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Posts posted by Technoweirdo

  1. Gaiden/Echoes: Do you really want this when Cantors exist?
    New/Mystery of the Emblem: From what I remember, doubling anything's pretty hard in the first place, at least in the early game. lol
    Thracia 776: If you have Wrath, you're a god. Charge is an okay substitute.
    Binding & Blazing Blade: Good luck on turn-limited maps, especially in Binding Blade.
    Sacred Stones: Seth will still do his job, just a lot slower.
    Path of Radiance: You'll wish you were playing Radiant Dawn.
    Path of Radiance: You'll wish you didn't have to beat the game to unlock animation skips.
    Awakening: Early game will suck more until you get supports high enough to make Tag Team Attacks consistent.
    Fates: RIP Pair Up meta. Tag Team Attacks become super-viable with select characters. Effie immediately comes to mind

    General: Brave weapons that work on enemy phase get used even more. Or would be if they could be gotten early. Killers would be the next best thing. Offensive skills are nice too, though they're only really a factor starting mid-game.

  2. On 5/27/2018 at 11:37 AM, Dark Holy Elf said:

    Haven't been paying this game much myself of late, but I've been watching several others (friends/family) playing the game of late, and have noticed that PC mages seem to have more trouble dealing damage (with equal weapons) against high-res enemies like mages than PC physical units do against high-def enemies like knights. The mechanics suggest this shouldn't be the case. Is there a reason I'm missing or are we just crazy? I know that fighters have an easier time getting WTA (e.g. just send Frederick/Camilla/etc. against the knights) which helps but doesn't even in neutral cases this seems to be the case.

    Thanks so much for doing this, once again.

    Don't know if playable mages have weaker attacks than pegasi et. al. or if enemy mages just have that much more Res than knights do Def -- best resource on that afaik would be this which just gives approximations Will say though that attack speed and stun mechanics are definite factors, mages attacking more slowly than most and having to charge up their C1 before they can get a stun. Trade-off is that mages get to stun anyone and, last I checked, they can charge their C1 really quickly. Well, the cavalry mages at least.

  3. Things I'd want taken straight from Heroes:

    - The ability to skills with built-up SP rather than earn them at arbitrary levels. Do you really want HP+5 and Gamble as your first skills? No? Fine, go ahead and buy Axefaire as a Lv. 10 Fighter instead. Lethality as a Lv. 2 Ninja? Not sure if that's a good idea when you need Locktouch the next chapter and I'm not even sure how you got the SP for Lethality at Lv. 2, but okay!
    - Levels to skills. Seal Def's -6  was kinda extreme in Fates' early game. Being able to upgrade skills also gives a nice sense of progression.
    - Skill list. I just like knowing what I can expect to get from a character without having to consult a guide. It's also kinda hard to get you to save SP (and promotions) if you can't see what you're saving for. :P

  4. 2 hours ago, Tolvir said:

    Interesting. I still have to wonder why though? Its an intriguing little concept, but its an odd inclusion to say the least. Looks like it might be fun to screw around with, maybe even do a playthrough of the story mode on a fresh save with, but anything more than that, eh.

    Could lead to faster, easier clears, maybe? Trading off your own ability to attack in exchange for up to 7 allies (hopefully) dealing damage equal to yours would be crazy. Maybe they'll also finally sprint.

    Probably won't happen, but damnit, that's what I'm wishing for. lol

  5. 2 minutes ago, nocturnal YL said:

    Now that I think about it, how is tactician mode going to work in missions where you can use only one character?

    It'll probably work. Horribly. But a smarter strategist wouldn't use it on a mission where they're the only one available. :P

  6. I'm hoping Strategist mode amps allied characters' aggression on-screen. Always seemed silly to me how you have to look away for them to do something.

    Destruction Pact looks...tempting. Just hope the damage doesn't count for ranking purposes. lol (Fun fact: The warrior gauge slowly charges itself when you're at low health)

    On an unrelated note, @VincentASM, I should've checked on this earlier, but did you ever finish labelling all of Sakura's soundbites?

