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Everything posted by Sariya

  1. Thanks! Hehe, I had a lot of fun drawing that one. I actually forget that I have two other pictures similar to that one a lot. One is a blue jay (below) and the other is a humming bird which I did on a much larger piece of the black paper, so I've never been able to scan it. Maybe I'll try to get it into three pieces and put them together at some point. Here's my blue jay I did around the same time: And while we're on my animal drawings, here's a tiger I did for the same class, but I think a few months beforehand: This one has a lot of small errors that kind of stand out blatantly to me, so I'm not too keen on it myself, haha. ^^;
  2. So, I'm a huge fan of art, in all forms, and as such I tried my hand at a lot of them over my past years (starting around 11-12) and ever since I've loved it. I mainly work with pencils and pens, but lately I've started to work with digital art some more since I have a lot of ideas in mind and I feel like the best way to do it is via digital art. Also, I suck at coloring with pencils and markers and other things of the like, so yeah. I won't harm your eyes with any of my past stuff--that's what my Deviant Art is for! So, I'll just show some of my more notable--well, what I think are my more notable--pieces. This is one of the few pictures of mine that I'm actually happy with. I did it for a project back in high school, using nothing but colored pencils against a special sort of black paper. And now skipping ahead about 3-4 years... My digital works! This one is an original character I made just a few months back. Out of all of my (few) OCs, she's probably my favorite. She's a zombie mafioso and her name is Dolly P. The art style used for her is greatly inspired and influenced by Alex Ahad, the artist for the fighting game Skullgirls. And my last one for this post (since these seem to take up a lot of space...) will be one of my latest drawings: This is my drawing of Chie from Persona 4--the picture is based on Persona 4 Arena though. This one was mainly done as a means of practicing with some background effects and getting some lighting/shading work done. I think it turned out okay, but I still have some things I need to iron out to refine the aforementioned areas. (Not on this picture specifically, but just in general.) Also, I forgot to give her shoes! orz Anyway, I'll share some more stuff in the future if you guys like what you see above. Hmm, I guess I should show my absolute latest drawing just to simplify things... It's another one I did to practice some posing and depth. Alright, now I'll stop with the pics for this post, haha.
  3. First time checking out this section, and I happen to stumble upon such an awesome artist, haha. I love your style of drawing, and your sense of scale and anatomy (especially in the first two) is pretty impressive; especially considering I've been working on both fields myself just recently. Totally watching you on DevArt. : )
  4. Got it. Awesome; thanks. I'll have to make sure I check out the new scans from the next issue.
  5. (I hope this isn't too terrible of a bump.) Thanks a bunch for these scans! I absolutely love the art in Awakening and the special "event arts" (the ones of previous FE games, e.g. Marth kissing Sheeda's hand etc.) as well. Is there a way to save/download the images (to a folder/mydesktop) in their highest-res? I'm not all too familiar with Picasa.
  6. Sariya

    Uhh, hey!

    Hi everyone; after getting extremely pumped (yet again) for Awakening's semi-recently announced I decided it'd be nice to finally make an account on here. I'm not too much of a lurker here, but I always come here for the official art and have browsed around the forums from time to time, and the community seems nice. So, this is my time to talk about myself, right..? Hmm, well as you may have noticed from my name and avatar, I love Sariya from Awakening. I love her design, her personality, and the fact that she's a Dark Mage (aka Shaman), one of my favorite classes, after having gone without them for a few games now, I was instantly a fan. I'm a huge Fire Emblem fanboy, with Blazing Sword being my first game within the series. Ever since then, I've always loved the series and I was psyched when I heard Awakening would be an original installment after getting those two remakes. Fire Emblem stuff aside, I love video games all around. My favorite developers would have to be Nintendo, Kojima Productions, VanillaWare, Platinum Games/Clover Studios, Atlus (Persona Team), SNK Playmore, and maybe a couple others I can't remember atm. I also read some manga here and there, with One Piece, Soul Eater, and DOGS Bullets & Carnage being my favorites. My favorite anime would have to be a tie between Gurren Lagann (real original, I know) and Bakemonogatari. I love both Gainax/Trigger and Shaft anime. Hmm, I think that about sums it up for me. I hope to make some awesome friends here and I look forward to spending time nerding out about Fire Emblem, haha. Nice to meet you all! : )
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