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Posts posted by Technoweirdo

  1. Still going through it (Playing a post-game file, cleared Xenologue 3 on Maddening recently), but to share a few stray thoughts...:

    • Nil is saved by the fact that he's a Dragon and thus can use certain Emblems really well even at Bond Level 1. Have him with Byleth currently, but I can see Corrin and Camilla giving him utility thanks to Dragon Vein. Veronica's also good since summoning doesn't care about his stats.
    • By virtue of being a Dragon, Nel too is usable. More usable thanks to having actual stats, but I don't see her having amazing combat outside of Engaging with Tiki.
    • Soren's the MVP of XL3. Not because he has Rexcalibur (I gave him to Gregory who can't get it without Bond Levels), but because he has Assign Decoy for messing with flier / cannon targeting.
    • Zelestia's very competent. Power of flying magic, yo. Boosted more by Chrom.
  2. 3 hours ago, whase said:

    Haha, that was about to be my next question, thanks!

    Now my next question feels more like an opinion-based question, but I'll ask it anyways. Is it worth basing who you give your emblems to on the weapon type they boost? For example giving Lucina to your bow user because she buffs bows, Ike to your axe user since he buffs axes. Is it worth that even if it might be slightly less optimal when considering their other abilities? I mostly have my doubts about emblems that give a penalty to avoid.

    [Weapon] Precision/Focus/Avoid/Power are not Sync skills. Lucina doesn't quite buff bows, Ike doesn't buff axes, etc., nor do they give penalties related to those skills.

  3. 5 minutes ago, whase said:

    Question, I always try to talk with everyone on explore so I can get all those bond fragments. But sometimes I leave an explore and get some bond fragments on leaving. Do I get those because I missed someone? If so, does leaving cause me to gain all fragments? That would mean I can stop talking to everyone. If not, why do I gain them on some explores?

    You can ignore everyone and still get bond fragments from characters.  

    That said, don't think you -quite- missed anyone. Accidentally spoke with a character twice one time -- a character with a blue dialog box -- and ended up getting their standard dialog along with bond fragments.

  4. 5 hours ago, Use the Falchion said:

    Is Ike really a good Emblem for Timerra? I understand that he's a great Emblem for pretty much every physical unit, but does he synergize with her well? In my first playthrough, I took Ike off Timerra and gave him to Jade. (10/10 would do again.) Timerra had Eirika before I settled on Lucina, and I loved that combo. On Playthrough 2 I did the same thing. For Playthrough 3, I want to mix it up, but also want an Emblem that synergizes well with Timerra. I have the DLC, so maybe the House Leaders? 

    I think Timerra and Ike are fine, but there are better pairings for her. Personally like Sigurd since she gets Bld, Dex, and Def while Sigurd gets someone capable of wielding great lances.

  5. On 3/8/2023 at 10:50 PM, Dark Holy Elf said:

    Break... it's okay? I think it was pretty interesting and I wouldn't mind it returning in some form, but I don't like it being the only effect of weapon triangle, and I especially don't like how it means the weapon triangle becomes player-phase-only. It's really weird to me that e.g. swords don't beat axes on enemy phase at all. Even just allowing break to occur on enemy phase (which would make you sword-users immune to smashing axes, for instance, and let lance-user avoid being doubled by swordmasters if they hit with the counter) would at least address some of my concern, although you'd have to be careful of the interaction with Vantage.

    Between Emblem design and how so many encourage being the aggressor, Chain Attack which itself encourages aggression, fliers being jerks ideally shot by archers who are notorious for having a weak EP, and thieves, I figure WTA having no effect when defending was another one of many decisions to encourage moving forward no matter what. ~~Tatakae, TATAKAE~~

    Could WTA have -some- effect when defending? Maybe, but I think not Breaking was a balance decision because it disproportionately affects Swordmasters who lose a lot of power if they're incapable of doubling. Halberdiers wouldn't be affected as much, while Berserkers will laugh because they don't normally double anyways -- and then there's all the classes that exist outside the melee triangle. 