  7. Nothing like watching your low-rhythm myrmidon take an axe to the face and die from a high-rhythm fighter~
    Biorhythm is an unnecessary complication that can 'break' the rules of the game in a way that's not in your favor, the solution being to use units that can ignore the rules in the first place.

  8. Initially, I was gonna play the game, do something to trigger a voice clip, then find the clip number to label it which is, uh, not very efficient. I settled on transcribing what's said instead. lol


    011 - I can do this!
    012 - I can't do this much longer...
    013 - Is everyone okay? Sorry I'm late.
    015 - D-Do we have to fight?
    016 - Defeated? Here?
    017 - I wish I could've been more helpful.
    018 - Corrin! No!
    019 - Ryoma! This can't be!
    020 - Oh no! Hinoka!
    021 - Takumi! If only I could've protected you!
    029 - We've come this far. I can't hesitate now!
    030 - I--I'm ready!
    031 - It's over. Is everyone okay?
    032 - Oh no, we lost!
    033 - We're close now!
    034 - If only we could prevent this somehow
    035 - Let's at least try to enjoy ourselves
    036 - Why is winning so bittersweet?
    037 - That wasn't as bad as I thought.
    038 - Wow, I wish I had that kind of strength!
    039 - That was so inspiring!
    042 - How do you do it?
    043 - I'm amazed at you Elise. Your courage continues to inspire me.
    044 - R-Ryoma, how is it that watching you always brings the best in me?
    045 - What power! I hope to be as strong as you one day, Hinoka.
    046 - Your aim is on point today!
    047 - Just what I'd expect from an expert with a spear.
    048 - What mastery, Corrin! I hope I'm strong enough to fight beside you.
    049 - Look at you! I'll never be that strong.
    052 - I'm, uh, simply doing my best.
    053 - I didn't know I had it in me!
    054 - Oh, just barely!
    055 - I'm--I'm--I'm so happy to hear that! Thank you, Ryoma!
    056 - It has more to do with your training, I think!
    057 - What!? Don't make me blush, Takumi!
    058 - Well, I've learned so much from watching you, Oboro!
    059 - If I'm not doing everything I can, then I'm not doing enough!
    060 - Even I'm surprised, but I couldn't have done it without you!
    064 - Come to me if you get injured!
    065 - I'll do whatever I can to support you!
    068 - Are you hurt!?
    069 - It is an honor to fight beside you.
    070 - Don't forget: I'm here if you need me!
    073 - I hope I don't become a burden.
    074 - I'll try to do what I can for our team!
    075 - It's a comfort to have you beside me!
    078 - I may not be strong, but I'll fight with all I have!
    079 - I--I, uh, won't let you do this on your own!
    082 - Thank you. We're stronger as a team!
    083 - You're here! I'm so glad you found me!
    088 - I'll be there as soon as I can!
    089 - I hope I don't let you down!
    092 - Thank you! I'm sorry to be a bother!
    093 - You came! What a relief!
    094 - I'm so glad to have you here, Elise!
    095 - Th-Thank you, Ryoma! I hate to be a burden.
    096 - Oh, Hinoka! I feel like I'm dragging everyone else down.
    097 - Takumi! Who knows what would've happened if you hadn't come?
    098 - Thank you, Oboro. I'll try to be more useful from now on.
    099 - I--appreciate your help, Rowan. It was really quite gallant.
    100 - I knew I could count on you!
    103 - I--I'm just happy to be of use!
    104 - Please, that's what friends are for!
    105 - You're welcome, Elise. You and I are always stronger together.
    106 - I'm just grateful for the chance to help you, big brother.
    107 - I'll do my best, Hinoka!
    108 - No matter what, you'll always look brave to me, Takumi.
    109 - There's no need. Supporting each other is what we're here to do.
    110 - No amount of danger could keep me from helping you.
    111 - Of course. We're on the same side.
    114 - If we stay focused, we're sure to win!
    116 - Excuse me, but--I have to defeat you!
    118 - Please wait! You need backup!
    119 - We'll do better if we pool our strength!
    129 - So, um, should we fight?
    130 - A-Are you ready to fight?
    131 - As a Hoshidan princess, I invite you to do battle.
    132 - Now that we're here, I suppose we have no choice but to fight.
    133 - Meeting you here like this, Ryoma--It's a cruel twist of fate.
    134 - I'm not backing down this time, sister!
    135 - Here we are, Takumi. I won't hold back if you won't!
    136 - I'm sorry, Oboro, but I can't retreat now!
    137 - Don't underestimate me, Lyn!
    138 - I'm your enemy, alright?
    139 - R-Ready when you are!
    140 - On behalf of Hoshido, I accept this fight.
    141 - Don't worry, Elise. I'll fight with all my heart!
    142 - That's kind of you to say, Ryoma, but I'll give this my all!
    143 - Understood. Let's see if your training has done me any good.
    144 - I may not have your power, but I intend to fight my hardest!
    145 - Of course, Oboro. You're just the opponent I was looking for.
    146 - Get serious. Got it!
    147 - *Exhale* I manage to win!
    148 - I--I've made my family proud!
    149 - I won? I suppose luck was with me today, Elise!
    150 - How could this have happened!?
    151 - I hope you know, Hinoka, that you're the one who made me this strong!
    152 - I'm sorry this had to happen, Takumi.
    153 - I didn't think I could do it, Oboro.
    154 - Can I make this up to you, Anna?
    156 - I'll give this a try!
    157 - We'll see how this goes!
    158 - It's worth a try!
    159 - That wasn't so bad!
    160 - What can I do?
    161 - They were waiting for us.
    162 - I'm sorry! I've let you down!
    163 - Things are starting to go our way!
    164 - If only I could've done more!
    165 - I--I did it!
    166 - Such a disappointment!
    167 - We've got to do something!
    168 - Don't worry, leave it to me!
    170 - Hold on! It's not over yet!
    172 - Let's go!
    183 - Corrin! No!
    184 - What mastery, Corrin! I hope I'm strong enough to fight beside you.


