most of the audience. I'm not saying that Sedgar is a very well written and memorable character, but how does changing him into a girl make things better? You can add to a character without making radical changes. Heck, you do a great job of that in EN.

  4. Rosaria.

    Also I just ran some numbers calculating the percentages and everything: these changes bring me up to ~42% of the cast being female. For reference, the original FE1 had a cast that was 21% female (so it's basically been doubled), and Shadow Dragon barely moved the needle to 23% (because that's what happens when you add a bunch of dudes to a cast with a bunch of dudes).

    So yeah, this is definitely more acceptable for me after these last few tweaks.

    Because in case you didn't hear, Ubisoft recently got some flak for saying that having female protagonists was a "workload issue." Fuck that.

    I honestly see no point in changing a buncha characters to girls and adding more on top of that. I don't remember playing Shadow Dragon and being like "woah there's like way too many dudes here". Nobody wants a sausage fest, but making this many changes that literally don't affect gameplay at all seems pointless to me. I suppose I just have to see how it works out, though.

  5. Shoot, forgot to report of Eliwood's Tale. Everything was fine except for Eliwood being an Emperor, which is a known issue. However, this for some reason makes Ninian unable to trigger her conversation with Natalie, so I was unable to get Merlinus's Tale. I like how there's a faster way to get through the tale now, nice touch. Now THAT covers all the tales.

    Does this mean I get Zephiel's Tale or is that tale also broken beyond belief?

  6. Well, I went through all of Lyn's Tales, nothing was wrong there besides the already known Florina Sword Rank issue, so that's good. Nothing wrong with Karel's, Legault's, or Hector's Tales either. Pent's is still kinda broken thanks to the ranged Axe animation issue, but I didn't notice anything else wrong. As for Raven's Tale and Zealot's Tale?


    Well, that's not really a bug, but I'm pretty sure that is not some kind of Axe Staff.


    This is a huuuuge issue though. Don't know why it took me this long to try it, but Zealot can kinda cheese the whole map thanks to Flying units. Just ignore the village, and hey! You can just stroll on in and the game will consider that a cleared chapter, with the usual end dialogue and scenes. This also causes another issue.


    On turn 12 or so, the game acts like I've beaten Skyes or something, when I just ignored him entirely. Not sure what to do about all of this, but felt the need to kinda mention it. Sain still has time to get his achievement, by the way.

    Raven's Tale just got kinda weird.

    [spoiler=This Tale is kinda spoilery]

    Well, there's the village issue in Part 1 of this that the other guy mentioned. That kinda screws things up.


    I just find these Axe Bows hilarious. Anyway, on to the actual bugs.


    Good lord what the hell happened here? All the sprites are screwed up. I knew cheesing this map was a bad idea! This happened after the initial 12 turns cutscene.


    Lucius also ended up on a mountain, somehow. That's just bizarre.


    Not a bug, but certainly not canon. I think I did this a year ago as well.

    I think that covers all of the playable tales. Besides the bugs already on the huge list, that's everything I could find.

  7. So, did a run through Hector's Tale, and uh, some weird stuff happened.


    Killed Erik for the achievement, and uh, I freed some prisoners too?


    That does not look like an axe to me.



    Also, I think you must have reduced Jan's Strength in Legault's Tale, because he can't instantly kill the Druid at the start anymore. This made getting his achievement for soloing part 1 of that tale kinda luck based. Liking all the new stuff I've noticed, though. I've played through some of these tales waaaaay too much at this point.



  8. Sigurd is still called Siglud and Jugdral is still called Yggdrasil.

    So I suppose a few of the little issues from last patch are there from what I'm seeing, gonna focus on the new issues as I feel that's the point of this beta.

  9. Yeah, bugs! Nice to see progress on this. Seems like an interesting game, as you are experimenting with new unit types. I'll keep up with this, and I can help the testing if you want.

  10. So for pretty much the same reason as Mekkah, I want to ask a question here in the thread.

    Where are the themes for the castle map where you first get to use Kelik ((I think it's Chapter 12, but I'm not sure)), the Boss Battle theme for most of the bosses from Siegried's part of the story and the other recruitment theme?

    All the titles of the songs are in the Sound Room, but I think Chapter 12's music is from one of the YS games, and the other two are from Tales of Symphonia.

  11. I think I did bug reports like a year ago or whenever the last patch came out. I have a new computer now because my old one died, so I can't really pull up my old save file.

  12. Hehehe! Thanks Shugey, this comment of yours is so precious to me.

    I like how you analysed every character, both in raw gameplay power and in personality.

    [spoiler=general comments, big spoilers]Yeah, I suppose Hellios is just too good to not use him in Difficult Mode. he's such a perfect troll

    Do you want to know who will be able to use Warp Swords?

    [spoiler=Warp sword][spoiler=Hey, this is a big spoiler][spoiler=Ok, here you go]Faratrass.

    And wow, that Cristoph is amazing. I didn't even know he could be that good. I think he prayed the RNG goddess well enough.

    Another horrible Cattleya... now I REALLY have to make her stronger, especially because her recruitment is a bit nasty.

