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Everything posted by rinshiiya

  1. Gaah, I didn't mean it in a rude way. I just personally prefer Classic. Sorry if I upset anyone :c But I did notice from the demo that Hard mode isn't too bad o: It's a fair challenge, which is what I like. I just prefer starting on Normal so I can feel the gist of the game first. lol c:
  2. LOL!! Well, in my house I only believe in Classic stuff. ( I feel like an old timer. lmao! ) ...but I'm pretty darn sure once I start Lunatic Mode, I'm going to attempt it on Classic, get mercilessly slaughtered in the Prologue & have no choice but to use Casual. xD
  3. I am starting Classic Mode+Normal. Casual Mode is blasphemy. LOL
  4. I just wanted to say I really really REALLY love your signature ._____. That's all.

    /slithers away.

  5. I know for sure my worst stat is Luck. Best stat is either Magic or Strength. Probably Magic ( Yes, I'm one of those people who relies on brute force to win my battles. lol! )
  6. ..I've played FE7 over more times than my heart beats in a day. I think 45+ playthroughs of FE13 won't be that hard xD ( I'm going to regret saying that, aren't I? )
  7. Thanks for the warm welcome =////////= <33 bwahah~ 5ever newbie bros. lol Cx
  8. I plan to marry everyone ( just so I can get the support conversations lmao ) but my top priorities are ( no specific order ) Female MU: Krom, Azure, Jerome. Male MU: ( I don't really think I need a spoiler thing but-- ) Tiki, Tiamo, Sumia.
  9. /crashes into a wall. ohaidere, fellow FE comrades. My name is mels &..... I've actually been creeping on Serenes for a long time now. I've also always wanted to participate in some of the conversations & threads going on here.... so I figured why not make an account? lol I've played Fire Emblems 6 - 11 ( I still need to get emulators so I can finally play some of the other FEs lmao ) & I obviously plan on playing FE13 when it comes out in two weeks. I'm so stoked, I don't even-- .....erhemm.. so... I'm really bad at these introduction things.. but I hope to get to know some of you & join the kingdom of all that is FE? c: ♥.
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