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Everything posted by Asturis

  1. @Slayez: Hahaha! soooo sorry dude, I'm like that all the time online! It's just a weird quirk of mine, I didn't even notice how formal sounding I was, cuz I'm so used to it. So don't worry, there isn't really a reason for it except that's me being my boring, formal self! So let's try this again: Yo homie, sup!? Never saying that again. EVER.
  2. @Slayez: Without the mask please! Sorry, should have remembered to mention that :P
  3. @SlayeZ: Reference Pic.......hmmmmmm......, Ok, so how's about this: http://www.creativeu.../fea-jerome.jpg I wanted the armor loosely modeled after his. Of course, including the details I mentioned before in my original post. Oh! As for the binocular device, hopefully this will give you an idea: http://images1.wikia...ing_Deidara.jpg Aside from that, have at it! If you think something would look better a certain way, I trust your creativity! :D
  4. @ Slayez: Ok, I'm getting more and more excited as I see all these drawings. They're just plain awesome. How could you take mah helm and give it to *that* guy???. X) lol And if you insist, then I'll just go find some nice wyverns to talk with. -.-
  5. Ok, I suppose that is a fair enough answer. Guess I'll just have to see what is most necessary when I reclass!
  6. Ok, so if Dfliers and Valkyries classes are unavailable (My Avatar I'm planning will be male) what then? I guess what I'm trying to say is if I was choosing between Sage/Sorcerer/Dknight, would Dknight really stand as a good option to reclass to?
  7. Hey, this may have been asked before, but if it has I never noticed it :P Anyways, I've been wondering about Dark Knights. Is there any particular reason to reclass a mage/Dmage to Dknight as opposed to Sage/Sorcerer? Aside from a movement bonus and the ability to use swords I haven't seen much incentive, but I'm probably missing some info. So what do you guys say? Is the Dknight class worth it?
  8. @ Asura: Thanks! And I know, I was quite surprised by the lack of fliers! o.O @ Slayez: Woot! Made it in! :D Yes, Dovakiin I shall be. Now where's my horned helmet when I need it? -.-
  9. Hey everyone, I just joined the forums! I thought this would be a cool place to introduce myself (If I can join in, that is :) So, if you want to know a little about my personality, take a look at my Avatar's description! Anyways, here I go: Name: Ahrion Gender: Male Asset: Defense Flaw: Luck Class: Wyvern Lord Skills: Hot Start, Sword Slayer, Carrier, Holy Shield, Defender Appearance: Tall and lean (I'm 6' 2", and about 155 lbs. to be exact x), short blond hair with longer bangs swept to the right, broad shoulders, Green Eyes and a binocular device worn over the left eye (Like Deidara's from Naruto if you know what he looks like) Armor and weapons: similar to Jerome's, minus the cape/cloth stuff and the right shoulder guard is bigger and curved upwards. Crimson red color. He wears armored gloves with sharp points on the fingers. Weilds a Killer lance, with a tomahawk sheathed on his back. Personality: Slow in most regards, save thinking. He is very analytical, sometimes to such a degree that he gets lost in his thoughts and forgets what he was thinking about originally. He is shy, though once introduced he opens up far more than he should. He tries to be funny, but usually forgets whatever he wanted to joke about and shuts up half way through. :P He also has an interesting knack for lurking behind others during conversations, only to scare the living daylights out of them them when they turn around. He isn't one for honors, so he usually tries to disregard any kind of compliments. Also, fun fact: People seem to think he is enormous, even though his height isn't all that crazy (at least I don't think it's crazy........idk, everyone is tall in my family) Hopefully that is a good amount of info! :)
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