  6. 21 minutes ago, DefyingFates said:

    Is it worth putting both on the same unit or is that overkill? Thanks for the detailed answer!

    Both at their final forms? *Super* overkill. Up to Ch. 22 where you probably don't have them in their final forms nor Engage+? I think they're fine together. Don't recall a time Alear got ignored by Berserkers before then.

  7. Not gonna make a whole tier list at this time 'cause that'd take a while, but I'll comment on a few.

    Canter's definitely shot up in value for pre-Ch. 10 units. Even Jade can theoretically inherit it now despite having no chance to get SP before then.  
    I'd still say Build+3's worth a look given its 500 SP cost and ability to stack with Speed+3. Extra Spd's never unappreciated by the weaker characters. Personally, I like not having to run away from my problems because my problems are now dead.  
    Marth's Avoid and Sword Avoid skills are nice for one or two characters you want dodge-tanking.
    Actually inherited Perceptive early on because Alear couldn't inherit Sword Avoid at the time but figured I could transition a few chapters later (A few, I thought...). It's obviously not as nice, but it helped. Sadly, you probably won't have SP issues getting the more passive +Avo skills this time; Think it's awful now for inheritance.

  8. 8 hours ago, Quillmonger said:

    I did notice this, when I use flashing fist I do like six attacks sometimes? Like 25x2 three times? I was trying to find a way to get Yunaka to attack a third time as a thief. I guess if she did that and had speed taker the game would never stop her. 

    It'd really help if you posted the full build (or better yet, a vid) 'cause I could punch Generals and never see this. Closest to that I've seen is punching a mage you out-speed while paired with Marth, but that's four full-power hits and four half-power hits. That'd be six full-power hits effectively, but not quite what you're seeing.

  9. 39 minutes ago, Fabulously Olivier said:

    So, if a Chrobin wielder chain attacks in someone else's combat, would Robin also chain attack?

    Been wondering the same thing. If only Chrobin's wielder got the extra Chain Attack while Engaged, it'd be like a weaker version of Marth's Divine Speed. Now, if it worked how you're thinking and Chrobin happened to be paired with a Hero, that'd be 3 Chain Attacks coming from one unit.

  10. Given the number of times I've seen people misunderstand the royals' 'retreat' speeches with permadeath enabled, I'd ask for multiple auto-save slots. It'd save me the trouble of doing my own rotating manual saves in case I do something dumb too. Besides that...

    Item stacking and item merging.
    Improved skill descriptions, distinguishing inherit-only skills from sync skills.
    Prompt to equip skills upon inheriting.
    Better engrave UI.

  11. 5 minutes ago, Shadow Mir said:

    Fair enough. Also, I don't think I can cheat the system by killing him last (as the reinforcements would still spawn rather then the map ending), can I?

    Correct. You have to take on the reinforcements no matter what. Personally, I let him get near the exit before ganking him. Figured being able to deal with small bunches of reinforcements immediately would help.

  12. 10 minutes ago, Dark Holy Elf said:

    According to Serenes there's a move cap of base move + 2 (i.e. you can't use more than two boots on someone), so unless I'm missing something I don't think it's possible. Which yes, makes it the biggest waste of SP in the game.

    Not sure what they were thinking with Momentum+. Given that Momentum doesn't scale that well (fixed damage boost is obviously less good when enemy HP is 60 compared to when it was 30), I was really expecting Momentum+ would be "grants 2 damage for each square moved" or perhaps "grants 1 damage for each square moved, but applies to all attacks, not just the first". Both of those would make much more sense and give the skill value as an inheritable.

    I can think of maybe one situation where it'd make a noticeable improvement: Warp Ragnarok.
    ...Though that depends on whether warping counts as movement. And whether you want to use Warp Ragnarok 'cause lol Warp Ragnarok. I'm still not over how everyone thought it'd be busted until we actually got the game.

