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Posts posted by Iridium

  1. 16 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

    OS AstolfoxIgrene- It’s certainly romantic, but it doesn’t end in marriage despite a former marriage between the two. It suggests the two may be forever apart. But who knows if a paired ending would be a happier ending?

    Neither here nor there, but I've always liked to imagine that, because both of them get "they disappeared forever and were never seen again" endings, they eventually do end up getting back together in some far corner of society, possibly under different personas.

    This is of course nothing more than my personal headcanon though.

  2. 2 hours ago, Lord of Riva said:

    In all fairness as expected most assumptions on your guys part were flatout wrong, showing again that you should rather wait before you have some facts to throw accusations around.

    That it would end up worse though is however also not what I expected so here I am telling you guys that now there is something you can be angry about.

    So... the moral of this story is "wait to make accusations, because reality might be even worse than you think it is?"

    I guess that's not wrong but man that's an awful story

  3. Would it be reasonable to change the title at this point? Even if it is technically a datamine spoiler, what it says now is factually wrong: there are not 3 same-sex male relationships in the game.

    1 hour ago, Stage7_4 said:

    it is possible for the Protagonist to have same-sex relationships with certain characters. However, we cannot explain this topic in more detail as to not ruin the excitement of all users who are looking forward to it.

    I feel like that second sentence makes more sense now.

    1 hour ago, Stage7_4 said:

    It's unfair to blame Nintendo on IGN or other review sites mishandling their review

    I would disagree on some level. The last few games created a very clear expectation of what an "S support" was. Additionally, the last game created the concept of an "A+ support" to serve as a platonic counterpart to an S support. Combining these two things, there would have been zero reason for anyone stumbling upon the same-sex S supports to assume that there would not be three options. Even if one might question why they would choose Gilbert/Alois -- there exists precedent even for that (e.g. Gunter and Walhart.)

    By using the "S support" term for these at all (and abandoning the previous "A+ support" functionality), they went out of their way to obfuscate the number of available options in a way that would confuse anyone looking at them without external information.

    Even if no review mentioned this, it doesn't change the fact that (had the game not been datamined) there would have been people seeing the S support option, taking it, and realizing that they've made a mistake. Perhaps the other review sites messed up, but at the end of the day, it is the fault of the game for providing that impression at all.

  4. 11 minutes ago, Moonlit Knight said:

    I may have inadvertently stepped on a landmine, but 

      Reveal hidden contents

    Is there a spoileriffic reason why Flayn is NOT included in that pic with all the time skip portraits? (Just a yes or no answer appreciated)


    I've heard -- but cannot personally verify -- that


    There is a reason, but it's not too bad of a spoiler.


  5. I am actually amazed that it managed to get worse. I wasn't exactly thrilled with what it seemed like we had to begin with, but man, we didn't even get that? This is disappointing even compared to Fates and Echoes, never mind what we thought it was or what it could have been!


    Alois is straight up disrespectful for not being marked as A+, and the unused flags and ambiguity with Caspar just make it hurt even more, because he would have been a perfectly great option if they were not, for some reason, afraid of any guys other than Linhardt being seen as "too gay". Even Linhardt/Caspar isn't super enjoyable because it's basically just Ike/Soren and I'm sure everyone here knows how desperate people are to shoot down the idea of that being anything other than pure platonic same-sex friendship.

    I mean, the game still looks great, but damn if this isn't a massive slap in the face that it'll be hard not to think about while playing.

    All the "FE isn't centered around romance" and "platonic supports are a good thing" I've seen surrounding this is cute, but when such ideals do not typically apply to straight people despite being forced on us, I'm not inclined to view these things as benevolence. I'd honestly rather such people just openly say they're happy that the gay options are trash instead of trying to mask it behind a "positive" reason.

  6. 8 hours ago, zuibangde said:

    I am not sure how popular huge age gaps are in gay OR straight relationships.

    For better or worse, the 'daddy' thing has an easy parallel in the 'mommy' or 'MILF' thing.

    If you put a little effort into it, I'm sure you could find a perfectly reasonable audience of people who are devoted to characters like Cecilia, Reina, or Manuela -- who all appear as much older and more mature women than most of their competition.

    What they won't typically be is the majority. People appreciate that Titania exists, but when it comes to romance, people will usually turn to Mia or Nephenee or Ilyana. I'm perfectly confident someone out there likes Eyvel, but there's a reason Mareeta and Olwen were prioritized for Heroes and it isn't plot importance. And similarly, there's always going to be an audience for older men like Alois, Haar, and Saber... but it won't generally be as large as the audience for the younger dudes like Claude, Hrid, or... 70% of the males Echoes cast.

    I guess what I'm saying is that having the option for Alois is nice. It'd definitely see a lot of use, since there's very much an audience for that. Having it as the better of only two real options is a bit shakier, though, and when women have five options (probably including an older woman as well) it becomes a little harder to justify as reasonable. I'm sure there are a lot of people who wouldn't mind their straight avatars being locked into choosing between Hinoka and Reina, but many people would probably be a little annoyed if Camilla wasn't an option despite her... everything.

