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Everything posted by Fateborn

  1. Fateborn

    FEE3 2014

    That's all fine and everything. But would it be a pain to add subtitles later on for people with no sounds or the hearing impaired fans?
  2. Y-you actually crossed that distance on time before the hidden turn limit were up? You Monster!I'll add that to the issues. You're not supposed to be able to have Alvaria for 1B and vice versa
  3. So, I just released a demo to my hack. But I'm probably ignored as usual.
  4. -whistle innocently- https://www.mediafire.com/?i9ohne8pghc8c6j Use NUPS to patch .ups to a clean fe7 rom. Enjoy the three chapters in there. Read readme for known issues and which chapter has secrets so you can go digging.
  5. I want it so bad now that I hear you. ... It better be out next year!
  6. Fateborn

    FEE3 2014

    He mentioned it on his chapter where he continues to babbles to Roy about Idoun's history. Maybe I'm remembering it wrong. But I can assure you Yahn/Jahn would rather break Idoun out and use her than guard her.
  7. Fateborn

    FEE3 2014

    my god, over an hour and half for road to ruin? Also, for Elibian Nights, assuming the Nils x Naga conversation is in that chapter. Jahn (Or Yahn as you call him) isn't guarding Idoun's seal, that's for certain. He's actually responsible for what happened to Idoun (making of a Demon Dragon that is). He's one of the few that captured Idoun and after the Scouring, he laid in hiding tending to his wounds, until he sensed the awakening of Idoun. I'm pretty sure I'm being trolled, but, better get it out of my guts than have a false fan-canon that shouldn't happen happens.
  8. Fateborn

    FEE3 2014

    The impatiency is strong within me.
  9. //Dammit Glenn. //The first to submit. //I wish I could type faster. This is relevantly simple. Nice job Kamon!
  10. Joking aside, I'm surprised with how skilled you are at eventing. I can't see any mistakes in demos I tried from your previous titles, including this. (Probably because I'm an unskilled scrub.)
  11. Apparently I'm a background character.
  12. I never finished Bravely Default. And I don't know how to like it. Help?
  13. Unedited idoun's dark breath animation is the result in that screenshot. I'm interested in reusing it. Edit- Further investigate reveals the animation's locked to a direction. Any clue?
  14. This hack isn't dead. I'm just neglecting my work. I did manage to fix a weird bug that happened after seizing. HideMap, why must you do this to me. Other bugs my testers found are present mainly because I didn't ask in event question thread yet. I'm too lazy :v Here's the event that never showed up because of that seize bug. HURRAY Demo in couple of days. -Edit: Whoo, got brave effect on ranged weapons... how did I forget about Brave Bow's byte.
  15. Sleepiness is tiresome burden. I hate being me.
  16. Around $400 on League of Legends contents. The next largest would be Steam. Next largest would be FE. -stare-
  17. because, i don't have anyone in mafia.
  18. THIS GOD DAMN GAME! I'm stuck in champion select. ... -cry- Kin. Mahou Sensei Negima is good! YUNOREADITAGAIN
  19. I need something to do after this match... Kin, you going to read Mahou Sensei Negima again? Just for the sake of enjoyment. :v
  20. -falsetto voice- Dawg, dem descripts be the shit, they be fittin man. Me and mah crew back this nigga up! Fateborn be our pose now!
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