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Everything posted by Robert

  1. Everything that happens in the FE4 THREAD is breaking news. Everything.
  2. Everything that happens in the FE4 THREAD is breaking news. Everything. What a silly question.
  3. ^another reason to bring earplugs.
  4. Can I buy a text sword. (Don't worry, I won't actually get it either way)
  5. I'll have a filet mignon, medium. O WAIT, I WONT ACTUALLY GET IT!
  6. sigurd lol. LEVIN!ARTHUR. lollololol.
  7. so isn't fe4 such a cool game!
  8. Lilina>lugh. First, lilina has luck, res, and super fast support with roy. She also gets a free thunder tome. She HAS AN INSANE FREAKING MAGIC GROWTH!!!!! And, I calculated that lugh has a 12.23432% chance of being RNG screwed. On the chapter lugh joins, he starts in this villiage, WAAAY out of the way. Don't bother to recruit him. Lilina>lugh.
  9. This place is the best online fake pub ever. I mean, honestly, who wouldn't want fake text pasta?
  10. pssst. this is prentend barbie and means nothing.
  11. Buuuuuuuuuuuuuut. The final chapter is impossible to beat. 10000 loputos stand on an impassible cliff and cast 100% hit fenrirs. All the characters have 999 defense (even the healers) but no res.
  12. The fe4 thread has almost nothing to do with fe4, or even fe.
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