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Everything posted by Sheth

  1. And I can't get back to my DS at the moment, so sorry I can't help with that. Mona Lisa GET!
  2. I had to do that last week too ;_; I saw your town last night and while it wasn't QUITE as bad as mine was, it was pretty nuts. I'll open up, but one thing to think of first I wasn't quite aware of! Once you hit mayor status, you can setup a bridge across that river at any point you want. Up to two more, actually.
  3. I still need to get a wetsuit proper, but I'm kind of baffled you can catch spider crabs diving. Then again, fishing up whale sharks all day every day...
  4. I got some island stuff to unload, since my late-night ordinance won't kick in until tomorrow. Anyone around with stores open?
  5. Opening the gates now. I'll be AFK, but won't be on too long. Closing gates at 2PM EST, hard to say when they'll be back.
  6. WELL, I got a shock in the able's store this morning. If anyone's incredibly wealthy, I have a crown in my shop today. 1,000,000 bells, of course. Give me a heads up here if you want in.
  7. >>1cc imperishable night Whatever >>Lunatic Oh. What team?
  8. I can't get any out of the two that are awake, I tried for a solid half hour. I used an approval page on the blog you linked to. Apparently, I should've gotten 20 for upgrading, which I never got.
  9. So apparently, if you do anything that would let you gain approval as a mayor before you talk to isabella to start filing a permit, you can't get those points. So I'm stuck at 60 points, and I only get 1 point at a time for watering (not fresh) flowers. ಠ_ಠ This jank crap I swear
  10. I like my new town a lot better already. It is a little strange that I have one mega-beach and a beach you can't walk to, though.
  11. I sincerely doubt I can pay my down payment in another town, but I will stop by just to make sure. Just getting back to collect my belongings now. Brought my new fruit, pears, in case you don't have those yet, Dan.
  12. I found your typo by trial and error. 0090, not 0900.
  13. I'm getting an error that says your friend code is invalid.
  14. Yup. If you've got 30-40 minutes, I'd appreciate it. I picked out one inventory load to save, which I'll just drop outside the gate for a short while.
  15. That's a little late for me on the east coast. I'll check back in - it's not unlikely I'll still be awake, but how much longer after that is not a given.
  16. I can't select patterns as a dress on a male character, and there's, astonishingly, no menu option to take off pants. Guys need to wear a dress to take off pants, it's nuts. I can actually do it right now, it'd probably only take 30 minutes to clean up and get back to the point where I can come pick up anything I leave. There's just a few furniture items and some clothes I want to keep, really. Oh, and my bells.
  17. Anyone free tonight? I want to dump a few things and my money and re-make my town before I get much farther, because the layout is just a total nightmare. Ideally, if you have a dress, that'd be great, because I can't take off this pair of pants I'd like to keep, too.
  18. I got stuck with mandatory day-gaps twice. 95% approval at 11:59 the day before my house upgraded, couldn't get it higher no matter what. Now I have another day before I can do any mayoring, too. Starting after 11 the first night I played kinda kicked my butt.
  19. Sheth

    New types?

    Ice type, not even cool for counterpicking against dragons anymore. OTL Nintendo, you make my favorite type so sad.
  20. 4639-8959-1952 Will add everyone in this thread. My town is peaches (which is, I believe, exactly what I had in wild world, way back. Dang.) I'll be on during the E3 conference in the morning, but without any gear I can't actually do anything in town tonight.
  21. If this got mentioned any later, it'd be too sad. That was a long time ago. I feel old.
  22. But white pizza is okay too, now and then.
  23. I gifted my copy of city folk, and came to the conclusion this series is just better portable. I'm hype, but I haven't looked up any features. I'm looking forward to abusing a friend's clock to rig the turnip market and get 100,000,000 bells. That said, everyone who's in on this should speak up if they've got a roaring turnip day. (Legitimately, of course. Of course!) If there's no turnip speculating / shipping turnips to friends' towns, I will be sad.
  24. OTL I feel you bro. I have not seen a shiny in twelve years. Two mistakes: See, when I was 11, I wasn't aware just how effective throwing ultra balls were at low-level things (even at full HP,) so when a shiny ekans showed up and I only had my party in the 70s with me after a run vs. Red, I reacted poorly. Second, I didn't see the fully shiny animation, I just heard crazy noises which freaked me out, so I killed the thing dead. With a ho-oh. And even with probably an unhealthy number of hours in every generation since, I have never seen a shiny again.
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