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Posts posted by Kaze

  1. 5 hours ago, The DanMan said:

    There are those who'd rather have had the series die by now, using the argument that they'd rather have it go out on a high note than become what it is now. Heck, there's a user on this forum who insists Koei treats DoA's cast more human than IS does now and bought Corrin in Smash simply so they could take out their anger on them.


    21 minutes ago, Extrasolar said:

    Where are you finding these people? I've never heard any FE fans that said "i wish the series had died out/stopped." Maybe I'm just not poking into the right corners of the internet?

    You'll find a lot of those people who would rather see Fire Emblem die on tumblr, too. It's one reason I avoid the Fire Emblem tags on there. Also, I have one friend that was one of my few close Fire Emblem friends that wishes Fire Emblem had ended with Awakening or before Awakening.

  2. 6 hours ago, Eleanore said:

    Dear God, nothing annoys me more than this. Fates was very flawed in its localisation, but the extremes some people go with this translation thing just bugs the hell out of me. I don't know why I subject myself to it honestly, and I should probably be smart like you and just block the tag around release. Pretty sure I was following you on tumblr though (you use the same name, right? cool cosplays?), and the way you handled all the negativity was really impressive.

    Heh. Yeah, I use the same name on tumblr (and just about everything online) and it was a struggle to handle all the negativity that Fates faced because it was all the same thing. People complaining about the name changes, voice actors, etc. I was just glad when it slowed down and people stopped being as negative. I still don't go on the Fire Emblem tags on tumblr regardless, though.

  3. Just now, Jedi said:

    It's too straightforward for a number of people and terrain is too strong, those are the main complaints with the map design, some maps are kind of big while being empty. Its not all the time, but I will show you one of the more egregious examples.


    Yeah. I can definitely see that. Then again, these were maps from 25 years ago. Hopefully the maps in Echoes will vastly improve on this. (Note: I haven't paid too close attention to the map design/layout in the clips we've seen in Echoes)

  4. 3 minutes ago, Tolvir said:

    Probably not. Both sides have their problems that will just continue festering and will not be resolved, just like any splits in fandom. 

    The worst members of the Purists/Old fans hate everything new. For the most part they are the hipsters of the FE fandom, and would have rather seen Fire Emblem die than Awakening ever see the light of day. There is no pleasing that. A literal bit for bit remake of Holy War wouldn't please them. They will always find something to complain about. 

    They complain about every new feature, without looks at the flaws of their own beloved games.

    The worst parts of the newcomers/casual crowd are completely unwilling to try the older games. To put things short, this is your waifu, weeb, plays just for the dating mechanics and cute anime girls crowd. They aren't willing to try the older games. No avatars, no dating mechanics, older anime style. These are the type that won't be satisfied unless Fire Emblem reverts to a medieval dating simulator. 


    The rest of us will be fine. We will be fine knowing Fire Emblem has not died, and is now doing better than ever with no end in sight soon. 

    So no, Shadows of Valentina won't bridge the gap. The purists wouldn't be happy unless this thing was released with 8 bit graphics on the Atari, and the weebs aren't happy because they can't date their new wiafus. 

    The two extremes of the Fire Emblem fandom are why I tend to avoid most Fire Emblem discussions recently. Another reason I tend to disappear when a new Fire Emblem game comes out is that regardless, you see nitpickers that would only be happy if we got a direct translation from the Japanese version even if the context of some things is lost.

    1 minute ago, Jedi said:

    Correction the purists won't be happy if the Map design isn't changed to be more tactical.

    As someone who hasn't played Gaiden, could you explain to me what the primary complaint about Gaiden's map design is?

    2 minutes ago, shadowofchaos said:

    And I was really surprised but those newcomers that actually exist that were complaining about the lack of an MU/avatar and marriage the way Awakening/Fates.

    I actually have a friend who is a newcomer to Fire Emblem that wishes Awakening and Fates didn't have the My Unit/Avatar or marriage.

    I'll be happy if Echoes doesn't have a my unit/avatar.

  5. 3 minutes ago, eclipse said:

    I don't think so.  Sure, it's a great way to introduce people to Gaiden.  However, I expect to see complaints about everything ranging from the colors to the design changes to the fact that it's on the 3DS from the vets, and complaints about missing features from Awakening/Fates from the newcomers.

    For the rest of us, I think we'll have fun with it~!

    Heck, I'll take the mechanics of Gaiden with a face lift if it means I'll get the chance to legitimately play the Gaiden story. I was happy getting to play Shadow Dragon despite how frustrating that game could be at times. In the end, I'm just glad we're getting more Fire Emblem games.

  6. 3 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

    I personally know people who loved Awakening and liked Fates, but are hesitant to pick up Echoes because they know it's really different from the newer games. Hopefully I can convince them otherwise someday, but there are definitely some new fans who turn away just because it's not what got them into the series.

