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Posts posted by R.O.Berc

  1. (now officially known as the Random Child Generator from now on)

    ABOUT - What if they mated?

    Idea spawned by Lenh; further fueled by three people with too much sugar and caffeine in their systems.

    Create the unexpected lovechild of two randomly-paired characters of the week from the GBA FE series.

    Entries may be submitted in this topic; otherwise, they may be PMed if you wish to keep them private. Contest winners will be selected via anonymous public vote. The winner of the current week will pick the next pairing for the following week. Pairings must consist of 2 canon characters from the GBA FE games; no shopkeeper portraits, please. Anything else goes.


    If you dislike, do no support, or otherwise have some complaint regarding the current pairing, please keep it to yourself.

    RULES - What can and can't I do?

    • 16 color palette (15+bg), hackbox dimensions (96x80)
    • may be spliced, partially custom, or full custom
    • one entry per person; entries may be updated and edited, but only the final version will be accepted
    • child may be of any age, sex, or gender, but should recognizably/biologically resemble their parents

    CURRENT PAIR - Get a room, you two!


    Rebecca [FE7] x Garcia [FE8] - chosen by The Merc

    DUE DATE: Wednesday, January 22, 2014

    Week History:
    1 - Karel x Natasha - Winner: Yoshi
    2 - Tethys x Athos - Winner: The Merc

  2. ^ Whoa, very well said.


    Allow me to elaborate.

    it's an incredibly important and wonderful tool to help us make sense of the world, to help us draw connections that can make big, complicated, scary ideas more understandable and more manageable. It's best used (and used to great effect) to break down barriers, to cut people who might be otherwise invulnerable or too powerful to reach down to a size that others (like people who they might be victimizing) can reach, to regain perspective on ourselves when lost, to lay dumb and toxic ideas bare for what they are, and to give us a stress release valve that can be communally shared; it's something that can lighten perceived mental pressure and help to put minds at ease, even when doing so otherwise would threaten to break the rules of social decorum.

    On the other hand, comedy is IMO not a good excuse to harass or goad just anybody into a fight, especially not for the simple reason that one's capable of it. It's not an inherently benevolent or justifiable act, and it's not itself socially immune to criticism. Not that it's some kind of social nuclear option, or that people need years of monastic training before they'll be good judges of whether to tell any joke, it's just that jokes don't exist independently of who we are and how we're to be judged/received- they're merely a tool of communication. They also don't come from nothing- a (good) joke isn't like, say, a spirit that decides to possess us at just the right time and gets us to blurt it out. They come from our minds (as in, from us/people), and therefore whether we think they're funny or not can in part depend on who we are.

    (fortunately, that also means it's within our power to change and customize them. like, say, to make them less or more likely to offend)

    I'm at a loss of words by how true all of this is especially the part about using it as an "excuse to harass or goad." A joke becomes inappropriate when the victim/target/butt of the joke is brought to legitimate suicidal tenancies (whoa that escalated). But it saddens me when someone uses the excuse "It was just a joke, It's not my fault they couldn't handle it."

    I don't want to be a downer but yeah when you tell a joke you want to know your audience, kind of like when you behave differently when you're around different groups of friends.

  3. lol i challenge you to go into the real world with this mode of thinking and expect people to help you out. evidently money is not the sole mode of transaction; if people are concerned about something, then obviously that concern arose for a reason.

    I don't know man, I saw money and was instantly sold. Plus people offering money for sprite requests seems rare. Even if the project didn't get finished and I was paid prior to that happening then I don't feel like I've wasted my time.

    What bothered me the most was just the immediate reply of "Why should anyone put their time into this?" as if that person alone was the speaker of all spriters.

    Sure, DH probably could have posted the screens and progress in the original post but the first reply was still incredibly unnecessary.

  4. @Shinypichu - Yeah I thinks it's the way I shaded it, it just looks really inconsistent.

    @halfrohp - I don't even know if the angle did is really correct, I was just trying to mess around. xD

    @Ump - First two were for Agro, third was for eCut, last was for Kitty. As for who the characters are and what their back stories are, I don't know but check out thirds chest. Or look at Kitty and One-punchman's posts. :D

  5. Please do it, Merc, that'd be hysterical. ^_^


    lol look at dem proportions, top tier

    Also, here are some requests that I've done for some peeps and their projects:


  6. Listen, I understand your jealousy of my ridiculously amazing sprite, and while warranted, I'm not fond of these false accusations. You can tell it's mine because of the clear time and effort put into it, as well as the minute details I focused on while I was sandblasting it with my fine aromatic pixel art. It should easily win 4/5 of those rewards, as it's the best constructed, the sexiest, the scariest (scary GOOD) and the most realistic of them all. (Photo-realistic I might add.) It won't win favorite, because people are blinded by jealousy, but we all know that if they put aside that jealousy then it would win by all accounts.

    I see we have a comedian. Submit your avatar. :3

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