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Status Replies posted by Knight

  1. Gotta take a break from SF, you probably won't see me for a couple weeks.

  2. sorry about that smash battle, got side tracked

    1. Knight


      It's all g. I'd have waited if the battle wasn't timed.

  3. (posting this here to not derail your thread) Even with all the 3rd party requests, I still doubt we're going to get two or more DLC 3rd party characters (since Sakurai himself said introducing 3rd parties "nilly-willy" will make the series lose its focus), and I doubt they're going to make 3rd party DLC characters that'll bump up SSB4's rating to above E10+. Sakurai is practically going out of his way to keep Smash E10+ with the way the Barbara and Tharja trophies wer...

    1. Knight


      If Nintendo has opened up and said "any video game character can be in Smash Bros. (with the ballot)" then that means we have seen their expectations, any self-assumed notions of worthiness are meaningless to this statement.

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  4. (posting this here to not derail your thread) Even with all the 3rd party requests, I still doubt we're going to get two or more DLC 3rd party characters (since Sakurai himself said introducing 3rd parties "nilly-willy" will make the series lose its focus), and I doubt they're going to make 3rd party DLC characters that'll bump up SSB4's rating to above E10+. Sakurai is practically going out of his way to keep Smash E10+ with the way the Barbara and Tharja trophies wer...

    1. Knight


      People like to make a big deal about the next character who will show up in Smash Bros, but in truth, such things are entirely inconsequential in the grand scheme of business. Ultimately, whether a character is "deserving" or not won't matter to the company if the developers make the decision and say "yes." Only we construct rules and reasons as to what character is deserving for Smash Bros.

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  5. (posting this here to not derail your thread) Even with all the 3rd party requests, I still doubt we're going to get two or more DLC 3rd party characters (since Sakurai himself said introducing 3rd parties "nilly-willy" will make the series lose its focus), and I doubt they're going to make 3rd party DLC characters that'll bump up SSB4's rating to above E10+. Sakurai is practically going out of his way to keep Smash E10+ with the way the Barbara and Tharja trophies wer...

    1. Knight


      The intent of an entertainment company should be to please their fans, first and foremost, even if that means Shovel Knight or Snake being in Smash Bros. If Nintendo's biggest woe and worry right now is "who's going to be in Smash Bros?" then I doubt their integrity as a producer of entertainment. Their biggest worries should be "how will Splatoon, Zelda and Star Fox push more Wii U units?" or "how will are mobile game strategy work?" or "what will the NX c...

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  6. (posting this here to not derail your thread) Even with all the 3rd party requests, I still doubt we're going to get two or more DLC 3rd party characters (since Sakurai himself said introducing 3rd parties "nilly-willy" will make the series lose its focus), and I doubt they're going to make 3rd party DLC characters that'll bump up SSB4's rating to above E10+. Sakurai is practically going out of his way to keep Smash E10+ with the way the Barbara and Tharja trophies wer...

    1. Knight


      I fully understand your argument and what you are trying to say, what I'm saying is that I don't agree with it.

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  7. (posting this here to not derail your thread) Even with all the 3rd party requests, I still doubt we're going to get two or more DLC 3rd party characters (since Sakurai himself said introducing 3rd parties "nilly-willy" will make the series lose its focus), and I doubt they're going to make 3rd party DLC characters that'll bump up SSB4's rating to above E10+. Sakurai is practically going out of his way to keep Smash E10+ with the way the Barbara and Tharja trophies wer...

    1. Knight


      be the one paying the licensing fees? I don't see how Sakurai would be hurt by it, he's making a character either way.)

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  8. (posting this here to not derail your thread) Even with all the 3rd party requests, I still doubt we're going to get two or more DLC 3rd party characters (since Sakurai himself said introducing 3rd parties "nilly-willy" will make the series lose its focus), and I doubt they're going to make 3rd party DLC characters that'll bump up SSB4's rating to above E10+. Sakurai is practically going out of his way to keep Smash E10+ with the way the Barbara and Tharja trophies wer...

