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    London, England

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  1. Uwaaa!! I totally want this!! My FC is: 4355-9306-4467 Anyone who feels like adding me from SF in general - feel free! :D Edit: >.> Actually... I probably already have it... after reading through this thread I'm almost certain I probably do... still, if anyone wants to add me that's cool!
  2. For me I love adorkable types and Krom fits this more than 100%! Plus, I have a thing for blue hair (yes I'm shallow). I also can't deny that the idea of a Lucina who is Fauder's grandchild is epic, to me, and that the MU seems to have a legit reason to be with Krom given that he's in her thoughts when she awakens in that field. All in all I can't provide a single 'unique' reason, but I haven't found any of the other guys in-game to be all that interesting, either. I'm sure the characters have interesting back stories, but that doesn't change the fact that I'm no where near interested in them - where as pairing with Krom does interest me. Therefore MUxKrom! :'D Plus.. Marth's heir! Who doesn't want to associate with Marth! It might get you a placement in SSB!! (<--- Seriously this is a joke)
  3. Well, some skills are more useful than others so I'd imagine that certain classes get used - even if it's in the interim - so that these vital skills can be obtained. Personally I want to give anyone who can get it the "Lightning Speed" skill, who doesn't want to have two turns in one round?? Still, at the end when I'm picking 'final' classes, I'll be most interested in each characters best stats and variety of weapons available (Also, for some reason I <3 Bow Knights... IDK..)
  4. Honestly, I'm thrilled with all the work people have done. It'd be great to have more of the JP supports so that we can see what has (and hasn't ) been included and how the NoA / NoE team have chosen to change and add tone. Still, I appreciate that everyone doing this gains nothing from it and even less incentive when the supports are suddenly on a screen in English. Anyway, thanks for all the translations so far! They've been amazing!
  5. Yeah I think Elysse would have looked better, I think it's the Y at the front of the word. It makes me think of slang like Y'know so it looks like it should be say "Yuhlise" ... Just 'feels' wrong to my eye. :-/
  6. Got to say I'm not a fan of the country names, but it's not a deal breaker...
  7. Well I got 1'000 from the 3ds bundle abd just bought a few thousand yen on play asia via their digital service so I got the code instantly
  8. Indeed, it just made me giggle to think of someone saying "Screw this! I can't wait another 2 months!" ... partly because I feel the same!
  9. Let's just say Major Blush Face!
  10. That B support scene was a classic! Made me lol seeing Kroms BLUSH OF ULTIMATE MANLY DERP! That C support is looking good, too. It would be strange in our culture to say "you're not really a 'woman' to me", but to say you're not a 'lady' holds a bit more weight (or at least it does around here, people get their noses out of joint if they're called 'unladylike'...) .
  11. I was so tempted by that Zelda 3DS... I'm glad I have an FE one, tho, I like it more than the Zelda one (although the Zelda one IS gorgeous!)
  12. Hopefully in the coming weeks we'll get some content that'll be worth getting excited about!
  13. :) No probs! BTW Lucina's quote from the thread was about changing the future "I will change the future" or something similar to that!

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