  13. 1 minute ago, DefyingFates said:

    Thanks! And I assume this is a combat-by-combat basis, not something that will permanently turn combat on and off? If this works on enemy phase too, do you have to hold ZR as the enemy approaches you? I really wanted a custom setting that would enable animations for bosses only, but I could cope with this option. Thanks again!

    Yes, it works on enemy phase so long as you hold.

  14. 1 hour ago, DefyingFates said:

    Do Lineage and Mentorship (Edelgard and Byleth's skills respectively) stack? Thanks in advance!

    P.S. Is it possible to toggle animations on and off by pressing ZR? I can only open up the options to toggle the info display and minimap types.

    Hold, don't press when combat's about to start.

    10 hours ago, Flying Shogi said:

    I'm currently watching a Maddening playthorugh and it's making me want to attempt my first Maddening run but I have some questions.

    1. Are level ups for characters set in stone the moment a character is recruited like how it was in Fates? I know starting a chapter/skirmish on Hard resets the level up RNG but is that still applicable on Maddening?

    2. I heard that the game forces your first Maddening run to be played on fixed growth mode. Is this true? 

    3. I think I heard somewhere that Maddening has a cap for the number of stats you can get across all of your level ups. Ex: if a unit gets 30 level ups, they can only get say, a cap of 50 stat increases, and that number is spread across their stats. Is this true?

    With fixed growths (which is forced on your first Maddening run, yes), level-up RNG isn't set in stone on recruitment -- level-up RNG simply doesn't exist. It's based purely on growths, be they from personal, class, or Tiki. Just imagine every stat is not X but X.xx, and you'll have the idea.

  15. Ah, the silver puppy ranch. One day, I'd like to shut you down...

    Yeah, did something like that whenever gold corrupted didn't spawn in a good location. Don't do it as often since a few crew members are getting near their caps (Thanks for the stat boosters, Relay Trials), but sometimes gold corrupted refuse to spawn at all.

  16. 16 hours ago, CompteSecours said:

    The gameplay is so fun compared to TH, I'm 100% sure I will have more hours in Engage than in TH.

    I know I did. Oh, I *definitely* did -- but that doesn't excuse Engage's post game being a really slow grind that can be pretty awful on Maddening. Looking at you, fog-of-war skirmish at Ch. 11's map with units spread aaaaallll the way down the valley. And don't think I forgot you, still miasma-filled Ch. 19 map except you're nowhere near the flame cannons.

    Even ignoring difficulty, the speed is an issue when something like obtaining the last few S-rank weapons requires amassing 360,000 gold, yet so far I've seen at most 4,000 at a time. Then there's forging which has its own gold costs (hopefully the gold grind to 360k gave you most of the ore). There's also forging Engage weapons which has its own, separate grind. And of course there's building all the units you had to neglect over the course of your playthrough. At least they fixed the support grind.

    Like, I beat the game. Why does it feel so hostile?

  17. 1 hour ago, Shadow Mir said:

    Also, do enemies use engage attacks over anything else, or will they attack normally if someone is in range?

    I distinctly remember Sigurd doing a normal attack against me in his paralogue when I was attempting an Override bait into a Backup-filled hole he can't Canter out of. Don't remember -why-, but instinct tells me he tried to swing with a Brave Lance that time since it'd do more damage.

  18. 22 minutes ago, CompteSecours said:

    Hey guys, I'm having problem understanding some skills combination. I wanted to test some mad stuff with Astra Storm and true damage.

    Alear personnal skill gives +3 true damage. So why when I use Astra Storm with a character next to Alear, it doesn't do +15 (3*5) damage ? Maybe it had only +3 damage at the end ? But how can it show on the calculation window ? Or maybe it had 0.30*3*5 damage and round it up (or down) ?

    Same question for Bravery (Eirika) skill who gives +3 damage. I guess I can't give Astra Storm that much true damage ?