    Triggers seem obvious enough for most of them. Can't figure out what to label them though. >.>
    Also, would you happen to have the JP versions of 018, 048, 183, and 184? I figure them being copies of each other in English is because in Japanese, Sakura has to refer to Corrin as both male and female. That distinguishment isn't here, but I insist on correct labelling. >:|

  9. Two questions:

    1. Does Anti-Air Focus affect critical hits and warrior specials (many of which send enemies airborne last I checked)? Sounds like it would overlap with Critical+/Warrior+, but maybe it does work which would be great.

    2. I'm not sure if it's possible, but do Robin and Linde have a combo that'll let them at least half-charge their C1 on the target they just stunned? I'm pretty spoiled by Elise's C1 almost always being fully recharged by the time I crit the target. lol Robin and Linde though I have difficulty getting even a quarter-charge.

  10. 4 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

    That's good, because I love using Chrom and I am somewhat decent at playing as him, so I'll give that a try next time.
    As for Leo, I haven't gotten the scroll for his Brynhildr tome yet, so I am pretty much screwed on that front. As well as the fact that on 3DS at least, mounted units that aren't on a pegasus suck hard, because they cover most of the screen, so you can't see what the enemy does while you wail on them. And because they move around so much, it's really easy to get disoriented and lose sight of the enemy you're trying to kill or you just get hit from off-screen.
    Leo and Elise have it especially bad, because they are prone to get hit while attacking, because they are stationary for their strong attacks - which I swear have better range when they are AI controlled and on the opponent's side - meaning they die like nothing to any decent physical attacker. Not to mention that even with Astra, most enemies still outspeed their combos, meaning you can't deal any meaningful damage before needing to dodge and staggering seems pretty much impossible for the player to do. Because swinging a sword while being stabbed to death by dark magic spikes is totally something a Swordmaster can do. Totally.
    And not even Pavise is enough to save them, I found. All in all, they are better suited as AI partners for me.

