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Everything posted by Robert

  1. ^The same thing happened to poor Brom today. He stopped by that house because I was sending him to the Killer Lance house, and suddenly, out pops the BK! OHKO.
  2. Her magic is -3, but it hardly matters when she hits res. Her res is up 3 though. I'd rather have the mag.
  3. What is the point of promoting someone on chapter 5? Levin and Sigurd take care of the entire chapter. If levin is not level on level 30, what have you been doing?
  4. No one else really needs that much favortism. And I meant villageRs. The ones that give you EXP.
  5. What do you think the game turned out to be? Good as the past games, or a disapointment? I liked the game, but did not like the things such as different objectives taken out. Wifi was new and flawed, but was good. 8/10
  6. Two arena's, squads of enemies in his direction, and 1-3 villagers that he is basically entitled to.
  7. How is Altenna> Leaf? Leaf can be promoted by chapter 8, much before Altenna.
  8. Robert

    Favorite book?

    from this year? I don't really have a favorite, but I do read a lot.
  9. Robert


    Video games are for fun. If cheating with codes/savestates makes the game fun, then yes.
  10. I am neutral, I just wanted to point out who is killing what. Azel can ORKO the first type I listed, but only if he is in range (the two that he starts near), and I said that he can 2RKO bandits that no one except sigurd can 2RKO, but they kill him in two shots. Hit chance goes to alec big time.
  11. Serra usually gets promoted first, but only because of the tutorial spam
  12. Failed Blessed (note- the first unit is failed, the second is blessed, the third is failed, the fourth blessed) VS. VS. Blessed Lilina. (though I like lugh much more)
  13. No way Marcus/Percival. It is almost impossible to get past chapter 4 without marcus.
  14. I use both. I never really use supports though.
  15. I am not saying who I think is better, but posted that so no one says random empty bluster like "alec can kill everyone in the prologue" or "azel cannot kill anyone in the prologue" ect.
  16. There are three main types of Brigands in the prologue: Common ones: 36 hp, 5 def, 0 res. Azel: ORKO Alec: 2RKO Noish: 3RKO Lex: 2RKO These are the most common. Azel can 1 round them, but there are only 2 or so near his range. Alec deals 20 damage to them, noish 16. However, Noish is the only one of the two that has a chance to ORKO (7%lol) It doesn't really matter that Alec can 2RKO, because someone else will finish the brigand anyway. Hand-Axe These are the strongest. Not only do they have handax, but they have more hp. 45 Hp, 5 def, 0 res. No one can ORKO them. Alec 3RKO's them Noish 3RKo's them Azel 2RKO's them, but they kill him on second shot. The third is the first with more hp.
  17. Chapter 10. For some reason, I find the bridge battle memorable.
  18. I think I was trying Sacred Stones HM for my first playthrough (don't know what I was thinking) and I tried to take on all three bandits with Ericka. Well...she didn't win.
  19. Either Eda or Miranda (probably miranda) should be at rock bottom. Ronan has availability, marty is dagdar-capture and decent after promotion, and shanan has bargain which is all better than what they are doing underleveled on late chapters.
  20. Why wouldn't you want it at 20/20 durability?
  21. Noish. He can get lucky with critical, Alec is stuck dealing 3 damage twice after the prologue. Noish is good with the pursuit ring, but I doubt he gets it. 40% def growth is a plus.
  22. PP: Johalva. SU: Burian. (I am assuming it is who can win in a fight.) Burian has that 20+ def axe and he is a master knight. BPU: Johalva. I keep him by Lakche, so he doesn't need mount, and has advantages in more important stats (speed starts higher, and is unnessacary as they uses 18 weight axes and double with hero axe any way. He has better def and str. Having bows is a plus to deal ranged damage without losing the AS from axes.
  23. What's the fun of skipping the final chapter? The braves aren't to bad if you have plenty of bait and sacrifices, but you are going for survival. I can never get far in H5 without sacrificing all the units I might not use.
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