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Posts posted by Xinnidy

  1. Agni embraced Taliyah as she went to his arms, knowing full well there was only so much words could help with. "Taliyah..." He hadn't the guts to say anything to her. Just staying there...

    "... Lavinia." He spoke quietly, gaze shifting towards the vampire. "Thank you." One more hand to help bury her father would make her feel better, surely...

    Agni had a need to hear Marina's speech with critical intent, hoping to aid her if she came to lose her words, but also hesitated leaving Taliyah's side --who definitely was still in the least stable of moods--.

    He walked towards Taliyah, offering a hug to the lizardwoman. His ears were still fixed on,the speech first and foremost... and it was quite satisfactory, except for the interruption by Lavinia's sister. What a troubling choice of words, making us concerned about future operations after a fatiguing one. I guess you can chalk that to bluebood-isms.


    Taiyou, on the other hand has her focus quickly on the pair of regal onis in the camp. "Shizuka... who are they?" She had a fair idea already, but it was never bad to double-check.

  2. "Hrmm..." Agni was restless, hearing a commotion from below. He had just dealt with the remaining mage on that tower, belting his main gauche as he walked down the stairs at a brisk pace.

    "What...?" The visage, as he descended, was extremely busy, the loud roar he'd heard atop was unanswered. No gargantuan beast, just a gathering... the injured, and a notable fallen monster, with Taliyah crying at his side. It was hard to ignore the obvious implications.

    "Taliyah..." Now he understood why the room felt so tense. Agni approached Taliyah with concern, kneeling by her side. "...Your father, huh...?" He took a good look at the man... the lizardfolk he never saw alive. A strange feeling struck Agni, not knowing if it was regret or... what.

    "...I'm sorry." He should've been here. That's how he felt.

    Of course. After that loud roar outside, unlocking their door meant some side had definitely crumbled. They lost their chance to escape... "Hmph... Shizuka, be care--" Careful, evidently, was not what Shizuka was with her loud charging. It...

    It left Taiyou speechless, for sure.

    "No, don't. Just--" On the bright side, their liberator was not intent in doing ill, and even took Shizuka's gaffe in decent stride. "Who... so you defeated Ithraxl?" Another monster, but this one was against the faction that captured them, huh. Monster politics seemed complicated.

    "Thank you." Taiyou replied with a quick bow. "Who are you fighting under? If I'm allowed to ask the name."

    Shizuka seemed very intent to clear her gaffe, but there was hardly time for this overcompensation. "No need, Shizuka, I'm going."

  3. "Don't worry, I will." After reassuring Taliyah, Agni walked into the stairs, leading the way to the fort's tower.

    There was no time to appreciate the fort's old structure, he hurried up, figuring some kind of long range unit at the ready.

    ...And there they were... uh, one spellcaster and what was assumed to be the charred remains of a bodyguard. And another less toasted person. "...Hello." Agni readied his main gauche, darting from the stairs away from a convenient pincer. "Hmph!" It seemed, rather than a full unit, they were guarding some of the rebel's provisions in this storage room. Well, Agni could make it quick, they would have to come after him.


    Agni to 21-27, equip main gauche, open chest.

  4. "See, Amera, you kind of have to know what you're doing to be a captain. Don't underestimate one. Especially a human." Was Agni's short retort as he felled the armored bowman... and soon enough, the room was clear.

    Of course, that meant more forces would approach from further deep, and that was soon the case. With the noise coming from outside, the time to sit and wait was well overdue. "Let's not get stuck on a pincer here, be prepared."

     Agni to (21, 20), equips Nosferatu.

  5. The Demon King's plan was sound. They couldn't really tolerate a surprise pincer from the church as it were. It was good to see the Demon King giving Marina her due praise as well, earning of a smile from Agni. Still, this time he was not needed for tactical advice. This was fine, his services were many.

    Taliyah was sti a concern. She seemed resolved, but was never asked to take the burden of this day alone. Hopefully she'd understand that.

    Agni moves to (21,10), main gauche equipped.

  6. "...Let's go." Agni concurred with Tenebria, they had no stakes in the Demon King's conversation, as well as a reasonable job to do. Taking her arm, Agni led the way out. "I'll make sure they keep a distance if you need it."