    One of my closest friends who got into the series with Awakening in 2015 said she wants to play the game primarily because she really likes Hidari's artstyle and that it's refreshing to her. She just isn't able to get it on launch due to not being able to afford it.

  7. For me, the one thing I hope from Echoes - Shadows of Valentia is that it provides some character development to the characters. Compared to other entries in the series, it doesn't have a giant cast of characters, so character development, or at least some fleshing out of the characters, would make Echoes more enjoyable. I've never been a fan of flat/one dimensional characters.

  8. Hard to say since Gaiden is either well liked or hated by the fanbase. Echoes might change that, but I'm not sure if those who dislike Gaiden will give Echoes a chance.

    1 minute ago, ChibiToastExplosion said:

    I came in here just to say this.

    Although, I think both new and old fans shat on SD, and to me and a lot of other grizzled fans (who like, owned these games in physical form and didn't just emulate them - and yes I'm talking about 1-6) SD was pretty damn refreshing. It simplified a series gone too complex, and I have high hope for this game.

    But, it isn't over-complex like Jugdral or Tellius' 6 ways to sunday biorhythm, so it was seen as a casual 'step down'. I fear Echoes will be seen the same way.

    While Shadow Dragon is my least favorite game in the series, I don't hate it. It was honestly the first game that I got close to finishing (until Awakening) when I was younger. My biggest dislike with Shadow Dragon was the "you have to kill off so many characters to get these other characters" mechanic.

  9. Pretty much seems to be the popular consensus. With it being titles "Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia"/"Fire Emblem Echoes - Shadows of Valentia," it causes one to believe that Echoes could lead to there being a side-series of Fire Emblem games that are the remakes of Gaiden, Genealogy of the Holy War, Thracia 776, Binding Blade, and perhaps Blazing Blade and The Sacred Stones. Just depends on how well Shadows of Valentia does and if there's demand for remakes of the other games.

  10. 15 minutes ago, BlizzardWolf95 said:

    Here's what I'm thinking of the cast so far:

    Alm: Kyle McCarley (holy Mikazuki batman)
    Lukas: Greg Chun (listen to Eldigan's clips from Heroes)
    Faye: ??? (her battle quote sounded like Stephanie Sheh, but her map select quote did not. Odd)
    Celica: Erica Lindbeck (I had to look up clips of her voice to compare rather than my own ear, but it sounds pretty close)
    Mae: Cherami Leigh (this one is obvious. For a quick example, compare her lines with Gwendolyn's from Heroes. Voice is the same, just different infliction)
    Boey: ??? (he has quite a few lines out now, but I'm stumped)
    Genny: ??? (I have no clue honestly)
    Saber: Keith Silverstein (his voice is pretty obvious. Reminded me immediately of Zhuge Dan from DW8)
    Valbar: Kyle Hebert (compare with Bartre from Heroes, his voice is pretty distinct, even when gravelly. Just listen to Valbar's level-up quote to hear it best)
    Leon: Lucien Dodge (sounds like JYB, but not quite, just like Dodge's role as Li Dian from DW8. Or it could be Micah Solusod, as he can sound like JYB as well, but Dodge is more likely)
    Kamui: Bryce Papenbrook (this one is pretty undeniable as well)

    Of course, my ear isn't perfect, but I've always been great at telling voices from short clips (I ID'd Nobunaga Shimazaki as Male Corrin from just a single "はい" during an early Fates trailer). Still, the cast is sounding great, regardless of who any of them really are. Can't wait to hear more!

    Valbar being Kyle Hebert would explain why he sounds so familiar.

  11. 15 minutes ago, Altrosa said:

    Anti-panty window. ;): You stare at my butt and just see more fabric!

    But, in reality it's probably just a stylistic choice that's just a alternative flourish of fabric like a big bow serves as Kaze put forth above. It puts me in mind of Edwardian Era dresses that had the style of putting huge gathers of fabric at or above the tailbone to give ladies the illusion of having a huge rump.

    It's just a fantasy world take on that kind of clothing.

    Not to mention that dresses in medieval times were a bit ridiculous. Even in other eras, a lot of dresses were big and poofy with really weird design choices. Practicality didn't seem to be a forethought for women's clothing.

  12. 1 minute ago, Water Mage said:

    This talk about Kamui being the Chon'sin founder makes me wonder if they will make other references. Perhaps a map based on Awakening's Wyvern Valley map. It was in Valentia after all. They also could make one of the characters to be Virion's ancestor. Maybe Leon? I mean, Leon's new design makes him look a little more "pretty" or "flamboyant", for a lack of a better term. In any case, he reminded me of Virion. I know Leon's ending doesn't mention much, but they could expand it.

    Leon being an ancestor of Virion would explain why he resembles Virion a bit. Especially with the hair color.

  13. 24 minutes ago, ChibiToastExplosion said:

    And it's already better than both of them, too


    You know, my biggest beef with all this, has been the tons of topics saying this game WON'T sell - have you ever heard of a self-fulfilling prophecy?