  7. 1 hour ago, TheGoodHoms said:

    Considering its impact on the Smash community's reception of the final roster, they must be pretty damn proud of themselves right now.

    Good. I'm glad that a roster that added Incineroar and Piranha Plant over characters that people actually wanted was set up to get as much backlash as possible. People deserve better than accepting low expectations when everything comes at a price.

    Would it really have that hard to add... pretty much anyone on the Assist Trophy page instead, honestly? Isaac, Shadow, Waluigi, Krystal, Skull Kid, Lyn, Black Knight, Ashley, Midna, Shovel Knight... I'd argue that even Dillon, Yuri, Sukapon, the ghost of Saki Amamiya (why is he gone sakurai explain yourself), and the Prince of Sablé would have been much better. But nope, gotta add the obligatory advertising mon and a joke character in a game that already has Pichu, Jigglypuff, Wii Fit Trainer, and several other characters that could potentially qualify like Duck Hunt.

    If you're going to be that tone-deaf in your roster-decision making process, you don't deserve praise. The Grinch roster demonstrated how easy it was to make a roster that would have pleased most people (even if you remove the unique third-parties!), and if it's done anything to make Sakurai's failure to do so more apparent, I'm glad it happened.

  8. i spent my morning watching japanese people eat fruit incorrectly and all i got were these lousy fates sets

    S15 looks interesting besides Fates but I don't think it's physically possible for me to be more disinterested in the loadout for S14. Don't really care about Tellius and basically everyone who matters from the 3DS games already has a card. I'm not sure why they bothered with secrecy.

  9. 2 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

    At the current pace, we'll be short by 16 characters by the end of the year compared to if there were no standard-banner alts, and that's roughly 2 characters per game.

    If we exclude Tempest Trial and Grand Hero Battle characters, this is equivalent to roughly eight banners' worth of character releases at the current pace.

    I am pretty sure that most people would consider having eight banners effectively ripped out of the calendar to be significant.

    If we assume each banner has the aforementioned two free characters attached to it, it is only four banners; however, inevitably, two of these characters are underwhelming as anything other than fodder due to being free and the third is likely to be demonstrably weaker thanks to being the 4*-5* demotion, leaving only a quarter of those characters to be thankful for their inclusion in our World of Alts.

    50 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

    To be extremely honest and blunt, I'm suspicious of the motivations of the players who are arguing against alts. They are saying "I don't like alts because they are slowing down the release of less popular characters", but what I'm hearing is "I don't like alts because they are slowing down the release of my favorite characters, some of whom happen to be less popular". I've yet to see anyone argue that alts are slowing down Macellan and Dolph's release, but I hear Flora and Astrid and Sety a lot.

    I don't think anyone is seriously motivated to hate alts out of the altruism of having every character appear in the game.

    Have you considered the possibility that many of these people are usually trying to appeal to the emotions of people who like these semi-popular characters, and not necessarily doing it for the sake of the semi-popular characters themselves? I personally have little serious investment in characters like (for example) Flora or Maribelle relative to any other absent character, but because these are popular characters from games that the developers know the fanbase is aware of and are capable of making money, they are logical fanbases to appeal to when trying to reach out to other people for support.

    Furthermore, even if these people are motivated by selfish interests, what does it really matter? The vast majority of people I have seen defending alts are usually the sort of people whose favorite character already has upwards of three of them in the first place, like Chrom or Lucina. What makes the opinion belonging to these people morally sound when their opposition is apparently selfish, if both groups would like to be appealed to at the expense of the other, one has received multiple offerings, and one has been completely ignored and has only increasingly less to look forward to as time moves on?

    We have seasonal banners for alts and new hero banners for new characters. This, as it was, was a fair balance. But now we don't even have that: we have seasonal banners, legendary banners, brave hero banners, and new hero banners for alts, and the scraps of new hero banners for new characters (with a few rejects handed out for free via events, killing their stats and potential for the sake of at least getting them into the game.) How much more can you possibly defend them for taking from the people who still wish to see new heroes?

  10. 16 hours ago, Tybrosion said:

    Yeah, this idea really should've sent in with people after Thracia and its two alts for the price of one deal. Though if people want to waste their time getting triggered every time we get a non-seasonal alt so every banner from now on, they can go right ahead for all I care. If nothing else, I find their salt to be entertaining.

    I wonder what sort of person one would have to be to actively take joy in other players realizing that the odds of their favorite character ever getting into the game is very rapidly decreasing to zero.

    Not a remotely good one, certainly.

  11. This section of an interview might or might not be relevant.


    Developing the other characters

    Kusakihara: We tried to reasonably arrange the characters, trying to break it up as not to put all types of character on one side or the other. For instance, Forsyth is very diligent [in personality] simply due to his role as an adjutant. Since the original amount of text in Gaiden was rather minimal, characters had to be expressed through the official art and face graphics. At the same time, their dialogue had to be exaggerated.

