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Posts posted by Iridium

  1. I watch the show. I started over spring break, when I was bored and my friend was all 'watch ponies with me please', and so I did. I like the show and do make an effort to see new episodes as they come, but I'm not quite as obsessed with it as my friend is. Also, Spike is best poney Rarity > Applejack > Twilight > Pinkie > Fluttershy > Rainbow

  2. Lissa reminds me of The Last Story, to the point where I wish they'd just done Lisa.

    Every game company gets their games out worldwide? What companies are these? Square-Enix's games take quite a while to reach here, for example. Heck, Theatrhythm was a very low-text game and it took several months to reach the West. No word on Bravely Default either. Level-5's Layton series takes over a year for each game to localize, so does Capcom's Ace Attorney series. Yes, companies do worldwide releases, but they are usually big name series or series with little amount of text to translate. Fire Emblem is neither of those.

    Trails in the Sky: Second Chapter.

    Month 31. Still no release date, still no release year, still no platform.

    I still want to believe.

  3. The arrow to the knee thing was actually a reference the translators put in? It honestly sounded like the kinda thing Rickard would say...

    I sort of agree on the last part. I could say the same for Cord. Personally, I didn't mind whether they were in there or not, and I'm usually the sort of person that reacts badly to forced memes.

    Of course, if that sort of thing is all it takes for certain people to have a poor opinion of the entire otherwise-excellent patch, then it's easier to change the line than people's argumentative natures~

  4. Omigosh, omigosh, omigosh!!!

    The blue 3DS?! Are you guys serious? I really hope it comes out. I really, really do.

    In fact, if it didn't come out in America, I was thinking about saving money for the Japanese one... as overpriced as it is.

    But, I guess I won't have to! Actually, I still may buy the Japanese one... I need a Japanese one.

    My DS lite is breaking down... and I need a Japanese 3DS to play FE12... and I already have a purple American 3DS.

    Oh! I can buy both! *rubs his hands together, thinking of how he could save up that much money*

    *sigh* I guess that's just one more thing to add to the already long list of things I want... XD

    I wouldn't get your hopes up. It'd be nice - really nice - but putting too much stock in rumors seldom ends well, especially rumors so exciting as that one - to say nothing of how it would contradict NOA's more recent policy of not caring.

    Gamestop has the US release set for 3/31/2013. I'd be overly surprised if we get it before that. (Although a valentine's day release to commemorate the return of the pairing/children system would be kinda funny).

    Placeholder dates are placeholder dates, and if anything a date like that means they expect to sell it by the end of Q1.

    I don't know about that. It's blue color with a white pattern, always seemed ridiculously random to me. The titular Emblem is gold, for instance.

    It doesn't scream Fire Emblem to me. At all.

    It's blue.

    Blue is the color of hair.

  5. Though, personally I also simply prefer ALttP in order to find out how it would look like, when Nintendo gets a new dimension to work with.

    It'd look like Ocarina of Time.

    Young defenseless kid wakes up to find that their guardian is dead and they're the chosen one, so they need to collect three jewels to obtain the Master Sword. To obtain these jewels, they travel through places like the Lost Woods, Zora's River, Death Mountain, Kakariko Village, and Hyrule Castle. After doing this, however, they find themselves in a dark, malevolent land, and are forced to find and rescue six sacred maidens before going to save Zelda from Hyrule Castle, now Ganon's Castle. The main differences between them are throwing in time travel, more colorful dungeons, and having two of the maidens become the supersexy dudes Darunia and Rauru. Items found within the game include such tools as an irrationally large hammer, a grappling hook, a mirror shield, silver and gold gauntlets, a magical flute with a tragic backstory, and, if you look hard enough, three legendary pieces of magic that ultimately use too much MP to be worthwhile.

    Granted half of this is also the content of most of the other Zelda games released after ALTTP, but that's Zelda for you.

  6. I'm expecting information on the Wii U 'launch window' titles (e.g. Pikmin 3) and their dates, as well as release information for Brain Age 3 and Luigi's Mansion. Animal Crossing and Fire Emblem might get mentioned, but I think they'll probably save the dates for the next episode. If either of them are releasing in March, we might get one of them dated, but I doubt both.

    I don't expect too many truly 'new' games from the event (that we haven't seen before), but if they clear out their current roster of releases they'd have to announce something sooner or later.

    It would be very nice if we got a release date.

    I also wonder if we'll finally hear about Monolift Soft's new Wii U game? I know Iwata said he'd talk about it "soon" or "next time" or something. Though, I'm not expecting much, especially when they talk about discussing "upcoming" titles; they're usually very reserved.

    Oh, how I'd love to hear more on the mysteries of Monolith's present doings. However, I think that'll probably be announced for Japan first, and I don't think they've had a Nintendo Direct confirmed yet. Even if they did, the game probably wouldn't be announced here until, like, 2023 2014-ish..

  7. has silly memes in it

    I wouldn't say that much, although they're at least integrated well~


    At the risk of sounding ill, though, you haven't any idea how thankful I am for this translation. I have no complaints; from start to finish, everything was lovely, and had I been told this was actually Nintendo of not-Japan's doing after playing it I'd not for a second have doubted it. It was truly high-quality stuff.

  8. Oh, easy. Dissidia 012, The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky, Ys Seven, and Jeanne d'Arc. Pity that the sequels to Trails in the Sky will take forever to come here - assuming they ever do, and past third that's a delusion - and the other LOH trilogy had a silly little translation. SC shows a ton of promise.

    As for the other three... Dissidia is just plain fun, Ys appeals to my collector's OCD while being a tasty little challenge, and Jeanne d'Arc... I don't have any particular reason for Jeanne d'Arc. That's one's more of an "I JUST DO, OKAY?".

  9. ...ambassador of peace and hearts most faire~.

    It is 1:30. Everywhere I go is dead so I AM DOING THIS.

    I've been lurking for about a year now but felt no pressing need to register. Suddenly, I desire another time sink. Hello, time-sink.


    Mmkay. Vidja. I started this series with Shadow Dragon. I was pretty cool with it. I am probably certifiably insane. Then moved on to Sacred Stones, loved it, and then Seven, liked it somewhere between the two. Plan on starting a few more when my backlog ceases to be horrifying (coincident with the rapture), or when Awakening comes here. Video games non-specifically, I started in 2003 with a GBASP, playing Super Mario Bros. 3. Despite the rather recent start, I've spent enough time on the internet to know about gaming, classics, et cetera.

    My favorite series are Ace Attorney and Professor Layton... or at least they were a year ago, but now I'm FREELANCING and LOVING EVERYTHING EQUALLY because capcom is lame and layton only comes once a year. My favorite game that I've played this year is Xenoblade Chronicles, with second place going to The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky (FC). Something something something Ys. ANYWAY yes.

    17/M/Texas, and I have a GLORIOUS NECKBEARD THAT EXTENDS TO PANAMA. No. Not really. You can picture that if you want though. I'm a horrifically average person with no real defining external traits (and also no beard). I'm a fairly typical socially awkward internet guy aside from a few little minor personality quirks like complete psychopathy, unwavering paranoia, a thirst for vengeance, and, worst of all, I don't like the color green.


    Alright. Yes. This is how I am introducing myself. So yeah. I'm willing to leaden (i don't think this word is being used correctly here but it seems like a totally logical antonym to lighten) up if y'all have any questions.

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