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Everything posted by TrueBladeFTW

  1. That's understandable. I just wanted to know because in the current demo the fire sword is poo.
  2. Well sorry i'm not a mineral expert. Also hurr durr you need diamonds to mine it.
  3. Really? I the fire sword would only hit fives. Sure it would double but on the enemies with a larger health could easily take hits from it. Meanwhile the everyone else is just slaughtering the enemy.
  4. On the topic of weapons, will there be stronger versions of the magic weapons like the fire sword and thunder sword?
  5. I don't know. It's about a 5-6 on the hardness scale and was used to make arrowheads. It is also used to make some medical tools like scalpels and whatnot.
  6. So I'm guessing diamond weapons are out of the question then.
  7. Also, just saying, titanium weapons sound very intimidating. Why not something lower on the hardness scale like obsidian or cobalt?
  8. Just make the background a crude drawing of someone's john thomas.
  9. Arena abuse then used Gameshark to check out the promotions.
  10. I fail to see how it is obnoxious and makes it harder to read. Also, you don't know what instuct is. Maybe that was intentional and is important to the plot. And if it is, how would feel about that?
  11. Is chester going to get any sort of buff? I got him up to assasin and he still couldn't do much damage. Also curious as to why Lyn's Durandal animation was used for swordmaster.
  12. So, I have a quick question. Will there be Tier 3 promotions? Like, Trueblades, Arch Sages, and Marksman?
  13. I mean Renair looks like she might swing both ways. Just super sayain.
  14. You should put some yuri/shoujo-ai in this hack.
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