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Status Updates posted by Rodykitty

  1. <3 Blade Runner reference.

  2. I've found that there are quite a bit of contexts which the quote works.

  3. You should join #feto on irc.synirc.net

  4. I got new kitten pics next time you get on MSN.

  5. Doesn't sound okay, somehow.

  6. I forgot you existed. How are you doing?

  7. Most break ups started and ended with "I have to swat some bothersome flies."

  8. Indeed, but the comparison to Solid Snake in that respect is pretty amusing.

  9. Anyway, I was reading this ancient thread that recently got linked which speaks much truth about Naked Snake: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=267985

  10. Major Zero is probably the stunt double that ran on the backs of crocodiles in one movie.

  11. Kojima needs to get his facts straight Alligator-shaped gadgets didn't happen until Octopussy!

    (Yes, James Bond actually rides an Alligator shaped water craft.)

  12. Did Major Zero really suggest that Snake use a Snake shaped gun pre-Roger Moore era?

  13. Is there anyway I could cheer you up? Perhaps some ice cream or a cookie?

  14. No being made fun of about the pencil? No accusations of denial or being told what my true feelings or fetishes are? What happened to you?

  15. Well, I wanted to tell you that I'm trying to save my dignity by using a green transparent mechanical pencil instead of one that has Hannah Montana on it.

  16. Hey, I switched to a different kind of pencil.

  17. Did you see my awesome post?

  18. Naked Snake hates James Bond but somehow grows up to be Sean Connery anyway.

  19. "Trollblade, just stop. You're turning into XxWolfxX." - You should edit your post, this is too derogatory towards XxWolfxX for me to accept.

  20. I'll show this to you too, just because: http://i45.tinypic.com/35jm70y.jpg

  21. It worked for Eliwood.

  22. Don't deny Tiki's canonical mother.

  23. FE3 Player or Rody if you want to call me by my standard names. Ilyana if you want to confuse everyone other than me and yourself.

  24. But "Danger" is my middle name. Of course, I must be thinking of a different kind of danger.

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