    All. Good. Things. Eventually. Come. To. An. End. If this was the game that shitcans FE (and it won't be), our old favorites don't suddenly vanish.

    Sales numbers do affect whether we get more entries in the titles/those titles getting localized. Of course, I'm not counting the already announced and confirmed for localization titles like Fire Emblem Warriors and Fire Emblem Switch. It'll probably mostly determine if we get more entries into the Echoes side-series (what I'm referring to the possible remakes as)

    16 minutes ago, Sarahtoga104 said:

    Why is everyone so pessimistic about the sales? Never underestimate a growing fanbase fire emblem is getting bigger than it's ever been. I am sure Fire Emblem Heroes sparked even more people's interest as well I have seen people who have played Heroes and then bought the actual games. I am of course not implying this will sell phenomenally but I do think the section of the fanbase that whines on forums about features they dislike are a smaller part of the fanbase than you think. I am personally just going to wait and see me and all my fire emblem friends already have ours pre-ordered but I think it will do fine.

    There are those in the Fire Emblem fandom that hate how successful that the series has become. Don't ask me why that is, but that's the case sadly. I want this game to do well since it might lead to more Fire Emblem remakes.

    6 minutes ago, Jedi said:

    I don't know about that yet! I love PoR & RD, and my opinion of Gaiden is more in the middle so we'll see!

    Some of us just want to be sure this FE success train continues, I can understand it, but I don't understand the pessimism at the same time.

    I'm just trying to be cautiously optimistic with my sales prediction being slightly under a million units in North America. Perhaps just over a million units worldwide.

  14. 6 minutes ago, Jedi said:

    Considering it got preordered quite a bit, it probably already has better sales numbers than both Tellius games combined before it even launches.

    This is very true.

    1 minute ago, Commander Xelon said:

    After the success of Awakening and Fates and with how hard Nintendo seems to be pushing fire emblem? My educated guess would be a few million units.

    I highly doubt they're expecting a few million units sold. Also, is that expected sales worldwide, in Japan, in North America, in Europe?

  15. Don't forget, there really wasn't a whole lot of marketing or advertising for Fire Emblem: Awakening. It was an unexpected sleeper hit. Yes, it sold extremely well, but I don't remember hearing any sort of news (at least not a whole lot) about this game until the December before Awakening came out.

    That being said, I don't think Echoes will reach the same sale numbers as Awakening or Fates. It might sell slightly under a million copies in North America and Europe.

    Also, using the argument that "dedicated fans don't give a shit about Gaiden" is ridiculous. Yes, not a whole lot of people have played Gaiden, but that can easily be attributed to it never being localized/not aging well to where some people are turned off from playing the game. Doesn't mean that people don't care about the game. I haven't played Gaiden myself, but I still acknowledge it and I still care about it. I've wanted to play it, but haven't had the chance to until the upcoming release of Echoes.

  16. 5 minutes ago, Dark Paladin X said:


    I'll do a quick elimination on who NOT to ask in regards to the English VA.

    You can safely eliminate Greg Ayres, Kyle Jones, and Bryson Baugus in the list.  Greg, Kyle, Bryson rarely does voice work outside of Texas (especially Bryson since he's one of the newer names in anime voice acting with his star making role as Bell Cranel in "Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?"), and the Fire Emblem Echoes game is obviously going to be dubbed in Los Angeles. Kyle Jones most work as an ADR Director for Sentai Filmworks at Houston (he's also involved in the said "Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?"), so these voice actors aren't going to have any clue on this.

    You could ask Brina Palencia and Chris Sabat on this.  They both did some voice work in Los Angeles before and they have done a few video game voice acting in L.A. before, but they primarily work with Funimation at Dallas.

    The rest in the list you can ask, but keep in note that voice actors are bound to NDA and can't reveal much details.  As far as I know from my knowledge in regards to the previous Fire Emblem games, the voice cast is usually revealed around the day of the U.S. release.

    Troy Baker is union voice actor, so it's not gonna happen.

    I would honestly love for Brina Palencia to be in Echoes. She's been one of my favorite voice actresses since her role as Eve in Black Cat, but given that she's predominantly a Dallas-based VA, my hopes haven't been too high even though she's done LA voice work.

    And even if they managed to get Troy Baker (highly unlikely due to him being a high-in-demand VA and union), he'd either go uncredited or use a pseudonym.

  17. 10 hours ago, Hoshidokoala said:

    To me, Mae sounds almost exactly like Edea Lee from Bravely Default so maybe Cassandra Lee Morris? Am I the only one who hears this?

    tbh she does sound quite like Cherami Leigh too so I'm not sure.

    You're not the only one who hears Edea Lee in there. To me, while I'm leaning more towards Cherami Leigh, it could easily be Cassandra Lee Morris as well.

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