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Posts posted by Redwall

  1. Hmm, let's see. I should preface this by saying that under normal circumstances I don't think you can capture Haitaka while clearing Chapter 9 in the minimum amount of turns since it means getting Niles to ORKO Haitaka.

    I Captured him and seized on turn five (unless you have a four-turn clear in mind?) in my 0%-growths file, with no real cheese. On PP5, I had Odin Pair Up with Elise to attack Haitaka and inflict an Avo penalty with Heartseeker; then I had Silas attack alone (no Pair Up); and finally I had Niles with an Arthur Pair Up and Spd + Str + HP Tonics finish (Niles finished EP3 with 1 HP thanks to the HP Tonic). That same turn I had Effie break the wall with a Javelin and receive a Song and Chest Key from Azura to pilfer the Rescue. No dodges were necessary, but everything needed to hit; fortunately, none of the hit rates were particularly bad on their own (worst was like 68 disp hit...idr if this figure includes a Skill Tonic).

  2. Whoa, I didn't need to do anything so hardcore to 2-turn Chapter 12 (no Shove/Swap shenanigans). My clear isn't even particularly RNG reliant up to Azura dodging an attack from Kagero (with Spd Tonic, Mess Hall, and Kaze pair up she isn't doubled) and Camilla actually connecting both Dual Club strikes on Ryoma (which probably isn't even an issue since I think everyone is safe for EP combat, but Jakob might get shot down by the apothecaries).

    I didn't allow myself growths, the Mess Hall, and the Private Quarters, and I wanted to avoid rigging dodges (which I have managed to do, but like I said, I haven't actually tested the clear, so there may be some unexpected AI behavior that ruins everything), so that restricts my options a bit. I use Swap once during each of PP1 and PP2.

    Do you think Haitaka benefits absolute LTC in, for example, Chapter 16? I've read your brief description but haven't finished your video (so slow).

  3. And I don't see how you were able to 2 turn 11 and 12. MoogleBoss got 3 turns for 11 and 12 with bonus movement:

    In my 0%-growths HM run, I planned out a two-turn clear of Chapter 12 requiring two Captured Pegasus Knights (only one is required if the Mess Hall is allowed); Haitaka with two level-ups gained in Chapter 10 (for Swap); promoted Kaze at base for his +5 Spd Pair Up (not required if the Mess Hall is allowed); and Corrin with a Dragon Talent, promoted to a Wyvern Lord, with a C Support with Camilla from grinding in Chapter 10. None of this should require a particularly great real-time investment if visiting other Castles for foodstuffs with which to recruit Prisoners, and should be possible in a continuous LTC playthrough, with or without growths.

    (disclosure: I had trouble soft-patching my game with my 0%-growths patch a while ago because of a recent firmware update and so never tested the two-turn clear in full; I'll understand if you don't believe my description of the clear.)

    With a Kaze Pair Up, one of the Pegs can start in range of the +4 Def pot and receive the boost before flying to break the center-left pot with a Javelin. With the +4 Def on the Peg, the two Samurai should be manipulated into attacking Peri (this I have NOT tested), who OHKOs in Attack Stance (with the Peg) thanks to a Bloodthirst boost from KOing the Ninja below the center pots during PP1.

    I'll not describe the Sheltering logistics since my memory is hazy. Jakob, Peri, and Silas should all have it, though I don't remember if they all need to use it during PP1.

    Camilla Pairs with Corrin on PP1 and gets Swapped by Haitaka before Switching, Lunging and OHKOing with a Hand Axe Enemy 28 in this link. In Attack Stance with Peri, Beruka can Lunge and OHKO Enemy 30.

    This clear assumes that you manipulate Saizo into attacking Beruka from the center-left forest tile; as I pointed out earlier, I tested this particular manipulation in a file with growths back when I was still interested in finishing my 0%-growths playthrough. It has been a while since I played the game, so I might be wrong on this, but I don't think this manipulation is strictly necessary for a two-turn clear of this Chapter, and that it's required only for obtaining the Flame Shuriken.

    During PP2, the Peg Knight carrying Kaze files onto the Dragon Vein and Transfers Kaze to Camilla in exchange for Corrin, who triggers the Dragon Vein. Camilla moves with Kaze. Azura must be ferried over to Beruka, who in turn flies with her max Mov to let Azura Sing for Camilla, who can ORKO the weakened Ryoma with a Spd Tonic, Str Tonic, and either Mess Hall usage or a Rally from Laslow's Personal Skill. Don't forget to grab the Flame Shuriken before the bosskill.

