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Posts posted by Hero

  1. You think that's bad, I'm an Atheist...

    Don't worry, your faith is unquestioned. But good work keeping up this charade, it's been very useful to have one of ours on the inside. Just make sure you don't tell the truth to anyone until this is all finished, you never know when a heretic is listening in the shadows.

  2. Isn't wine a lot more expensive?

    The kind of wine I drink, yes. But if you don't mind drinking piss you can get some pretty good deals by buying wine by the box rather than the bottle. More alcohol by price than beer, I think, but still not as efficient as bad vodka.

    I've had sips of wine. It's disgusting.

    Worse than your first beer? The first time you tried coffee? What did you expect? We're talking about an acquired taste here, you have to get used to it a little before you can appreciate the subtleties of a good wine. But once you've acquired the taste and opened the door you won't want to close it again.

  3. LALALALA I CAN'T HEAR YOU! lol~ I'm agnostic anyway, I just like the number :D

    Agnostic, you say? Agnosticism is a sign of weakness, and a milestone on the track to devil-worship.

    Come with me, my son, I'm sure the inquisitors will have quite a bit to say to you about this agnosticism.

  4. Freohr, how many times will I have to tell you before you realize this isn't your personal blog? I've been using this place as my blog for years, everybody knows this, and the blogging here is my prerogative.

    This sort of trespass burns bridges faster than you'd think. Make sure you don't make this mistake again, or I'll remember it next time you try to bum cigarettes off of me.

  5. Well this is a real clusterfuck of a political advertisement. What has your campaign manager been telling you? Do you even have a campaign manager?

    For starters, 1987 was an off year for elections on this forum, the closest were 1986 and 1992.

  6. Beer is disgusting, maybe good for teenagers' house parties or pig swill but not for a man to drink. When real men are thirsty, they drink wine. Personally I don't put anything in my mouth that rates less than a 98 in the Wine Spectator. And something distilled in the morning to take the edge off of a hard day, whiskey or Scotch.

    But enjoy your beer like a good peasant. I'll bet you even order water at bars, haha.

  7. I'm in a course right now which will finish on the thirtieth of July.

    Then I have two weeks and a couple days to live it up, pack and travel to yet more classes and another job as soon as I can manage to organize it. Summer vacation, you could say.

  8. I played this game pretty thoroughly before the expansion came around.

    As some of you might be able to infer from my avatar, I'm a fan of horse archers. That's what I did when I played, and I always recruited Khergits as my followers, no matter how badly they sucked at assaulting fortificatiosn.

  9. Well I had Dargon Warrior 1 and 2. Or maybe it was 2 and 3? something like that I think.

    That would be Dragon Warrior I & II--the game that got me into the series when I had nine years.

    Since those days, I've played every Dragon Warrior/Quest game except IX and the spinoffs (and I've only put thirty minutes or so into VIII, but don't tell anyone) and it's easily my favorite name in RPGs, and sometimes more generally too. If Dragon Quest were a painting, it would be like the huge paintings of Gettysburg and other hectic Civil War battles, covered in a hundred unique figures each in the thick of the turmoil. The paintings which may not have the most streamlined design, and may have some features that appear rough and undetailed on closer inspection, but all the same will captivate you for an hour before you realize you're wasting time looking at a painting. I've preordered DQIX, and am looking forward to when I'll have the opportunity to look over and appreciate all the details to their fullest.

    My favorite games in the series are VII and III. All of you who haven't yet appreciated that second name, go and download the remake for your VBA. You won't regret it.

  10. The limeys got what's coming to them after that BS goal in the first five minutes, no two ways about it, though I was a bit surprised they didn't switch Green out right away at halftime.

    Mark my words, that man's not going to play again for the rest of this tournament.

  11. Isn't that the normal amount for a (relatively) young person? Six hours sounds like an old man's amount of sleep.

    Hero, are you an old man and hiding it from us?

    Not that I know of, I may have a lot of body hair for a man under twenty-five but it's not that bad, and certainly nothing compared to you Persians.

    I can't imagine going to sleep before midnight regularly, that's the best part of the day!

  12. goooooooooooooooooooooooaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll.


    My roommate these days is from Honduras, and he's a big soccer nut. He's really hyped up about this World Cup since it's the first time in his life that his home country has qualified, but he knows how to be realistic when he's not talking up his own country and says Germany or Brazil will probably take the cup. The three Brazilians I've talked to about it all say the same thing, even if they're a bit more friendly toward their own country, and it goes without saying that a Brazilian knows what he's talking about when it comes to soccer.

    I think Spain has a pretty good chance too though, for the simple fact that they've had many fewer troubles getting a good national team ready than the other big competitors have had in the last few weeks. I also think Slovenia, Ivory Coast and Ghana will do better than people are expecting, though I doubt any of those are going to win.

    But my heart is with Mexico, the land of my birth and the dwelling place of my heart. (Keep in mind California was Mexican for decades before the United States illegally occupied and annexed it.) The goal the Mexican team scored in the first match today had me and my Mexican rasta friend shouting and taking shots of arack in celebration, daylight be damned.

  13. What the hell is your problem? I survive on four to six hours of sleep normally five or six days a week, and I've been doing that since I was thirteen.

    If you need eight or nine hours of sleep a night, chances are you're sleeping very inefficiently. Try taking a twenty minute nap or two in the afternoons and you can probably shave off at least an hour nightly without feeling any less energized, maybe even more.

  14. That's not normal at all. I can't know in truth without a picture, but it's probably nothing.

    I had a similar scare for about a month when I was seventeen that the hairs on my arm were turning white, one by one. In fact it was just that I was starting to tan to the point where the skin on my arms was darker than the hair, which it still is.

  15. Sock... I thought you were a goner for sure when I assumed the other guy was you in his introduction and just got blank stares. Welcome back, hopefully you're here to stay.

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