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Everything posted by Rylo

  1. Rylo


    Glad to see you, bork. XD Also interesting to see that you're awake...!
  2. Fia~ :O You may or may not remember me, but I vaguely remember you. XD Nice to see you, and welcome (although, as a lurker, I'm not sure I'm in the position to welcome anyone. XDDD)
  3. Rylo


    Jeffer~ Nice to see you. It's been a while since we talked. :O
  4. irc.serenia.net Get to it, man. We miss you.
  5. Oh shi-- Seichi! It's been ages. Man, you need to come into a certain chatroom more frequently. I believe you know the one. >
  6. Hello, MK404! Pleased to make your acquaintance! ;)
  7. Man, Musashi. You're quick! XD Life's been pretty good as of late. I survived the first quarter of junior year, and I'm somehow managing to maintain my life and survive at the same time (albeit with very little sleep). I've got three auditions tomorrow, which can be a pain, but after that stress is over, things should continue to be fun, if busy. How about you? It's been a while since I've talked to you as well~
  8. Hiya everyone, I'm Rylo. It is not a coincidence that I am showing up right now; I'm yet another FESSer. I will probably be lurking more than contributing; between music, school, and a (small) number of RPs, I am hardly left with time to do anything else. XD However, I hope that I'll be able to contribute when I do post~
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