    Well, in my book it's vise versa :)

    The point of LTC is to utilize right skills, positioning and calculate exactly the units and stats you need for all battles with future strategy in mind. Buying skills or using rewards does give you sometimes gamebreaking advantage (like dual weapons or falcon wing) but grinding only supports... well, it's not like the author hides anything. So you can decide for yourself how much praise the TC should get. His strategy can be implemented without buying skills and using rewards weapons/classes, it's clever and nice so for me this video is cool and this approach is legitimate. You're free to think otherwise :)

    I do agree that with support grinding prohibited it would've been harder to implemet this,but the core strategy is still nice. And it's nicer to grind supports than rely, say, on some 14% crit. The core strategy doesn't change.

    I (and a handful of others) don't play this form of LTC absolutism precisely because it is so time-inefficient. If the concept of LTC comes from wanting to be efficient (in the everyday sense), then a clear requiring a great deal of time to execute, even after it has been conceived of, is not compatible with the concept of efficiency to me.

    I won't knock anyone who plays this way, though; I enjoyed the video.

  4. 0% growths don't work at face value on Fates.

    I have about 6 characters with 0% growths who consistently get 4-5 stats on level ups, I even had a character gain +2 speed in a single level up, so I'm guessing 0% growths does something weird.

    I've gained enough levels in my 0%-growths run to confirm with high confidence that I've successfully zeroed growths, following these instructions from VincentASM:

    You don't have to worry: Fates dropped the encryption.

    If you have Nightmare, try the Character Growth and Class Personal Growth modules in this zip file

    These modules work on the GameData.bin.lz file. First, you need to cut the first 4 bytes using a hex editor, then decompress the file using Batch-LZ77. After you've made your changes, compress the modified file via Type 11 compression and paste the first 4 bytes back to the start.

    EDIT: Also, you may want to use the Avatar Boon Bane module.

    Without more knowledge of hacking FE14, I don't think I can go beyond merely zeroing in-battle stat growths though.

  5. How would I remove growths from the foodstuff fed to Lilith? Currently, I've removed growths from the levels she gains in battle using some Nightmare modules, but I cannot find any module that allows me to adjust foodstuff parameters.

  6. Remove the first four bytes from the GameData.bin.lz file as mentioned earlier and decompress it. Go to File -> Open Rom and open GameData.bin.lz.decompressed. Once that has been opened, go to Modules -> Load Modules and open the module of your choice.

  7. I wanna change a few character growth rates to be more balanced and useable. Examples are pretty much all of Gunter's stats, small boost to Subaki and Rinkah, etc.

    But my problem is that I have no idea how to change/find them. Does anyone know how to edit them?

    I asked Vincent about this a while back when I was setting up a 0%-growths playthrough. His response:

    If you have Nightmare, try the Character Growth and Class Personal Growth modules in this zip file

    These modules work on the GameData.bin.lz file. First, you need to cut the first 4 bytes using a hex editor, then decompress the file using Batch-LZ77. After you've made your changes, compress the modified file via Type 11 compression and paste the first 4 bytes back to the start.

    EDIT: Also, you may want to use the Avatar Boon Bane module.

    You'll need a way of installing Homebrew onto your 3DS to dump your game before you can make these edits. Check your system settings and confirm that you do NOT have firmware v. 11.x.x.x, because if you do, you'll have to wait a few weeks till an exploit is finished; all other firmware versions should be okay for running Homebrew.

  8. What makes Paladin Jakob so god like from everything I have seen and heard?

    His mobility lets you trivialize the earlygame, plus he learns Shelter. His combat ability falls off pretty quickly, so if you're not playing absolute LTC, he's slightly less appealing.

  9. The class bases tend to eclipse the personal bases of the best units, so apart from magic users nobody stood out in any one class.

    I provided multiple counterexamples to this in my previous post.

    If you play efficiency, good for you, but not everyone plays that way.

    My main arguments are that a) free reclassing is fun and b) an efficient context in the higher difficulty settings is capable of exposing differences among reclassed units; I haven't claimed that anyone has to play this way, or that they have to reclass at all. And just as everyone is free to play their own way, with as little or as much reclassing as they please, I am free to dispute claims of broken-ness and whatnot in a discussion of game mechanics.