    Also, wow. Your levels are pretty high. I don't know if that's because of DM or you're just an exceptional player or you grinded a little (boss abusing Faratrass in ch.8, maybe? And Garion in ch.3?)

    Hmm... there aren't common items in the world map shops because you can already get them in the battle preps shop. And the price is the same... I just generally raised the price of things, hm. Especially because I give the player the opportunity to get a lot of gems.

    I'm really happy you enjoyed this hack to the point you consider it your favorite. (Y)

    Yeah, this is probably the most anticipated one for me right now. TLP is the only real finished hack, and I dunno what the others are doing. As for levels, I just fought a lot and ignored using Shiori and other maxed units(Weiss once he reached level cap) so that others could get EXP. No boss abuse. I also fought out all the Chapter 8 waves, no way I could break through and beat the boss without someone dying. I guess I never noticed that the prices were the same. I guess that "issue" is solved. But yeah, make Catteya stronger, Garion faster or something, and give Weiss an Iron Sword. Not much else I can suggest.

    [spoiler=THAT REALLY BIG SPOILER]I should have figured Faratrass would be able to use warp magic. After all, it would allow her to damage enemies with large RES. I hope she can promote soon, she's at level 19 in my game!

  13. Welp, here's a massive critique or whatever. Obvious spoilers to those who haven't finished the current hack yet.

    [spoiler=Character thoughts]

    I might as well start with characters and stats. Remember, I played on Difficult Mode, so my comments apply to that. All I know, certain characters are a lot better on Normal.


    Faratrass was extremely important in winning. She was a little tank who could one round a lot of tough enemies. Certain monsters and mages could hurt her, but she could bulk through most of it. Dark magic is kinda expensive though. Plotwise, pretty neat main character. Normally I would say the whole angst was overdone but as it was a major plot point, I have to say you did a good job with it. Solid character development. Of course, considering how Helios is a liar, I'm really not sure on how much I actually know about her. Felt kinda bad for her though.


    Look at these fantastic stats I will never be able to use again. I knew something was up with him as soon as I noticed that he didn't appear in the battle prep support library. Of course, I figured this is an early release, no supports yet, etc. However, his fast growth rate made me suspicious, although I was honestly expecting him to die protecting Faratrass or something. I figured he was like Sigurd but turned out to be like Zeek from Tear Ring Saga. I benched him on a few maps so others could get some EXP, but I made good use of him on later maps. It was Difficult Mode, can't just ignore the best unit. You sorta have to use him, even though he will leave. Anna warned me so I stole his equips. Plot twist caught me off guard, it seemed a bit odd that the Demon King was trying to protect Faratrass from himself, but the whole seal business makes sense. Funny in hindsight as he was the guy to rescue Faratrass in Chapter 5. I expected a cool long lost brother Seth kinda character, not the main villain. Well done character. Although I kinda feel dumb for saving his Warp Sword and never using it. We get another Warp Knight, right? If not, I guess it will look cool in storage.


    HERO CREST WHEN? Seriously, this dude might be my favorite character. He's like Othin without Wrath, still a great unit. I like how he handles his religion in his own way, he's sorta goofy but I like him. Easygoing but can get kinda serious. At the end of the day, nice guy. Hopefully he can promote to Hero. Statwise, he got seriously blessed it seems(all the praying payed off!) and he was really critical to my strategy in most chapters. Chatper 8 would have been near impossible without him, as I can't use Faratrass.


    Hey, he was memorable to me. Like Boyd and Rhys combined.


    Speaking of her, she's an archer that's ACTUALLY GOOD. WOAH. There's enough fliers and situations where she can be useful. The lightning arrow helped too, although I hardly used it. Her normal attacks did enough for me. Personality wise, didn't really get much out of her. Just a no-nonsense princess. Seems like a nice enough person. Probably going to be a powerful Ranger if she can promote to that.


    He was a healer on Hard Mode. Obviously he was very helpful. His level ups weren't too bad either, but those bases are awful, and rightfully so. He was helpful, but not broken. Probably going to keep using him, healers are very important, and this one can hurt monsters a lot too. Personality is great, he's just an old guy who enjoys having fun. His interactions with the next guy were funny, keep it up


    Ewan on steroids. This dude hit hard with magic and had some good speed as well. Totally worth training him up. Neat little guy, having vodka and hitting on an enemy soldier. His interactions are funny, totally going to keep using him.


    Take that boss flag off of him while he's an enemy, seems like a lot of people missed him because of that. I was unsure, but figured he seemed nice enough, and hey, he joined. His stats were, well, average. Seven speed meant that magic users would tear him apart, and he has that bow weakness as well. Probably just needs a few more levels. Didn't seem to have much of a personality, loyal soldier and whatnot. Fine by me.


    Guess who my least used character was. Or rather, don't, because I'll just tell you that its her. She can't damage things very well, has no durability, and isn't even THAT fast. The thief guy has better stats than her. Minor buffs would help her out, Maybe a personal sword or something? Personality is just like Menmus. Loyal soldier. Probably has a lot more to her, just didn't see that.


