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Fruity Insanity

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Everything posted by Fruity Insanity

  1. I dunno. My roommate has a crapton of RPG manuals that he wants to do one-shots of for funsies. So far we've only played D&D (5th Edition), OG D&D (one-shot), and Paranoia (one-shot). "You're too much of a sub to say no."
  2. > It was what my friend said was recommended on /cgl/. :< MY ROOM MATE WAS THE ONE WHO SUGGESTED IT I JUST PASSIVELY AGREED. >_> The fact that you have done so remains the same.
  3. Maid RPG. Hey he crossdressed, too.
  4. Nah, the bra and stockings full of rice were hard to get right, man. And don't get me started on how hard it is to get 100 cm of hair to look nice. (`・ω・´)
  5. It's nothing! I warned you! It's for a game.
  6. [spoiler=Do not open this.] [spoiler=No seriously. Don't.] [spoiler=Do you want to bleach your eyes?] [spoiler=Why are you still clicking these spoilers open?] [spoiler=...] [spoiler=I mean, if you're that set on opening this, then...] [spoiler=By all means, do what you want.] [spoiler=Just don't tell me that I didn't want you.] [spoiler=>//////////<] [spoiler=Don't look!] [spoiler=This is embarrassing.] [spoiler=Omg.] [spoiler=Go away, I said.] [spoiler=You really don't want to see this.] [spoiler=Ugh, FINE. But I DID warn you.]
  7. Hearthstone, lol. I have a couple friends who play that.
  8. Yeah, there are better games to waste time on, I agree. ;n;
  9. That's what it seemed like, lol. But yeah, no pain, no gain, man. You want to git gud? You need to practice.
  10. gg, I think your Captain Falcon is the best of the characters you played. Less rolling would beneficial to your game, though. And tbh, I didn't think I'd lose to that Little Mac, even if I rarely play Fox.
  11. Online -> With Friends -> Pick Room
  12. WELL I'M NOT. I mean, I don't have to finish my math tonight, but STILL.
  14. Speaking of Terraria, this is awesome.
  15. http://gematsu.com/2015/03/the-legend-of-heroes-trails-in-the-sky-evolution-demo-hits-japan-next-week
  16. Holy shit did I just wake up at 4:30. I slept for 12 hours again. Damn.
  17. Because TE totally wants to see shitposts. /s
  18. Why am I going back to Richmond so late, ugh.
  19. Well, I mean. I don't want to just spend on anything. I do think before making purchases. Usually. Maybe if I can yarr-harr them at some point.
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