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Elinor Cross

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Posts posted by Elinor Cross

  1. There's a chance they could leave every single thing about Spotpass exactly the same, but take out the ability to recruit any Spotpass characters.

    It does say you can battle against the "Legacy Characters", but it doesn't say you can recruit them.

    It would make the DLC characters stand out even more than they already do, and give more incentive to buy the DLC, because you wouldn't be able to get a free copy of the characters.

    They mostly likely won't do this, but it seems just possible enough to consider.

    If i cant recruit a free version of Marth, Katarina, Eliwood, Lyn, Ephraim, and Soren I am going to be pissed. (Will still buy the DLC of course)

  2. That makes me worry to, actually. Just becouse they release it doesnt mean they wont edit it as well. For all we know we might get a lot of the DLC but we might not get some of the characters that some of the DLC gives you. (I mean, considering Roy, Leaf, and Cecile's games werent released in NA I wouldnt be surprised if we didnt get them. On the flip side I am sure we'll get Lyn and Ike since they are so popular here)

  3. well preorder bonuses are usually something like a limited edition carry cases or a hard shell protector for the systm

    i would want to go for the hard shell casing makes my system look more awesome

    I would love the hard shell case to but i'd be afraid to use it XD I got a Legend of Zelda one for my 3DS when I first got it last year and all the decal on it has worn off T-T No more pic of Link on his horse T-T (so if the game comes with a casing as a pre-order bonus I would probably not use it at all. I'd probably keep it nice and safe unless they started going on sale XD)

  4. Favorite supports huh... well, I find HenryXSumia to be really adourable (just like I find HenryxOlivia to be far to cute).

    Any of Donny's supports. Any of them. He makes me question wether or not I will be marrying Chrom in my first playthrough or not XD (wish someone would upload his support with the female avatar in the support thread)

    VirionxSully is hilarious and solidified their couple for me XD It will be hard to pair him up with anyone else on my other playthroughs XD

    ChromXMariabel is really cute and funny to me as well as is the Liz-Mariabel supports.

    ChromxFemale Avatar has to be seen to be believed though. It was so funny I couldnt stop laughing XD

    Then of course there is Sariya x Libera which has its dark charms that I like.

    Nn X Mark (male) is also awsome. I like the way the two go together XD Cynthia x Mark (male) is also hilarious XD

    The one to top them all on hilarity, however, has to be the Gaia - Chrom supports XD (Dude, Gaia takes him to a friggin strip club! i mean, it only says the 'Red Light District' but come on!! We KNOW he took Chrom to do something naughty XD )

  5. If you want to see a support video, just use Niconico or one of it's variants. It's got pretty much all of them. I haven't seen the ChromxFemaleMU though. I have seen the ChromxMaleMU, which I prefer as a support in and of itself.

    What's Niconico? (Link please! Teasing isnt nice)

  6. I dont know what the original japanese line was but in Chrom and Female Avatar's supports when Chrom walks in on the Female Avatar the way she screams 'KINDLY GET THE HELL OUT!' was so funny that it makes me PRAY they keep it in the NA release.

    Im really hopeful for that XD

    For some reason I really like the english quote of Lissa saying 'I am NOT delicate!' XD

  7. I pre-ordered this game the DAY its NA release date was announced XD

    Now I've been counting down the days on my blog and on Facebook (its annoying the hell out of my family but my friends think its hilarious)

    55 days left :'3

    Im hoping Gamestop will have a Pre-order bonus (there isnt mention of one yet but you never know).

    Im hoping for some decal for my 3DS XD (like the sticker kind they game me for my PSP when I got Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep)

  8. Not to be completely off topic

    I really like your Let's Play commentary XD It is either rather helpful to understand the game (be it the mechanics themselves or the storyline. I mean, I'd never be able to really utilize the doubling system if you hadnt spent the time to explain how it works XD ) or it is really funny XD

    Granted, my favorite of your episodes tend to be with the guest commentators. They tend to add a whole new hilarity XD

    Keep up the good work :'3 I eagerly await the next video!

  9. So I borrowed a friend's copy of Fire Emblem Awakening and their japanese 3DS so I could play it and I had been doing really really well (im at the final chapter). Well, I left the 3DS out with the game when I went to a manditory training for my job that took 2 days and my little brother picked it up and started playing the game.

    He made a new file, made his character and went from there.

    When I got home I was actually really surprised that he managed to not only get to chapter 22 on his own but he had recruited most of the children characters, married everyone, and had a decent grasp of what was going on.

    Take note my little brother is 13 right now and has trouble understanding his own Birth Language English (and that I only have the most basic understanding of Japanese myself).

    Turns out he had actually been listening to me when I played and how I made comments on everything (and he had been watching with me when I used ShadowofChaos's Let's Play of the game as a refference at times for certain things).

    His stats for the games were as follows:

    Name: Ma i ka ru (Michael. He got it Katakana, which I was impressed with. Must have used my 'cheat sheets' )

    Gender: Male

    Body Type: 1

    Hair Type: 3 (Spiky-ish one that is tied)

    Hair Color: Brown

    Class: Grandmaster (The skills he has tells me he had managed to reclass the a DragonMaster, Assassin, Hero, and Great Knight)

    His lover, to my surprise, was also Tiki.

    This certainly opened my eyes to my little brother.

    Anyone else got similar surprising stories about letting family play Fire Emblem?

    (In related storytelling: I let my older brother play Fire Emblem 7 -the english version- and he couldnt beat Lyn's Tale. how, I have no idea).

    Sorry if this seems random and not to be posted in this forum specifically. Just wanted to share.

  10. I'll replay the game constantly to at least fill out the support library but this is what I decided on for my first run through (which will be my 'canon' run through for me)

    Name: Elinor

    Gender: Female

    Body Type: 2

    Hair Type: 5 (its the long spiky one)

    Hair Color: Brown

    Best Stat: Magic

    Worst Stat: Luck

    Class: Strategist - Troubador/Valkrie - Pegasus Knight/Dark Pegasus - Thief/Assassin - Grand Master

    Skills Equipped (Not in any specific order) - Secluded Lady, Dual Support+, Lethality, Magnificant Flame, Rainbow Cry

    Lover: Chrom (Of course)

    Sword or Magic?: Magic (Long distance FTW)

    Other stuff I plan for my 'canon file' (actually just my planned pairings)

    Generation 1:

    Lissa - Frederick

    Sully - Viole

    Sumia - Gaia

    Miriel - Vaike

    Mariabel - Richt

    Olivia - Rey Sol

    Velvet - Callum

    Tiamo - Ronku

    Nono - Grego

    Sariya - Henry

    Generation 2:

    (None of these are set in stone, actually. I have no idea if I will keep these ones or not)

    Lucina - Jerome

    Mark - Selena

    Azure - Cynthia

    Wood - Dezel

    is shot for the pairing joke due to a let's play favorite

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