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Posts posted by Senario

  1. There is one thing this game hasn't quite made clear, and I've played it twice.

    What compelled the future avatar to become Grima? From the looks of the pre-prologue chapter and the cutscenes, the avatar was just as firm in his choice to oppose Validar as (s)he is in the main game's scenes...so how did (s)he come to choose sacrificing him/herself to become Grima?

    A numerous plethora of reasons.

    First of all, the future avatar had all his memories in tact. None of them were missing so his life was probably that of being warned by his mother of the grimleal and how they are the bogeyman. Not knowing that he could get all powerful. In addition to this his friendship with Chrom is not as strong as it was in the future timeline where due to a multitude of failures, I can only assume that only Chrom and Avatar made it to Validar. First of all the fire emblem is stolen the night Emmeryn died and Chrom took a serious wound.

    Without all the bonds and people that he needed to fight for, it was a simple matter to dominate his mind and betray+kill Chrom. Not to mention the current timeline Avatar had no memory and no background history. He knew one thing, and one thing only. That his friends and allies were Chrom's group, and if he lost them he would lose everything and everybody. All of the relations that give his life meaning after losing his memory.

    Future Avatar has problems in that warned of great evil with power, has bonds but they aren't that strong so his will is weakened, and after eventually giving in he realizes how strong he actually becomes and gets drunk on power.

    My theory. In short, Grima's first mistake is trying to merge with current timeline Avatar and erasing his memories.

  2. Just two more skills, two more. I can't decide on either set. I could mix and match, but eh. This is for my Avatar by the way.






    It's quite a conundrum, really. Any thoughts or what?

    What difficulty? Well, I would drop defense +2. Add in Ignis, Luna, and Renewal instead of Sol. Sol only works when you do decent damage. Unfortunately if you are fighting anything with high stats you would want Renewal over sol because sol would heal half the amount renewal does. Odd enough this is how I am setting up my avatar lol. With a few backup skills if testing shows that it isn't useful. Counter+tons of self healing.

    It does kinda suck that you can't get galeforce on a male avatar but honestly I am debating even that skill since it is strong but you need to kill something with it.

  3. Heh! Yeah...totes. Sully is my FE spirit animal next to Henry.

    Hmm odd...Mine would probably be Inigo besides the whole "dancing" thing. I can't dance. But Inigo trying to be a dual "ladies man" and actually being really shy is a lot like me.

    I haven't gotten to them yet but once I get far enough in this hardmode playthrough and can marry off kids I'm getting Morgan+Inigo (because I think they mesh really well, happy and outgoing morgan with kinda shy but fun Inigo). And Noire+Owain cause....Owain is just amazing. Definitely one of my favorite male characters of the game besides Avatar and Chrom.

  4. I can see why people like Tharja, but I just personally don't sorry : (

    Well alright ): Agree to disagree then. Maybe I am just weird in that I don't see her as being abusive due to the Avatar supports with her, mostly B and A since S is more or less the same across all chars where "marry me! here is a ring!". Besides, talking to Tharja to remove the curse from Noire is well worth it. XD *cares for my unit's family maybe a bit too much.*

    To me, swordmasters have gotten weaker over the fire emblems, while they were amazing back in FE7 I think they have gotten weaker and my preference has changed to using a few different types of units. Mages in particular, I was sad when they removed dark mages and Light mages.

    Other than that, I use Great Knights instead of Generals I would have used back in 7. And work on assassins/Heroes instead of swordmasters. 7 got me interested in swordmasters, 9 changed that whole logic around and made me realize how great heroes are. Although that isn't to say I don't like chars that were swordmasters. Mia is one of my favorite female characters across all fire emblems and I was pretty bummed you couldn't A support her with Ike in 9. Luckily in Awakening you can always reclass so you don't feel stuck to a single class if you don't like their base class. Makes me able to get the skills from swordmaster (all they are good for right now) and use them on something else or on swordmaster. Astra, Counter(wrath?), Swordfaire, Zeal, Gamble + Killing edge anybody?

  5. I prefer MU(avatar) with Tharja. A lot of personal preference but I definitely appreciate that she actually cares so much. I loved the supports with her too since they were both funny and had the feels. I'm surprised at her lack of popularity in America when she is so popular in Japan ): Ah well, as long as we get summer of bonds DLC I'm all good. The swimsuit one lol. I'll get the Yukata one too if they release that. Although I hope they release all the DLC since I plan on getting it all. I will never change my Unit's S support from Tharja unless it is a female my unit or I am going after Lucina (which raises red flags in my head because technically she is my unit's best friend's kid...who was just born.)

    I have only finished one playthrough so far but Ricken+Nowi was a fun support and cute too.

    Donnel and Olivia was mildly entertaining.

    Chrom x Maribelle was fun, doing Chrom x Olivia this playthrough so I'll get back to you on that.

  6. I can't get into Tharja at all. It really bothers me what she does to Noire and her husband and while she potentially changes after you get her A support with Noire, it doesn't change the fact that she experimented on her daughter upon first meeting her. Child abuse really bothers me and I'm not into Yandere personality types anyways. She also refuses to gain SKL for me in game so she doesn't hit well and I'm just better off using Henry. Probably the only character I'm somewhat close to hating but it's more of a mild aversion and anger that I feel.

    But but ): Tharja! She doesn't really change upon reaching A support with Noire and is more or less the same the whole time. Things we know,

    1) Avenge father(avatar in this case) by gaining more knowledge of hexes. Test on Noire. (I understand how losing somebody that close to you means you would do anything to avenge them)

    2) Noire was never actually taught how to hex for various reasons even if she can cast dark magic.

