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You Know Shinon Is God

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Everything posted by You Know Shinon Is God

  1. Would you prefer to wait until a timeskip? I can post one probably tomorrow. Well, hopefully. I can skip with Pelleas at the same time, I think, so it should work fine for me. I think a few others are waiting on it, too.
  2. Sothe is down. NinjaMonkey, I can't count your last post because it puts Sothe in the negatives. Your post before that was the last Hurt for him. Hurt Micaiah, Heal Soren.
  3. Well, it's a new day, so I'm just gonna post now at two AM. :P Hurt Micaiah, Heal Ranulf.
  4. That's fine! I'll add you. I'm glad someone else is still interested. :)
  5. So, uhh, j00... I hope your question has been at least a little answered. ^^; -patpat-
  6. Yeah, I kinda figured they'd have been returned and taken out again if ever needed. Plus, that gives Zelgius the chance to get Alondite again. What do you guys think?
  7. Ilyana is down. I update daily, just at different times in the day. So the points will be overall accurate, but if a character's points are low, just subtract or add by two points with each post their name comes up in. Thankfully there aren't new pages of posts per day, so nobody has to run around to figure points out. ^^; Hurt Micaiah, Heal Shinon
  8. Yeah, I'm gonna post soon if nobody else does and speed it up, straight to Gallia, and start conflict there. So if anyone's gonna post, be sure to do so before I post with Ike again, because if I movethe GMs, I kinda have to move the time along, too, which means everyone else moves with the time. ^^;
  9. Valtome is down. Yeah, Kalas, I can't count that one because I can't heal Haar and not hurt anyone. Valtome was at zero already before that last post, from your previous one. Hurt Micaiah, Heal Shinon.
  10. And here he wanted me to tell him how he did in his post. Guess I have no need to now. :P
  11. You know, that could be a good idea. I agree.
  12. Well, j00, I guess you get the idea. Kind of. I'd say you get it about as much as I. Waha Kife, to be fair, you write so much in your introductory posts I can't say I remember it all.
  13. I kind of joined for roleplay, too. I wish you luck in whichever one you came for! And welcome to our lovely Forest.
  14. Daein What was he supposed to do? If he asked Soren in the first place to take his position, people may have attacked him for being Ashnard's child, both Daein and Crimean alike. If he chose Micaiah, there was all this. If he stayed as king, he would be a false king to his people. It was horrible... No matter what he chose to do, something would go wrong. Pelleas' thoughts wandered to Almedha. Was she doing well? Sure, she was back in Goldoa, but she had cared so deeply for him... Had she simply forgotten him now, now that she knew who her real son was? Was he just thrown to the back burner now? He was starting to question if she would even so much as allow herself to remember him and the feelings his presense produced for her. Even though he knew what he was doing when he told her the truth - that he certainly was not her son - somehow, it saddened him. He would probably never know who his real parents were. But she was still like an adoptive mother to him, now. Couldn't he still think of her as his mother? Couldn't he and Soren be something akin to step brothers? Just... maybe? "Hello, Pelleas." Removed from his thoughts, his eyes focused on the girl in front of him. Laura? What was she doing here? "Ah... It's alright, Laura. No need to treat me with pleasantries." He seemed to think about something for a moment. "Er... do you... know where Micaiah is? She doesn't seem to be in the palace. I'm thinking of searching for Sothe to see if he knows..." Greil Mercenaries Returning to the others, Ike noticed Soren missing. Hopefully he hadn't just heard that... He was somewhat relieved when Soren returned to the room, already prepared to leave. "Everyone, get ready to go. We'll leave once everyone's ready." Ike ordered, grabbing the weaponry and handing it to its owner. He resisted the urge to roll his eyes at the scowl on Shinon's face as he handed him his bow and quiver. "If we're going to that... place, I expect us to get paid well." The archer commented offhandedly.
  15. Yeah, a lot of FE characters don't ever get development besides that ONE trait that pretty much defines them. -Cough Ilyana- I know Pelleas' epilogue said he learned to speak easy to all, so I'm going to have him the same as in the game in the beginning and develop more as the RP goes on. He did even develop in the game, which made me le happy.
  16. Florina, that's fine. I was actually sick this week, too. I'm just not sure if you wanted Soren to get suspicious and possibly listen to them and hear what Ranulf said. But that's up to you. Snowy, once we get a reply from Florina, I'll be able to post again and hopefully move the GMs. Somehow "the GMs" sounds cool. Also, I need to find something very signifigant for Shinon to do. Because he's that awesome. So awesome, on my last playthrough of PoR, he got third place...
  17. It's alright. I'm waiting on Florina, really, and then I'll post again. I'll post for Pelleas in the same post. Snowy, you don't have to always have them in every post, so you should be alright. If it gets too difficult you can drop them or give them to someone else. But like I said, I might drop the limit for characters soon, because we'll be needing several more (like, say, Tibarn), and we have most of the RPers we're going to get, if not all.
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