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Posts posted by js394

  1. So as Hero of the Fire Emblems said, the main reason this patch is being held up is the graphics. Which is entirely my fault, since I'm the sole graphics hacker working on this.

    When I started this a little over a year ago, I wasn't really planning on there being a lot of work. When it became apparent that the original team had moved on from the patch, I decided to try to fix the typos and name corrections that were never implemented. In my head I was thinking that it was going to take a few weeks at best if I worked on it here and there. I wasn't aware of just how much work had to be done at that point :D

    I really only started this because the other project I was working on was stalled for a bit while we waited for a new graphics editor. FE12 being my favorite FE game, I decided to make this quick patch during that time. Obviously I wasn't able to finish everything that needed attention at that time, and after a little while I had to go back to my other project, which meant I was dedicating barely any time to this. 

    Well, my other project was finally completed 2 months ago (check it out in my sig if you're interested, it's a great game), so this will be my main priority now. A new patch should be out relatively soon!


    Just figured I owed everyone an explanation after I started this and then disappeared without a word.

  2. 1 hour ago, xatzimi said:

    For a final question, what are you doing with the character's item names. Stuff like "Rody's Lance" would not fit when changed to "Roderick's Lance." These aren't in your changelog, so I'm curious if you checked them over them (or just did replace-all). I've got a couple in my save, so if it carries over with the patch, I'll give it a look.

    Oh, and finally, have you considered changing the "How's Everyone" to whatever it is in Awakening?--"barracks," I believe.

    Edit: is my patcher not working, or is it supposed to be smaller?


    Roderick's Lance was shortened to "Roderick's Lnc" iirc. 

    If "How's Everyone" and "Barracks" share the same name in the japanese version than it will be changed.

    And yes its supposed to be smaller (~74 mbs i think)

  3. Is this project still going on? 

    I'm just trying to figure out if I should wait or go with the beta patch. I don't mind waiting, but if a new version isn't planned then I'll go with the beta.

    Finally trying to get into the jugdral games now that fe5 has an active translation that has a functional menu :D

  4. 3 hours ago, Larverto said:

    I'm pretty sure I did patch the clean rom with the 3.01 patch that came out on December 7th, 2012. And then I patched HoS 3.01 rom with your translation, and it seems like it's still the original patch on the rom because "Hero King" didn't have a dash in the intro. Also, some names are unchanged, like Roderick still being called "Rody".

    Which xdelta gui did you use? I know there's a modded version out there with some additional features, but that one isn't compatible with the patch - you'll need the one from RHDN.

  5. On 7/22/2017 at 9:38 PM, Larverto said:

    What program do I use to patch the file? I used xdelta ui, but the rom is still patched with the original Heroes of Shadow patch.

    Did you patch it with the updated patch AFTER the HoS 3.01 patch?

    If yes, are you sure its still the original patch? A quick way to check is if "Hero-King" has a dash in the intro.


    Sorry for taking so long to respond, I didn't see your post until today.

  6. On 7/14/2017 at 8:58 PM, Cor Leonis said:


    On 7/1/2017 at 5:02 PM, Lost Knight said:

    EDIT: Also, another graphical glitch I noticed was the Magic Breath from the dragons. There is a corrupt text/sprite following the enemy equip. Either pulling the wrong character or overflow?

    What chapter was this in? It doesn't appear to happen in the Endgame at least. 

  7. 1 hour ago, FluffyWarlock said:

    How do I apply this update to the patch?

    Patch your japanese fe12 rom with the 3.01 patch found here-


    Then apply the patch in the OP on the same rom.


    My apologies, I haven't been keeping this thread updated. I've been very busy the last two weeks with the holiday weekend and a lot of work at my job. I'm going to spend this weekend fixing the bugs that were brought up here.

    If someone could post or pm me a save with a chapter with mage breath in it I'd be grateful. It'd save me a little time since I lost my one and only fe12 save :)

  8. 9 hours ago, Darros said:

    Add the project naga one, don't replace it IMO. If it doesn't work on ZSNES it's not all inclusive.

    Oh i didn't know it doesn't work on zsnes.

    I kind of equate using zsnes to using windows xp these days. It's old and has compatibility issues but it's still used a lot for some reason :D

  9. Shouldn't the FE4 patch on this page be changed to the project naga one? 

    Also, the titles of FE1, FE7, and FE12 were localized in Heroes but the site uses the old names for FE1 and FE7 and is inconsistent between "Heroes of Light and Shadow" and "New Mystery of the Emblem" for FE12. Although I'm guessing this would take a fair amount of work to fix, otherwise it would have been done already :D

    Also - Fates, Echoes, Heroes, and Warriors have the "Fire Emblem" title before them while FE1-FE13 doesn't. 

  10. 5 hours ago, Kirb1337 said:


    Have some glitchy gifs while you wait

    I've also been doing some tinkering with the menus:


    tell me what you think of it.

    (yes i know the g is crap and i didnt write strenght correctly, i'm going to fix this)

    Cool, did you manage to implement a vwf, or is that the multiple letters on one glyph trick?

  11. 1 hour ago, Hero of the Fire Emblems said:

    I have an Endgame save so I checked how they are in the results scroll.