    Try using their C1 when the meter under their mini portrait is full. Their weaknesses are well-compensated by it. Maybe overcompensated. lol

  11. 47 minutes ago, sdgj1994 said:

    I spent a lot of time and effort to give Elise the ability to use S-Rank tomes after seeing how powerful they were, I just had to make one of my favourites even stronger. But twice the game has crashed after using her Warrior Special with said tome. As the animation nears its end, the screen freezes while the sound continues playing, and then an error message comes up moments after, closing the game. And both times this happened I was nearing the end of a mission, making this even more annoying. I would really like to let Nintendo aware of this issue but they don’t make it easy as there is no prompt to send an error report like with the PS4, for instance, and their website isn’t really clear for support either, just a bunch of FAQs which isn’t what I’m looking for. My game is 1.3.0 which is the latest version. Has anyone else experienced a similar issue, and is there a getaround currently?

    No workaround afaik aside from not using Warrior/Pair Up/Awakening specials. Those have been crashing me since Day 1. >.>
    Curious as to what actually causes it. Can happily say it's never screwed me over against Velezark (which is honestly the most critical time for them because fighting it sucks), but I've no idea if that's just my luck.

  12. 1 hour ago, ILikeKirbys said:

    Well, my Elise just got way better. Doesn't need a Genny any more (good thing too, since I haven't pulled one), and she can have Desperation too!

    Sure she'd want Desperation instead of a dead Genny? Killing a Genny means she can run Dazzling Wrath which is way better than Desperation because you can't get hit in the first place. :p

  13. 2 hours ago, Kahvi said:

    This might be a bit of a dumb question, but how do you get the stun cauge to appear when you're playing as an archer? This is the first Warriors game I've ever played, so I'm a bit lost with some mechanics…

    The archer's Strong I (hold X) is their stunner. Takes a little while to charge halfway for regular stun and even longer for heavy stun, so make sure to use it from long range.

    Besides that, you can use a Dual Attack or wait for the enemy to do a strong attack for regular stun.

  14. "Daggers are (sorta) back as the sword equivalent to javelins"

    Knowing a little about game development and looking at javelins and hand axes, I'm wondering why we aren't just using throwing swords. I mean, it's far less work animation-wise as you only have to create the throw animation for long-range combat and recycle all melee animations for close-range. Using a dagger like a sword meanwhile...doesn't really work, creating more work for needless realism.

    Alternatively, given that we're working in a not-realistic high-fantasy setting and weapons like the Wind Edge and Siegfried exist, we could always have short swords that cast not-magic which is still a lazier option than creating multiple dagger animations for various classes. Can you even begin to imagine how they're supposed to work for cavalry?

    Also lol Canto returning. This day/night thing also reminds me a bit of biorhythm, which I feel was dropped for a pretty good reason (See: My Edward at low rhythm getting axed by an enemy at high rhythm.)

  15. 10 hours ago, Zachmac said:

     Either this sniper has some awesome resistance or Sakura's Warrior Specials are definitely magic.

    While I wouldn't say that sniper has awesome resistance, if Takumi's the 'base' for archers, then the sniper should have better Res than Def. Could've been confirmed via a full-charge Strong I or any other attack or combo that does an appreciable amount of damage.

    That said, I'll spare you the additional testing and say that, after firing off two warrior specials at a Lv. 64 mage (who I know from previous tests has way better Res than Def) at the Lv. 64 arena in the Gaiden map -- once with Topsy-Turvy on Spellbane Yumi, once without -- that Sakura's warrior specials are physical, not magical.
    Maybe they should've put Topsy-Turvy on Spellbane Yumi from the start to give her a better start. Edit: Actually wait, at 30 Mt until upgraded, she'd generally be better off with a regular silver weapon as you progress. Maybe they should've just made Topsy-Turvy bows available earlier instead. Either way, poor Sakura. :(

  16. 3 hours ago, SourPeridot said:


    While I'm not Tables...

    Regarding damage reduction, damage being divided by Def/Res does fall in line with my own experience and would explain the following:

    1. Why low-level enemies aren't obliterated the instant they touch 240 Mt lightning.
    2. Why it took me roughly 3 times as long to kill a high-level enemy with a bronze sword (10 Mt) compared to a brave sword (240 Mt) using Lucina (93 Str) instead of taking me over the 60-minute time limit to kill a single guy.
    3. Why, despite endgame enemies packing brave weapons (brave weapons, by the way, greatly outscaling your defenseive stats), Elise and her 42 Def don't take 300 damage from a physical hit.
    4. Why, despite having 121 Def, Frederick's damage taken isn't zero from the same physical hit.

