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Posts posted by Tiaramaki

  1. Southern Cali. I have no idea why they told me the 13th >.>. Maybe in my area there aren't many fire emblem fans.

    Do you know how many others preordered the game in your area? For me, it's only -two- people. Where I live, the city is small.

    So, I decided to call them last night with my brother's cellphone, after over twenty minutes of him not being helpful, and the person told me to actually call them before I went to get it, in case their shipment was delayed.


  2. I -could- do a Let's Play of my challenge, but I don't have a capture card like Shadow, so it's gonna be full of crap-quality footage. Unless I can somehow borrow a friend's webcam, but that may be a little impossible... Plus, it'll be kinda uninteresting, since my social awkwardness and all.

    Man, I'm a horrible Let's Player with horrible self-esteem, huh...?

    Sooo... maybe a text version? unsure.gif

  3. I've also had to deal with a lack of public transportation (American here). I have to get someone with a license to take me anywhere.

    For me, this.

    I'd have to ask my mom's friend to get me over there, and he'll probably ask for five bucks to cover for gas. Considering how much money I get, plus rent and other things, having to get a ride from him twice in one week... yeah...

    It'd either be that or walking in the cold.

    *sigh* Nintendo, Nintendo... I don't understand this situation....

  4. I'm absolutely frippin' hoping that I can get the game tomorrow. Or today. I'm probably going to call GameStop again after I get out of class to see if they have it ready.

    Yesterday, I called, and was told that the games may be there at the same time as the bundles, i.e. tomorrow. *sigh*

    GameStop, don't mess with me now... Please...

    Edit: Called them during break, and they said they "expect to get them tomorrow." Hoo boy... Well, I guess it's better than, you know, Friday, when I'm working for a while.

  5. So... many... familiar roles... To me...

    Chrom is Leon S. Kennedy (Well, it's not Chris, but it's close, right?)

    One of the FemAvatars and Noire are SilverStarHarmony!Jessica and Rukia

    Marth is Isara (I knew making her a Fencer Elite in VCII was a good idea) and Tohru

    Lissa is Archduchess Cordelia

    Basilio is YsIII!Dogi

    Stahl and Donnel's voice gives them super strength! Oh, and SSH!Nash and UMVC3!Phoenix Wright

    Vaike is Greymon

    Kellam and Gerome are that male nurse from Trauma Team

    Gaius is Balthier

    Cordelia and Severa are Hilde

    Lon'qu is Dr. Cunningham and Brixham/Brixie

    Ricken is Dr. Stiles and Cecil

    Gregor and Laurant are Xemnas

    Libra and Aversa are Marina Wulfstan

    Tharja and Kjelle are Orohime and Tomoe

    Olivia and Anna are Juliana Everhart I wonder how Ray feels about that

    Henry is Zidane

    Inigo is Kain, Reiner, and Baldren "KYP!" Gassenarl

    Yarne is Emperor Mateus and XenosagaI!Kevin

    Male!Morgan is Allen Walker

    Walhart is Ansem SOD

    Yen'fay is Saix

    Excellus is SSH!Nall

    ...a lot of nicknames shall now be given. Quite a lot.

    Edit: Added Lon'qu and Ricken. Oh, and Henry. Can't believe I forgot that. Derp.

  6. Not quite a name, but. It's confirmed Gregor speaks with a Russian accent, and he's not stupid, he just doesn't know the language very well

    "I am Melee Weapons Guy. And this--" *pulls out Brave Sword* "--is my weapon."

    On another note, Nah is just perfect. Inigo cracks me up, and makes me want to do fanart based on that. Gerome was a bother at first, but I'm starting to warm up to it.

    Libra, huh? So my Avatar may be marrying a zodiac sign... If the change that I'm afraid of happens, -double- the awkwardness.

  7. What about the Bride class for the reason of the Red vs. Blue DLC? I mean, that's -my- reason...

    I pretty much want everything except for the last two sections. Challenges aren't going to be good to me...

  8. Oh dear gosh, Rey puns.

    Since the person who talked to me at GameStop said that it'll be available on the 4th, I'm gonna be going there when I get home from classes. Should I get the game, I'm gonna be doing some playing, if I don't have any drawing to do.

    First plan is my Mostly Melee Challenge. Maybe I should put it up, or make a laptop recording of it? I dunno. I will most definitely get the supports of Libra and someone else as well.

  9. - I'm actually okay with all the localized class names. I guess I'm pulling a Joachim: "Yeah, okay, sure!" I mean, War Cleric/Monk are pretty much the same thing as their Japanese names. At least, that's how I see it.

    - Libera/Riviera doesn't sound too feminine, which I like.

    - Olivia's voice sounds off, but it may not be as bad as it seems here, when the full game comes out. Lon'qu's isn't my cup of tea, either. The rest are good.

    - I find it odd that Dark Mage and Sorcerer weren't shown.

  10. Gaaah. The GameStop I live near opens at 10AM. Unless there's a midnight release, I'm going to be forced to go when I get back to my hometown from college that day.

    Sooo, suffer through class, then return home, bug my mother for a ride to get my paycheck and go to said GameStop, finish paying the game, get the game, then hide in my room and (maybe) play the game.

    But it says "February 4th" for the release day, which is a Monday. Don't new releases come out on Tuesdays, unless it's a midnight release, or something?

    You can tell that I've bought new releases often, clearly.

  11. You're a bit late. That video has been up here a while :)

    Well, crap, me. I'm a dummkopf. >_<


    ...Actually, wait. The Build Your Army trailer from today was he-- Oh, I see what you mean.

    *edits once again, then puts a box over her head*

  12. Sounds more like Troy Baker or Roger Craig Smith to me.

    Same here. Though it also sounds a bit like Sigrid from Valkyria Chronicles II... I have no idea who voiced him.

    Actually, didn't some Japanese VAs do two roles in the game?

    When I saw the new Build Your Army trailer Nintendo sent out today, I listened to the voices. So far, the only one that's "meh" to me is Richt/Ricken. It sounds off.

    Edit: Eh, might as well put in a mention of it, instead of the video.

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