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Black Dynamite

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About Black Dynamite

  • Birthday 06/30/1990

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  • Location
    North Carolina

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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Binding Blade

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  1. Severlan is the man, we probably first interacted ~10 years ago on FEW, awesome to see old friends in new places!
  2. I'm relying on the Falcons to beat the Saints to have any hope of the Panthers making the playoffs (as I don't see the Bucs beating the Saints). Hopefully with Manziel starting for the Browns the Panthers won't have too much trouble and will be able to close out the season in Atlanta to make the playoffs. It sucks having to depend on the Saints losing, though. I had all but given up hope for the season until we blew the Saints out of the water in New Orleans. I would love to see the Panthers be the first team to win the NFC south two years in a row (even if they do it with a losing record).
  3. Haha when I first moved to Raleigh I didn't know where to find weed and Karn found me some through one of his friends even though he doesn't smoke. I only got to hang out with him in person once cause he was hella busy with grad school but it was pretty cool. It was my first (and only) time meeting someone off a Fire Emblem forum. Gotta love Facebook for keeping in touch with old friends!
  4. Still a lot more of a challenge than A Link Between Worlds, at least in my eyes. It was a fun game nonetheless, just easy.
  5. B) B) WOOOOO! I actually hung out with Karn when I lived in Raleigh, he was pretty awesome (and absolutely demolished me in SSBM). FESS was so strict, definitely was the older more mature Fire Emblem community out of the big ones back in the day. As a teenager I was just too immature to fit in there haha. That's one of the reasons I loved FEW so much, it was a very lax, tight-knit community.
  6. What was your name on FEFF? I still talk to Hafeez here and there, and I used to play Starcraft with Phantom Zero.
  7. I would tend to agree. If he was on a team with some offensive weapons to take the attention off him I think he would be putting up DeMarco Murrary/LeVeon Bell-esque numbers yard wise. Hell, he still manages to be a top RB three years running on a team that relies almost solely on him and a solid defense.
  8. Haha I got banned from FESS for being a noob initially, then got banned again after Superbus went through the effort to get me unbanned... I was a little troublemaking asshole when I was a teenager. I was most active on FEFF, FEW and ECW, although I feel like FESS and FEPlanet were the most popular during that time span.
  9. I visit this board every now and then, but out of curiousity, any old school forum goers on here? Anyone who used to frequent Fire Emblem Fusion, Fire Emblem Sanctuary of Strategy, Fire Emblem Wars, Elibe Clan Wars or FEPlanet? Those are the only ones I can think of off the top of my head that I really visited, but I figure some members from those forums have now transitioned to this forum. Any old friends I might run into? I used to go by "Hiei" on most forums.
  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JORW0e22P04 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6uq8WBN7YDY I haven't been this excited for a fight since Weidman/Silva 2. Both of these guys are tremendous fighters and athletes and I cannot wait for them to finally meet in the octagon. I think Jon Jones is a sociopath, but he makes one hell of a villain. The fact he keeps winning has proven he is a formidable champion who has the potential to go down as one of the greatest fighters ever. On the other hand, you have a hungry Daniel Cormier, an olympic caliber wrestler who dropped down from heavyweight so he could have this fight again Jones. I believe that these two legitimately hate each other and we will see the best that both of these fighters has to offer. With that being said... WAR DANIEL CORMIER!!!!
  11. The notion that women raping men is as big of a problem as men raping women is absolutely LUDICROUS. Although I think many feminists play up "rape culture" and victimize themselves, there is no denying that women being raped is more prevalent than men being raped. Although men might be less likely to report it does not mean that it occurs as frequently. Men, on average, are more adequately equipped physically to defend themselves from a rape, especially if said rapist is a woman. Not to mention that men tend to be more sexually aggressive.
  12. Chiefs vs. Steelers could be very interesting, seeing as the Chiefs have proven to be formidable on good days same as the Steelers. I think the Steelers will take it simply because it's in Pittsburg, but at the same time you never know which Steelers team will show up. Not to mention that Jamaal Charles always had the potential to go off.
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