    3) Reasons for future Tharja's actions in Noire support.

    4) Actually cares about Noire and Avatar a lot and actually cares about both of them a bit much. (aww)

    5) She has the dark mage passive skills to keep enemies from avoiding. Also you can fix low skill. It is harder to fix low strength or speed/defenses. I suppose I don't really care about having lower skill since I remember Sain back in FE7 where he was all speed and str but low skill.

  7. Misc.

    18. Why are people saying that Chrom x Sumia is 'canon'? I have never played a FE game where I found any indication that any pairing was "true", each one I tried worked just as well as the others. Sometimes there were hints towards a specific pairing. They were never all that strong, and most weren't overtly romantic. Also, watching the LP with a M Avatar, some of that dialogue could be considered blatantly romantic if taken out of context. As it was, I thought some of it was borderline romantic IN context. Imagine if the Avatar had been female... Though that's just my take/opinion.

    I agree that Chrom x Sumia is a bit stretching it in terms of Cannon since there are a good amount of people who like Chrom x Avatar. I personally wouldn't like to label Sumia as canon even if she is in the opening scene+the name of some cinematics. Moving things away from canon pairings is the right way to go since now you can make your own unit (I love this feature :D).

    That said, there has been a fire emblem game where there is a true pairing. Although you probably haven't played it. Fire Emblem 6. The one with Roy in it. Roy's father is obviously Eliwood but his mom is generally thought of as either Ninian, Fiora, or Lyn. In terms of likelyhood. It is heavily suggested that Roy's mother is Ninian because of a few supports with I believe it was Roy's childhood friend where they mention some details about what Eliwood's wife liked. Those same details are in Ninian's supports in FE7.

  8. Favorite character design/character wise?

    Tharja/Sariya - I absolutely love her design and character. She is very interesting and at least from what I can tell is more of the type of Yandere who just really loves Avatar and wants to appeal to him. She knows what she wants XD. Gasai Yuno if anybody watches anime. She isn't nearly as cruel hearted as you'd get from first glances, you can tell from some of her supports that she actually cares about people in her own kinda weird way. Most importantly the one with Noire is noteworthy. And Avatar.

    Favorite character in terms of stats and junk?

    Other than Avatar? or Morgan? I'm leaving out any kids of the avatar or the avatar because you can utterly break them because of being able to access most classes. Tharja again, In my first "for fun and story" playthrough I was able to reclass her enough to make up for a few of her downfalls and in the end I was very satisfied with both her damage output being magic (+luna lololol). And being able to use dark magic (forged Nosferatu woo!). Only gripe is no galeforce but its ok.

    Needless to say Tharja is my Avatar's Wife :3. I was shocked to see that in a Japanese popularity poll she was #3 on the list of favorite female characters. And the most popular "parent" female character.

  9. After finishing the game I am surprised that I don't really dislike many of the characters besides Sumia. And I only dislike sumia because she is ditzy and not really useful. Donnel is stretching it a bit maybe, I don't really hate him I just don't like the way they translated his lines.

    Great game with bunches of chars I can't help but like.

  10. I'll play classic normal first. Then classic Hard, then maybe lunatic.

    I've always loved the classic type of gameplay because it set it apart from other strategy RPGs since not only is losing a character permanent but you get to know these characters so well throughout the story that losing one is grounds for completely starting over the chapter. A sometimes frustrating but definitely positive point of the game. You really don't want to lose a character.

  11. Ugh I'm in SoCal too, that kind of worries me. I'm north of LA though so I might be clear, but damn, I don't see any reason for it to be THAT delayed. You weren't the only person to order in your whole town/city were you?

    Hopefully not, it is a suburb and I have heard some of my younger brother's friends who were interested in the game. Not sure if they actually pre ordered though.

    Although I will say this, the gamestop near here doesn't really have the greatest of track records with customer support. =/

  12. No no no, that is terrible news! I am from so cal. If it comes out on the 13th, I'll have to wait yet another week to get it (I can only pick it up on weekends). Let's hope it'll come out before then *crosses fingers* smile.gif

    You might be fine. My socal is a little bit more south than LA lol. I really think it may have to do with my general area. Japanese games aren't popular much around here yet shooting games are flying off the shelves.

  13. I'm used to referring to Tharja as Sallya. I still don't even know how to properly pronounce Tharja...Same thing with Kjelle.

    From what I heard it is pronounced

    Thar ya.

    Not Thar jah.

    It is kinda close but I don't like the "Th" sound much since I don't think it is as nice a sound as her original name.

    Sallya is acceptable.

  14. Make it stahp Plz D:.

    The gamestop I preordered it at told me the 13th. Not only is this very disappointing but I preordered the game early with the bundle. I just am frustrated and don't see why a game isn't there on a release day when it was advertised as such. Bad for profits, bad for fans, and bad for nintendo's image. There is no upside to this.

    Stuck in limbo for a while longer, looks like this guy won't have time to even play the game. Much less achieve the goal of marrying my Avatar with Tharja (yes I don't care that she stalks me. Its deep love, and if you get this joke good for you).

  15. With any luck when I get the game I will make a beeline for marrying Tharja (I still prefer the name Sariya). At least for my main Avatar. If I can stomach it I would pick Tiamo as a second choice although I usually just stick to one character in this type of situation for a game.

    I dunno what I'd do for a female Avatar but I'm sure I could figure out something.

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