    Walking to the training area to attend the injured was mildly awkward when it ended up being the same direction the Demon King followed, but at least Agni and Tenebria were ahead. Agni certainly did his best to not raise attention to it.  And on the field itself... a fair amount of their group were waiting with visible wounds. "Better late than never..." Agni whispered under his breath, leading Tenebria towards them. That was about the same time the Demon King had taken to the center and started a speech, taking everyone's attention.

    "That woman is already up... goodness." Clone or not, it was concerning that the Church had created something this physically proficient. "...I'm sorry, Princess. Let's get started on your duty." Taking his attention away from the discussion, Agni led Tenebria to the others --the Oni seemed fairly injured, at a glance.

  7. It seemed like Tenebria was more comfortable around Marina, but Agni's presence still meant something --especially when Thesephine laid out a piece of her mind and the princess shrunk behind him.... which had a very weird feeling, the princess towering over him.

    "...Right." Thesephine had made her opinions clear, and they were better than they could've been, so Agni decided to take up on that request. "Sorry, princess Tenebria, but... the weight of the church's actions will be on our shoulders, these wounds are still fresh." He gripped her arm in an attempt to comfort, giving a very weak attempt at a smile, "I believe in Marina, I'm sure her decision will lead us to the right path. So... we should be going, helping the injured is a sound idea regardless." Agni did feel sorry for Tenebria, putting herself in such a predicament willingly.

    "If you don't mind." He let go of her arm, still turned towards her, but walking to the door. Being a guide was more than fire. Out in the hall, there was... a curious scene alright. The Demon King and Xalrei hugging, a call of sister, he'd... walked in at a time, hadn't he? "Ah..." Agni turned his attention back to Tenebria. With how his relationship was... far from amicable with both individuals, Agni figured his better move was to pretend he wasn't there.

  8. Princess Tenebria's description was a bit contradictory, first claiming she was only told of Ariana as a strong warrior, then describing with confidence how the church couldn't create more like her... that it took all they had of Marina to create her. There was still room for doubt, Tenebria might have interpreted it in regards to Ariana's likeness to Marina, for example. It wouldn't do much to press on a hunch like that... especially when Ariana's pain had disturbed the room immensely.

    Agni chose to close his eyes for a moment after that episode, a sigh muted by her screams escaped him. Whatever had been done to her was an immense degree of life tampering. Many would consider it tabboo.

    "Never doubt yourself Marina, you have every right to be the hero --the sword accepted you, which makes it pretty decisive, no clone could take it." Agni tried to comfort her, but Marina already seemed focused on her next target for pity and compassion.

    "Princess... what are you planning to do, now that you're here?"

  9. Agni had expected Ariana's detainment the moment they knocked her out, but he was still struggling to accept their other captive --princess Tenebria. In the flesh. Somehow.

    He... had no place comforting the princess here, she was close to Marina, and his relationship to her highness was duty alone --he'd never done more than see her at a distance, and the princess would likely have never discerned his face from the other troops. Still, just having another human around was something, and what he'd be here to provide.

    And speaking of, there was something very distressing about Ariana, or rather, just... how she existed, and how quickly she was discarded. Was that what a hero meant to the church? It couldn't, she was more a pawn than anything... that was not how the principle stood. Not in Agni's mind, anyways. It was unlikely she was just a human... but what was the extent of the church's tampering?

    "Your Highness... pardon my intrusion, but were you ever told the existence of Ariana?" Agni was guessing a no, but confirming that information was both a step in ruling out possibilities as well as cutting some of the tension surrounding the princess.

  10. Lavinia's healing came at a good time, Agni had been lost in thought as he assessed the Coteon knights, and nearly forgot his place. "Their armor bear the colors of the church, my guess would be the Holy Guard... I do not know why they are here." He gave Lavinia his explanation, before she went off to see Marina, he trailed slowly behind, his attention divided by the enemy commander, who was left behind. That... was also unusual for the knights.

    This doesn't make a lick of sense. A frustrated Agni stared between Marina and the enemy commander. Bad move. The discussions happening simultaneously were a bit too much to follow.

    It was best to go after Marina, then. Her throwing up also tipped his decision. "Marina, you do not need to strain yourself more. The fighting is over." He interjected himself, casting an uneasy glance at Lavinia, before turning to Marina once more. "You're in no condition to stay out here, let's go back to the fort, and rest."

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