    Divinely Inspiring is added before Astra Storm's 70% damage reduction per hit. Depending on how much damage you normally do, you either get +5 overall or +0.

    Incidentally, Luna is factored similarly, so don't expect individual hits to do +15 damage on a Luna proc.

  19. 9 hours ago, Dark Holy Elf said:

    Agreed that Mani Katti as a second engage weapon feels a touch disappointing especially when Lyn's most obvious direct comparison is Lucina who starts with her Noble Rapier - I'd prefer Sol Katti as well. Of course, Sol Katti would probably suffer from the same issue that afflcts other wyrmslaying weapons in this game, the choice to make fell dragons not be dragons.

    Oh, Sol Katti wouldn't suffer from dragon slayers not killing fell dragons. It'd suffer from existing alongside 17 Mt, +5 Spd-giving Mulagir that also happens to be a dragon slayer. 😛 Marth's Falchion is 12 Mt by the way.  

    But back to Mani Katti itself, its biggest issue is Mt in a game where Paladins are kind of tough, Great Knights are really tough, and Generals are "Don't do it". Rapiers in general suffer from it, but Mani Katti especially so. If you're expecting it to perform like it did in older games, you're in for a rude awakening.

    ...Incidentally, at 6 Mt, it does 1 more damage than just shooting the Paladin with Mulagir.

  20. 4 hours ago, I Am Cute said:

    Is it better to pair emblem rings to units who have the same weapon affinitity, or the other way around?

    For the beginning I thought it's better to have matching rings to have faster boosts of the already used weapon type (like Jade x Ike and Alcryst x Lyn), but I'm not sure...

    >Faster boosts of the already used weapon type
    Hm? If we're talking about raising weapon ranks from B to A to S, I thought there's no way; thought that it's strictly tied to class.  

    Still, matching weapon types has a use for Engage Attacks involving selectable weapons (Marth, Sigurd, Roy, lol Lucina's, Lyn, Ike, Eirika). Outside of that, you're mainly picking for stats and skills. Weapons are a bonus.

  21. Only at Ch. 22, but imo...

    The Most Busted
    Micaiah -- Boosts staves in a game with good staves.
    Lucina -- Bond Shield enables flying mages to tank both generals and snipers.
    Corrin -- The queen of stalling mobs *and even bosses*.

    Somehow Not The Most Busted
    Ike -- Turns bulky units into tanks in a game where tanking is hard. Exists in a world where glass cannon mages can somehow be tanks.
    Byleth -- Can give multiple units extra turns once. Exists in a world where Corrin can deny enemy actions multiple times.

    Pretty Damned Good
    Lyn -- Raw speed backed by more speed with Speedtaker. Mulagir has even more Speed and hits hard.
    Eirika -- Raw firepower in Lunar Brace / Bravery. Sieglinde hits everything really hard in the late game.

    Marth -- Raw firepower in Break Defenses + Divine Speed. Have to bring your own weapons.
    Sigurd -- Lots of movement. Can sometimes do fun things with Overdrive.

    Use Them For The Stats
    Celica -- "Wow, Warp Ragnarok? Queen of LTCs" -Everyone before they learned about Revive Stones. At least Sigurd keeps his wild movement the whole time.
    Roy -- +5 levels doesn't do as much as you wish it did.

    Use For The Build; DO NOT ENGAGE
    Leif -- Maybe a Royal Knight could use him? Aside from that...

  22. 5 minutes ago, Shadow Mir said:

    On Corrin: Is the fog effect really that good??? 

    On Leif: I think the best part of him is that he has build+ as inheritable.

    For Thieves specifically, it's effectively a 3x3 grid of forest tiles centered on self on demand. Has its quirks though like causing 59 Hit enemies on Maddening to not attack unless there's a Backup ready to Chain Attack, at which point it's a mere stalling tool. Personally though, Corrin's glued to Alear, so I never got to try it. I get a lot of mileage out of Flame and occasionally Succor already. Really hard to give that up.

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