    None of the titles render properly on at least the final results of the game, so that needs to be fixed before Beta 3; the edited names are still filed under the wrong letters in the guide (Arlen and Reese are still listed under the letter E, for example). Draug's help text doesn't display properly in the guide. The description for the fighter in avatar creation doesn't display properly either

    I fixed the Draug and fighter text, once again I'm not sure how that happened :D Must've been something I screwed up with a "Replace All"

    Would you mind sending me that epilogue save? I'll look into what's going on there. 

    I still haven't figured out how to change the order of the names in the guide... I'll keep trying though.


    On 6/28/2017 at 9:30 AM, Lost Knight said:

    Crazy that this is still being worked on despite being technically fully translated. Such a service by fans to fans.

    Not sure if this has been brought up, but sometimes in the flavor text for items (on the bottom screen), the first letter "spills" from the left onto the right side of the screen. Is this even fixable? It's not game-breaking or anything, but something to consider as low priority. "Sword" always spills part of the S onto the right of the screen.

    I looked into this. I managed to fix a few like "Sword", "Axe", and "Lance" by adjusting the spacing, but some of them still repeat on the other side of the screen. I'm not good enough with ASM hacking to fix this unfortunately. I'll go ask in the SF romhacking discord though, there's a fair bit of experienced hackers there.

  12. 2 hours ago, Lost Knight said:

    Crazy that this is still being worked on despite being technically fully translated. Such a service by fans to fans.

    Not sure if this has been brought up, but sometimes in the flavor text for items (on the bottom screen), the first letter "spills" from the left onto the right side of the screen. Is this even fixable? It's not game-breaking or anything, but something to consider as low priority. "Sword" always spills part of the S onto the right of the screen.

    Hmm, I never noticed that. I'll take a look at it. Thanks!

  13. That title screen is really nice! (But why not use the official translation? :lol:)

    Also, it might be just me, but the uppercase "S" is a bit hard to read in those screenshots. The rest of it looks good though. 

    And bravo for having the patience to deal with nes hacking. I looked into potentially retranslating fe1 and fe2 a while ago, but I gave up after realizing how much harder rom expansion and vwf's are on nes than snes :D:. (fwiw here's some mockups that i made that i wanted the final product to resemble) -




    Is rom expansion something that you're planning on? iirc the original fe1 patch had trouble with the amount of available space in the rom, which resulted in the script being shortened in many places. 

  14. 1 hour ago, Raven Sykes said:

    But the Patch when used with the ROM won't even load Genalogy at all, am I doing something wrong or?

    Did you patch a clean, jpn rom? There's a lot of roms out there prepatched with the old english translation, make sure yours is the original japanese rom

  15. 23 hours ago, Blueshirt said:

    Another random small typo: Matthis talking to Lena in the Epilogue. "Lena!?@I was worried about you" Should be "Lena?! I was worried about you", there's an @ in there somehow.

    That's weird.... well anyways, I fixed it.




    New title screen, courtesy of Kenthos and myself! The old title screen was not bad by any means, but it was inconsistent with the FE11 english title screen (FE11 and FE12 have the same style of logo in the japanese versions). I also managed to fit the *entire* subtitle in there. This should solve the debate over which one to use, now we get the best of both worlds :)


    On 6/18/2017 at 9:19 PM, Zelith said:

    I'm pretty sure there is a cheat that allows you to buy anything from the convoy armory. As in, the vendor has all the existent items, including whatever you forge. 
    Or was, at least. I had a saved file with that thing some time ago 'cause of curiosity, but now that I try to find the cheat again... it just seems like it doesn't exist anymore.

    But why are you asking anyway?

    One of the item names just barely fits, but there's a glitch with it that I suspect has to do with the cheat forcing it to be 99/whatever the max is. 


    Edit - sorry to double post, I meant to edit the one before this

  17. On 6/20/2017 at 11:31 PM, Blueshirt said:

    I'm currently playing through New Mystery for the first time with this updated names patch, and I figured I could help out and mention if I notice anything.

    And I did, actually. In the guide, name changes mess up where names are located. Legion is still under R, for example. No idea how hard this is to change or even if it's worth it, but I thought it would be worth bringing up.

    Nice catch! I'm guessing it's not going to be terribly difficult to fix it, but either way it's still essential imo.

    I'll try to get the first complete patch out soon. I have everything listed in the spreadsheet in the OP implemented with the exception of some dialogue, so it shouldn't be much longer of a wait.


  18. 20 hours ago, Reiska said:

    Judging by the wiki topic on Tiki, yes, it does; there's a couple epithets Tiki variously uses for the Avatar at given points.  Male Kris regularly gets called either クリスのおにいちゃん or クリスのおじいちゃま, derived from her nicknames for Marth and Bantu respectively, while female Kris gets クリスのおねえちゃん or クリスのおばあちゃま (same derivation; literally "Big Brother/Sister" and "Grandpa/Grandma").  There's also a couple instances of クリス様 (lit. Lord/Lady Kris).  クリスのおにいちゃん/クリスのおねえちゃん are the most common ones used, though.

    The original Heroes of Shadow patch, as you're likely aware, uses "Tar-Tar" for the former case and "Uncool Kris" for the latter case, regardless of gender.

    Okay, so big brother/sister should work. Thanks!

    I'm trying to edit the chapter titles, but I can't for the life of me figure out what font they're using. For the "Red Dragoon" one I just reused characters from another chapter title. It'd be much easier to just use the font that is used in the current patch.


    @VincentASM I'm assuming you don't remember since it was 5 years ago :D, but if anyone recognizes it or is able to find one that looks very similar, that would be a big help.

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