    Q: Like Leon?

    Nakanishi: Leon only had about two words of dialogue in the entire original game.

    Kusakihara: As such, we had to expand upon what little amount of material we had to work with. From his somewhat androgynous face graphic, we could imagine him saying “Valbar old friend!”* And so went from there.

    *TN: “aniki” in Japanese, a term used for older brothers that is now more commonly used by gangs like the yakuza.

    Q: That’s quite the method of expanding upon someone!

    Kusakihara: Be that as it may, it would be troublesome having just one main face portrait to work with through the entire game. (Laughs)

    -Kantopia translation of a Nintendo Dream interview

    The impression I get his that his personality -- which in this case is also his sexuality, for better or for worse -- may likely have been inspired by his rather beautiful portrait for a male Famicom character, rather than any dialogue in the original game. And things snowballed from there.

    No intended agenda. No intended offense. No intended pandering. Just a flat-out "he looks gay lol, let's work with that".

  12. 12 hours ago, silveraura25 said:

    It's probably because fallen heroes are treated as the opposite of brave heroes.

    According to... who? It sounds to me like you're attempting to make excuses.

    The reason no Fallen Heroes dropped is because:

    • Armor teams are a premium team that they would like to be effectively exclusive to whales if possible.
    • Celica is a popular character that they know that people will shell out money for, especially as a 'dark' variant.
    • Bloating the 5* pool is a positive for them, not a negative, because it makes Legendary Banners more appealing.
    • Anybody who would quit over a lack of 4* demotions on individual banners likely already has, or at the very least, should have seen the writing on the wall with the anniversary.
  13. 4 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

    World of Dawn just last month.

    And, I believe, never prior to that, if you consider Rhajat to be part of her respective banners (as she was likely separated for economic reasons rather than for thematic reasons) and combine Alm/Celica's armies (which had three males and three females split among two banners.)

    Yet even then, World of Dawn was out of obligation: Micaiah and Sothe were both mandatory, and Meg can't appease their armor fetish (or degrade the Black Knight) in the way Zelgius can. This is the first time where it feels like they actually could've avoided a majority-male banner and chose not to. Kudos to them for not pandering to shallow audiences for once.

  14. 15 hours ago, Astellius said:

    They also tell you in FEH which games the characters are from, so it seems dubious that Marth being on the cover of New Mystery would account for ~10k votes.

    And every character from Archanea is from FE3 or FE12 except Wrys. Even Athena. So.

    But the biggest factor is probably just that Mystery of the Emblem is the more popular game in Japan. There's your vote difference right there: the people who have the greatest reason to care about Marth prefer what is in this situation the wrong game. Give or take a few thousand people who don't rigorously check which Marth fared better last time, or simply don't care, and there you go.

  15. 25 minutes ago, Sentinel07 said:

    Wolf Beil and Reginlief seem kind of underwhelming when they already start out with Armads and Siegmunde. 

    I mean I got more mileage out of those two than their legendary weapons in their respective games anyway tbf.

    Effective damage is fun for the whole family, and I can only imagine that that's even more true in Heroes where monsters aren't a thing but Cavalry and Armor units certainly are.

  16. 3 hours ago, Vince777 said:

    It is at least a good thing that both Silque and Tatiana are clerics since it means they won't be introduced together in the same banner.

    Introducing Celica: Divine Princess, Delthea: Shadow Spirit, and Silque: Mila's Servant!

    Be sure to obtain at least one of them to ensure that you'll be prepared for the Tempest Trial that will allow you to obtain Valbar: That Dude!

  17. 4 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

    While IS is almost under contract to give four CYL2 Braves, and will likely do a Farfetched 2. Let us not forget that they'll be doing normal banners along the way. They've already exclusively repped every game but T766, Gen 2 Awakening, and Gen 2 Genealogy (but I hear no one complain of this one) in at least one banner. So once they've tackled these three, they will be free to do add as they wish, likely according to popularity. So don't worry about sub-top 2 popularities too much.

    Worth mentioning that there has not yet been a Binding Blade banner yet, either. Unlike the three you list, that game actually has a substantial number of characters in the vanilla game... but post-release, it's pretty much on par (I believe it's Reinhardt/Olwen, Seliph/Julia, Klein, and Technically Inigo.) It's probably a lower priority, but we're due for one of those, too, if for no other reason than to remind the American localization team that they renamed Thite/Tate/Thea/Tito/Titty.

    You could arguably make a case for Mystery of the Emblem, as well, but Echoes of Mystery did have two FE3 characters on it, they're just listed as FE12 characters for some reason.

  18. 43 minutes ago, silveraura25 said:

    Afraid so. Would be funny if IS made a rule that guys can only vote for guys and girls only for girls.

    Fun as that might be, you'd just have people finding ways to cheat the system for their waifu. Hell, people are doing that already just to get around the one-vote-per-day system by voting on multiple browsers, computers, locations, and so forth. There are always going to be those who take these things far too seriously.

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