    EDIT: I don't know if by "brisk play" you meant efficiency, but even in that context, units all fill the same role, with slightly different stat spreads.

    There may be more variety in roles, but most good units can fill any role.

    Compare to a game like FE6, where Thany, Rutger, Alance and Miledy all have their niches due to lack of reclassing.

    The differences in stats and WEXP can be enough to slow you down and/or compromise reliability; you can imagine far more examples of this than what I wrote previously. With apologies to Judge Judy, I have never said that it rains in FE12, only that the game pees on your leg a lot.

  10. All the good units are good for the same reasons. Not many units bring anything special to the table.

    Have you played H3 or H4? Here's a non-exhaustive list of important asymmetries between superficially similar characters:

    • Catria's superior Spd growth lets her promote with the Elysian Whip to ORKO enemies that not even Palla can ORKO with an Elysian Whip of her own. You notice this as early as Chapter 15, where you want to ORKO the Sniper (who has 22 Spd) near the throne area. Catria's lategame performance is much better than Palla's.
    • Compared to Mallesia, whom many use as their Gharnef-killer of choice, Linde's practically exclusive earlygame access to Aura lets her provide useful combat by 2HKOing Dracoknights easily, baiting and tanking a hit during an enemy phase (Seraph Robe) or chipping safely from 2 range without burning through forged bow shots. Linde's higher Spd growth lets her reliably Nosferatank Chapter 15's Paladins and ORKO strong enemies from 1-2 range with the Levin Sword after reclassing to a Swordmaster. Not even lategame Catria can do this kind of 1-2 ranged damage.
    • Ryan's superior bow rank over another good Horseman candidate, Draug, makes the former a much more appealing option to take out Hardin using the Parthia. Ryan can OHKO earlygame Dracoknights using only a Steel Bow forge; Draug needs a more expensive Iron Bow forge to do the same. Ryan takes hits more easily than Draug, who faces non-trivial chances of death due not only to his poor Luck making him face nonzero crit chances, but also because of his poor defensive stats. On the flipside, Draug can ORKO enemies in Chapter 1 as a Pirate with the Rainbow Potion, and you need never worry about his Spd growth the way you worry about Ryan's.

    The differences between characters that you can gloss over in lower difficulty settings and slower-paced runs become sufficiently decisive in higher difficulty settings that not even a powerful mechanic like reclassing can erase them.

  11. im not sure how i can express why im interested in working for them any better than "i've seen this in my class and it interested me."

    From how you expressed this sentiment in your emails, it's difficult for someone who doesn't know you to determine whether you're sincerely interested or just BSing. Here's a good example of someone succinctly expressing her passion for her field. Read it, and imagine coming up with an outline for a hypothetical personal statement of your own. Any email you send expressing interest in joining a research group as an undergrad should have a similar thrust: using a small number of specific examples in your education (as opposed to a larger-looking number, like what you wrote) to highlight why you would be motivated to do good work for the group.

  12. the head of the pharma dept here is accustomed to these things and he looks over emails before they are sent out and he said they are fine. great guy, one of the few old white men i know that have not lost touch of reality, but if you're curious,



    are just an example of two based on dept page and word of mouth. these two replied saying their labs are full, and im sure you can see why i am adamantly against reading papers and putting effort into an email when i get a few sentences back.

    It sounds like your pharma head means well, but those emails are too long and far too fluffy. For example, when you write stuff like "I am a little curious[...]about how tedious [receptor synthesis is]," many professors will hit delete immediately. They won't necessarily be impressed when someone emails them aspects of their research they already know (no offense).

    Cut to the chase in your emails: explain who you are; how your background in the sciences is; what you can offer them and why you're interested in working for them (probably the most important of all); and end with a request to meet during their office hours, and thank them for your time as you did. You should not need more than eight sentences to do this.

    If it doesn't work out for you this term, definitely take some smaller classes on more specialized topics in your fields of interest, and ask the instructors (whom you may eventually work for?) to let you bypass the prereqs if you haven't met them. When I was an undergrad, one of the grad students in my lab had only, like, one term of very pedestrian research experience as an undergrad, and still managed to get into that particular grad program, which was fairly selective, so not all hope is lost if you cannot yet find any openings.

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