    I did not use her much at all during the hack, as her level was capped up until now. I don't want to waste EXP on a unit who can't gain any. Of course, she did some damage on 5x and Chapter 7, sorta forced to have her fight there. Judgelight is in near perfect condition, so I can't wait until she can actually use it without wasting EXP. Neat character, wondered why she was so close to Faratrass but SHE WAS THE REAL LONG LOST SIBLING OOOOH. Sorta like Micaiah, but you did the plot twists right this time and made a better character. At least, she will be as long as her route doesn't involve senseless war crimes.


    Garion is a cool guy, bandit Garcia and whatnot. He just wasn't very helpful. Growths didn't help much, dude is slow as hell. Couldn't even damage much on Difficult mode. Also, Cristoph was a much better axe user at this point, and he just got better while Garion was busy trying to hit things without getting killed by mages. Honestly, I would make this dude a prepromote Berserker. We only have one prepromote, and he is a healer anyway. The only other one we sorta had was Hellios, and he's gone for good. He would be a lot better for tougher chapters like Chapter 8 and whatnot. That's only my opinion though, I just find him pretty weak as is.


    Bandit Ross, yeah! Dude wasn't too easy to train up, but totally feasible. Much better than his not-dad, and he's reaching Cristoph levels of power. Look forward to him getting even better, the trainees are done very well in this game.


    Well isn't he an odd guy. Talking about ponies and stuff. Solid unit, not very durable though. He would get one shot by the archers in Chapter 7, and he would die easily in Chapter 6. Maybe some more base Defense? Going to keep using him, want to find out about his past and whatnot.


    He hit level cap in Chapter 6, as he got extremely close in 5x. Giving this dude a Knight Crest IMMEDIATELY. As for his starting equipment, throw an Iron Sword in there as well. All he has are axes and a sword that works like an axe, and none of them are very durable. He only had three uses of the Lancereaver left by the end of 5x. An Iron Sword would give him something durable, accurate, and helpful for those axe dudes. Dude's still awesome, though. Reminded me of Maxim from Lufia II with the hair and confidence.


    It probably helped that Last Duel was playing as the map theme. You better use that more than just that chapter, it is a damn good track and you converted it excellently. I just really like Lufia II. Now that I think about it, Cristoph reminds me a bit of Guy and Dekar. Anyway, next character.


    Woah, swords AND healing. Very good unit, will promote her when possible. Good job on making a magic user with swords though. Her magic sword nearly broke though. In terms of personality, seems like a nice gal. Nothing more, nothing less.


    It wasn't easy training her up at all. Enemies were getting durable, and she struggled to even inflict damage with her bases. Got her up to level 10 though, going to make her a Super Recruit or whatever it is called. Gotta have class diversity! She's like Amelia but stoic and cold. I like it.


    Gentlemanly thief, I like it! He's going to be a lot of thievery and a decent amount of fighting, as he has good stats. Can't wait to do more with him. Nice hat.


    Hee hee.

    So overall, great characters, good balance, only a few suggestions I had. Feel free to take them into consideration or ignore them entirely. It's your game, and you have done a very good job with it.

    [spoiler=Other stuff]

    Like I said earlier, holy crap this hack was amazing. Did not expect this much from the first release of an FE8 hack, glad you stuck with this project. I think I got everything in the chapters, although it sounds like a missed the Agile Hasta, whatever that is. The chapters themselves were really good.


    ha ha fatty guys

    In all seriousness, the whole red text thing is genius. It allows for non stagnant maps without some bullshit coming out of nowhere and ruining your plan. It also allows for characters to talk more mid battle, and for advice to not seem like it is breaking the fourth wall. Excellent idea, great execution. Can't wait to screw around with the Tower and Skirmishes to see what you did with them.

    Chapters each have their own quirk, never feels like i'm playing "ANOTHER BANDIT CHAPTER" or anything. The stealth mission was tough but I got all the treasure. Thanks Menmus.

    Plot and characters are great, did not see plot twists coming but they didn't feel like they were dumb or anything. The game is well structured, pacing is great, and now the plot is getting REALLY good. Like shit, didn't meant to unleash the Demon King.

    One minor issue, I can't buy Heal staves and other low level equipment from the map stores. I think Serafew only sells stuff like Mend and Flash as opposed to Heal and Light, and no place sells Iron Lances or Fire. I can still buy them through the battle prep armory, but they are more expensive there. I just like using the cheaper equipment, so modding the map shops a bit more would be great. But yeah, graphics, music, everything is great. Anything I forgot to say, I'll try to remember later.

    Wow, that took a while. But yeah, good job. This may just be my favorite hack. Sorry DoF, EN, and TLP.

  14. Just finished. Probably going to do a huge critiqueing/character opinion thing later this week, but this hack was really, really good. Like damn, I did not expect this much to be done with FE8, as not a lot of people hack it. Characters, balance, maps, it is all very good. Looking forward to more.

  15. Well, I blitzed through this in a day, I'm nearing the end, and apparently I'm experiencing this semi-common bug.


    That's a problem.

    So far so good, going to save a big text dump until I actually finish. That being said, I'm very impressed by what you have so far.

    EDIT: Also, I'm playing on Difficult Mode.

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