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Status Updates posted by Hero

  1. Happy birthday. Also, second comment! When you're famous maybe this comment can get me some publicity.

  2. Alas! It would appear I have no name changes left for a week yet, otherwise I would have done it yesterday.

  3. Hey man, someone deleted all of your topics! What gives?

  4. Happy birthday, countryman!

    So what's up? You forgot to make any posts and you haven't even visited since the day after you joined!

  5. Happy birthday, inactive dude.

    So what's up? You haven't been on since ten days after you joined and yet you have seven friends?

  6. Hero

    Hello and welcome to the Serenes Forest. Enjoy your generic greeting.

  7. happy bday breh

    Fuck you're younger than my sister (by six days)

  8. Happy birthday, countryman. The Bay Area is a great place to live, isn't it?

  9. Hero

    happy b-day

  10. Good master, nice master! Not at all like fat, nasty hobbits!

  11. Greetings and welcome to the forest. You really must visit the Person Above You topic in far from the forest, comrade.

  12. Looking again, I see how it could refer to something else. I changed it. Is everything to your satisfaction, master?

  13. I read people's profiles too, but I don't reread them frequently at all.

  14. I thought those the second line in that quote was relevant to the first, and it still looks like that in the original topic.

    If you really want me to change it or something I will, but I think you pay way too much attention to my profile. This is the third time, right?

  15. Sorry about the whole banned thing. You had potential.

  16. Sup. Kirby is cool, you're right. Heh heh. Eat and spit.

  17. Hello and welcome to Serenes Forest. Enjoy your generic greeting.

  18. Happy birthday, mercenary. Why is it you haven't made a post in more than a month? The wandering caught up with you?

  19. happy birrday to rohan!

  20. Happy birthday, comrade Sanguine! You haven't dropped in at all since you said you would from time to time, it would seems.

  21. Hey, happy birthday! I'll give you credit, unlike some of the people I've said that to lately you've logged in at least once since your last birthday! Feb 28 2009.

  22. Happy birthday, inactive dude.

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