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Everything posted by squirrelhero

  1. Three Houses is all growth units basically. Unless you opt to not use your house, Solo Byleth/Lord, and late recruit everyone else.
  2. There is actually an old thread here where people were making the blinking frames already http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=20745
  3. Hello, hello SF. I was just wondering if anyone needed blinking frames for FE6. I was messing around with some spriting and decided to kill some time making a few blinkys for FE6 folk. [spoiler=blinking frames] I made a few more but that is just the ones I liked. I know they aren't perfectly shaded, but I didn't wanna spend a plethora of time on a side thing. I made them all work for a hackbox too. If you watch a blinking frame ingame, then you know it goes pretty quick. I checked them all and they are all decent looking ingame. [spoiler=hackboxes] And yes, they have FE8's border coloring cuz I think it looks a lot better even if it looks weird FE6's color scheme. So, yeah, I was wondering if anyone benefits from this aside from myself. :D
  4. I would love to be able to use FE6 mugs in my hack, but I'm not very graphically talented to make blinking frames myself without them looking horrifying. I can make simple splices and that is about it. On to my question! I was just wondering if anyone had made those frames for FE6 mugs? I would love to be able to use them in my hacking endeavors.
  5. Hey, thanks for the bday comment

  6. Hey, thanks for the bday comment

  7. I'm messing with FE Recolor now. I think I can make it work. Thanks Jubby. I still use old methods to change palettes, so what?
  8. My computer doesn't have that MSSTDFMT.DLL module or whatever. I don't really have a means to get it either. Does anyone know a good substitute that can change RGB values to hex?
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