    Regarding how individual attacks in a combo are factored, I'd wager multiplicative. Being additive means it wouldn't scale very well. Also, different attacks -definitely- don't deal the same amount of damage. *Looks at Takumi's Strong I*

    And while you didn't ask this, Astra is not a trigger skill, nor is Luna nor Sol nor Aegis nor Pavise. Aether's not even in the game. :p

  17. 11 hours ago, Fulush said:

    Sorry if these have all been answered but I've got several questions on supports.

    1. Has anyone compiled a list on how much exactly support is raised? I know if you're paired up and defeat a captain you get a heart above your head with who you're paired up with. I also know just having units deployed in the same battle adds a bit to support.

    1.5. But just how much do these things contribute to overall support level? Is there a hidden value that people have figured out yet? Is there a limit to how many captains you can kill per battle before you stop raising two units support levels?

    2. Is there a list of which side missions are on each chapter to raise supports with specific characters?

    Quick test on a new file, Ch. 3 on Easy, having Rowan and Lissa paired up constantly and with a C-support gained from the previous chapter:
    Unless I've miscounted, the kill limit / # of support-ups per battle is limited to 15.
    When you've hit the limit (or maybe when you're trying to break past the limit?) -- either for the battle or because you've hit C/B/A -- , you'll notice a different, higher-pitched sound than the normal support-up sound play.
    No, 15 is not enough to go from C to B. It's very close though, as I hit the limit in 2 kills next chapter.
    Restarting that chapter and opting to heal Rowan who bravely took an axe to the face for science twice, I managed to hit the limit in...2 heals.

    Early conclusions:
    15's probably the limit. It's a nice number.
    Heals seem to be worth as much as a kill.

    Speaking of heals, I'd like to mention my...trust-building exercise:
    1. Go to Ch. 11.
    2. Bring healers. If you're trying to build supports with a non-healer, give them Potent Potion.
    3. Do -not- get rid of the poison.
    3. Clear out enough of the chapter that Xander'll be safe from harm.
    4. Command everyone to choke on poison, them trusting you'll heal them.
    5. Affirm that trust by healing them. Constantly.
    6. When out of heals, clear the chapter.

    With a deploy limit of 6 and abusing the AoE nature of heals, you can build up to 15 supports at once. If there's another chapter that has environmental damage and has a deployment limit of 8, you could build up to 28 supports at once.

  18. Fun fact: Did you know that you slowly generate musou while at low HP?
    Fun fact #2: Did you know that you can't die during Awakening?

    1 hour ago, CmdrQuartz said:

    However Tiki's damage stats are pulled together I'd be willing to bet she's attacking the enemy Res, not Def. Playing with her she is effective against manaketes, monsters, wyverns, knights, and great knights but weak against mages, mounted mages, and pegasus knights. This is despite her Str, for me currently, being higher than Mag and I would think  if it were some kind of (Str+Mag)/2 agaisnt (Def+Res)/2 I would think any character with an excess of one stat but deficient in another would end up a decent average. Yet high Res targets are noticeably harder to kill than high Def targets.

    Anyone else notice similar or different results?

    Tiki is...odd.

    In the little time I've used Tiki beforehand, I remember quite vividly seeing Tiki struggle to kill another dragon. 
    Had her tested at the Lv. 64 Gaiden arena fight. Up against a Lv. 67 Sage and Lv. 65 Fafnir, Tiki would do much more damage to the Sage than Fafnir via crit.
    From an awakened musou however, the reverse happened. I found this out by accident. lol

    Far as I can tell, Tiki does use both, just not at the same time as it's move-dependent, which means a -lot- more testing'll have to be done on a per-move basis. Might have to check other characters too, which could take a while.

    Damnit Tiki, why can't you stay in dragon form forever? orz

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