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Everything posted by R.O.Berc

  1. Baller entries you all! : D Oh man must sprite Mumbo
  2. Holy shit, Smirks these are amazing! I love the Outlaw, Gladiator and Champion.
  3. R.O.Berc

    Dat Merc

    This dude for the description contest. I stole Yoshi's colors. Shading hair is overrated now: I'm binge watching Yu Yu Hakusho, I might try to make attack animations (Hiei is in the works lol I didn't forget) : Was fiddling around with my Wingless Wyvern battle sprite, might try to animate :
  4. Looks great Yoshi, you've really made that red haired guy stand out as a unique character.
  5. You and everyone both. If anyone was nervous or worried about payment, don't be. Myke will treat you right.
  6. R.O.Berc

    Dat Merc

    Nah just Aeo. I don't have Ghasts, I've only seen Yeti's once, and I didn't even know Siuloir had one.
  7. R.O.Berc

    Dat Merc

    I've never seen your face, send me ur picz.
  8. R.O.Berc

    Dat Merc

    Nope. Also here's this
  9. R.O.Berc

    Dat Merc

    I will say that all of them are members of this forum. THE HUNT IS ON! Also yeah for sure I do miss the old days when it was fun to see what people could make back when not a lot of ideas had taken form. I think for me the most impressive thing to see done was custom battle sprite animations just because making the battle sprites alone was difficult because you're working in such a small area and its like "alright how do you even make a hand on a battle sprite? ect." I've spent more than 10 years doing this and I'm at the point where this activity has made up half my life so I can't just stop. I'll be doing this until I die. Thanks man, I appreciate the kind words. : D Aeo isn't in there, but she did make a self mug head and I have it but I didn't include it because I didn't make it lol But I do have it float near the other heads in my paint file.
  10. R.O.Berc

    Dat Merc

    @Yoshi - ur a trick @Agro - Forever http://puu.sh/k8EGS/783c8ca3dc.png @Nih - lol yes, Alpha the 3rd. @L95 - *blush* @Machu Picchu - Oh thank you thank you. Not fe13 snipers, but Spanish conquistadors. : 3c More of them self mugs. A wip for a character for someones hack but I never finished it: NSFW Topless lol A couple more League mugs I made a while ago (non commission) for a personal project that will probably never be complete. lol Zac and Veigar Here's the comp sheet so far: http://puu.sh/k8FvK/46319f4db0.PNG Here's FIRE AGATE: Not so gender specific Gem fad character. Was fun.
  11. Why not challenge yourself to make the mugs? Surely you wouldn't ask yourself for money.
  12. I, The Merc, formally acknowledge that NickT is the most generous and selfless person in the spriting section.
  13. R.O.Berc

    Dat Merc

    I'll keep them coming, here: Also here's a self portrait half body (without arms because arms are overrated) that I made for FEOC: And last is a boss dude for FE7x that I started ages ago:
  14. You do clothing very well. In fact it looks like you have your own unique style with how you make the cloth material. Very nice, I'll be keeping an eye on new work from you.
  15. R.O.Berc

    Dat Merc

    Here's a wip of Mewiyev's art: Here's a link to more from Mew: http://mewiyev.tumblr.com/ Here's another wip Xing Cai from Dynasty Warriors: I don't know if I'll ever finish her lol.
  16. Yeah, so you can do like Guan Yu's Dynasty Warriors version.
  17. Ignore the title. Vehicles are optional, but if you have a vehicle, the person must be visible.
  18. Ohhhhhhh, Smirks I'm digging this main character wip. :3 Very excellent.
  19. Really love that the clothing looks interesting with that sleeve stitch part. Love it. :D
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