    1. Knight


      Nintendo was fully aware that they would receive a ton of third-party requests going into the whole ballot, if they were worried about it they would have said "no third-parties" to begin with on the ballot. And you can't assume that companies like Camelot feel excluded if they haven't made any statement about it, they're a company, not a person. If I was Camelot, I'd be more sad that I can't work on anything other than a Mario spin-off. (Plus wouldn't Nintendo...

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  9. (posting this here to not derail your thread) Even with all the 3rd party requests, I still doubt we're going to get two or more DLC 3rd party characters (since Sakurai himself said introducing 3rd parties "nilly-willy" will make the series lose its focus), and I doubt they're going to make 3rd party DLC characters that'll bump up SSB4's rating to above E10+. Sakurai is practically going out of his way to keep Smash E10+ with the way the Barbara and Tharja trophies wer...

    1. Knight


      Dang, a ton of my comment was deleted. Anyways, I put Snake and Bayonetta on my poll, not because they were likely, but because they are in high-demand.

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  10. (posting this here to not derail your thread) Even with all the 3rd party requests, I still doubt we're going to get two or more DLC 3rd party characters (since Sakurai himself said introducing 3rd parties "nilly-willy" will make the series lose its focus), and I doubt they're going to make 3rd party DLC characters that'll bump up SSB4's rating to above E10+. Sakurai is practically going out of his way to keep Smash E10+ with the way the Barbara and Tharja trophies wer...

    1. Knight


      Shadow the Hedgehog had realistic guns with metal bullets, it's E10+. I think the only problem with Snake getting in would be company differences, but considering the fact that he was in before (even if the game was T) doesn't make me too concerned. The ESRB is much more flexible than I think most people believe, I've played T games that should have been rated M, E10+ games that should probably be T. Plus I don't ever recall a case of a DLC actually changing a rating before. (...

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  11. (posting this here to not derail your thread) Even with all the 3rd party requests, I still doubt we're going to get two or more DLC 3rd party characters (since Sakurai himself said introducing 3rd parties "nilly-willy" will make the series lose its focus), and I doubt they're going to make 3rd party DLC characters that'll bump up SSB4's rating to above E10+. Sakurai is practically going out of his way to keep Smash E10+ with the way the Barbara and Tharja trophies wer...

  12. (posting this here to not derail your thread) Even with all the 3rd party requests, I still doubt we're going to get two or more DLC 3rd party characters (since Sakurai himself said introducing 3rd parties "nilly-willy" will make the series lose its focus), and I doubt they're going to make 3rd party DLC characters that'll bump up SSB4's rating to above E10+. Sakurai is practically going out of his way to keep Smash E10+ with the way the Barbara and Tharja trophies wer...

    1. Knight


      (sorry for replying late) I don't imagine seeing more than two, yeah. I don't a character like Snake would bump up the rating. They could probably just remove his sidearm from his model and it would work, heck, Duck Hunt has guns and explosives already. I can't imagine another character on my list would bump up the rating.

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  13. Happy Birthday, sorry for being late!

  14. Dude that Wrys though. Reminding me of the feels meme.

  15. Happy Birthday, Knight

  16. Well, you mentioned you wanted to be friends with me, so here I am!! How have you been holding up?

    1. Knight


      I need to check my profile feed more often, I'm sorry. I'm good.

  17. Dude your quadratic formula in your sig displays a ? instead of a √.

  18. Okay, so my laptop's screen is clustered with dead pixels, and it is holding all my documents. Because both my computers are Apple, I have to use VM-Ware to emulate Window's programs like Word, and it's only compatible with my laptop's OS. So in short, Red Warrior is going to be postponed until I fix my laptop's screen. The chapter I had written I didn't like anyway, and need some time to think of a better one.

    1. Knight


      I'll do what I can, I think I may have actually found a solution for the problem, if it works I'll get back to it this weekend.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  19. Playing FE7, and after to resume FE4.

    1. Knight


      Fury and Levin seems more canon, I'm not a big fan of priests anyways, so I don't think I should give Holsety to Corple.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

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