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Posts posted by Skarthe

  1. 1 hour ago, Jotari said:

    Is that some kind of typo? Because keeping them at Level 1 until Chapter 1 is just one chapter of not using Byleth. The topic also says EO, so I'm a little confused as to what this challenge's limit is. Why not just endgame? Is there some point in which you have to have a levelled Byleth (maybe just after getting the Enlightened One cutscene where Byleth is separated from everyone else? Or actually as soon as Part 2 starts and you have just Byleth and one other character for half a map it'd be pretty tough).

    From the previous topic, the idea was to not level Byleth until the forced unlock of Enlightened One, to have more levels with better growths.

  2. 7 hours ago, Silver-Haired Maiden said:
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    For Edelgard there is no direct confirmation. She doesn't speak about it like Lysithea does, leading many people to theorize that she may suffer from a decreased lifespan as well, but since there's nothing said about it in game it's only speculation.

    As for Lysithea, there are certain paired endings where they do figure out how to remove her crest though it never mentions her hair returning to normal.




    The Edelgard/Lysithea ending pretty much confirms that Edelgard's lifespan is also shortened: "With careful analysis of ancient techniques, they discovered ways to recover the years of life that had been stolen from them."


  3. On 7/8/2020 at 10:15 AM, Moltz23 said:

    Is it possible to see Hilda's Goddess Scene in the Black Eagles route? I''m aware she can't be recruited there unless you go Silver Snow in Chapter 11, but I haven't found any info about her Goddess Scene being doable there.

    I just went on and tested this; Hilda's Goddess Tower scene can be viewed in Black Eagles, with the caveat that supporting with her is a bit more difficult than others (but far from impossible).

  4. 1 hour ago, Shadow Mir said:

    In fact, in part 1, you don't need to have recruited both characters the paralogue is centered around. That changes in part 2, where you need both characters. Part 2 also has more paralogues that require characters from two different houses.

    Fair warning: this is true, but you do not get all of the rewards if both characters aren't recruited.  As an example: Ingrid's paralogue will not give you Lúin if you haven't recruited Ingrid, and it will not give you the Goddess Ring if you haven't recruited Dorothea.

  5. 6 hours ago, grinus said:

    Thank you for clarifying things. The battle maps are serviceable as they were in Shadows of Valencia, but just not that creative. I really do wish there was more of a variety in objectives as the new artstyle really does look great and animations enjoyable to watch.

    The dialogue and voice acting seem to be the strongpoint in this Fire Emblem as I do find them quite likeable which is in contrast to the Fates dialogue which I found to be chatty but with no substance at all. The cutscenes are well made but I've liked all of the cutscenes so far from the Gamecube days so not too surprising there.  

    When should I play the DLC? after the main campaign or does the game clue you in on when to get into it? 

    The DLC is a side story completely separate from the main game; it can be played at literally any time, as it uses a prebuilt set of characters.

  6. I'd say aux battles should be fine in FE3H Ironman, aside from the ones available on Normal that don't cost activity points.  Unlike things like the Tower of Valni, aux battles have a limit on how many can be done, not to mention a significant opportunity cost (weekends spent on aux battles are weekends not spent doing mealtimes, etc. in the monastery, meaning your support ranks and motivation levels suffer).

  7. On 7/8/2020 at 6:24 PM, Moltz23 said:


    To be clear, this information was not completely correct.  Hilda is difficult to support with in Black Eagles, but not impossible; she cannot be given gifts, recruited for Mission Assistance, or given Lost Items, but she can still be invited for tea parties or targeted for lunchtimes and choir practices, and the player can use these methods to rank her up to B support before the route split.  Even with a B support, though, she still won't approach you to recruit herself into your house until such time as she's normally recruitable.

    As for whether her Goddess Tower scene can be viewed, not sure; I haven't put in the effort to raise her to B support by that point in Black Eagles.  I'll try it on my current playthrough but it might be a bit too late for me to pull it off.


    11 hours ago, grinus said:

    I'm on part 2 now and I am somewhat enjoying the game, however are all the maps basically skirmish maps? The lack of variety and  level design is beginning to wear thin. 

    I miss the variety from previous entries and does high ground matter at all for flyers? 

    Most of the maps are basically skirmish maps, yes; the level variety is one of Three Houses's biggest weaknesses.

    High ground doesn't factor into calculations; I think Radiant Dawn is the only game where it does.

  8. 17 hours ago, Shadow Mir said:

    The problem I have with this is that you cannot savescum for stat boosters, for one (and honestly, I think that greenhouse stat boosters are as legit as barracks boosts in FEA - aka, not at all). Second, Lysithea is weak in swords, so good luck trying to have her qualify for Mercenary knowing that. (Sure, she has a budding talent in swords, but that's three tutoring sessions minimum before that - and that assumes that she had her motivation maxed out every time - and honestly, that'd be better spent getting her to Warp)

    Warp is more important, but she doesn't have a ton of super high immediate priorities after Faith B, so there's no reason that she can't dip to Swords C after that to certify Mercenary. Additionally, due to how quickly she'll master classes, she can dip to it at almost any time; she can master the class within the durability of a Levin Sword, so putting her on it for a couple of paralogues or aux battles isn't difficult.

    Also, keeping high motivation on units that you're actively using is pretty trivial, between gifts, meals, lost items, and MVP.

  9. 15 hours ago, OCDbox said:

    I think any character can reliably be recruited from a different house by chapter 4 (except Sylvain) if you aim for them and know what you're doing (and willing to reset for B recruitment randomness). I think chapter 6 for Catherine/Shamir/Cyril is probably fair as well. But the assumption in this list is that students are tiered base on Byleth starting in their house

    I think Ferdinand and maybe Caspar and Leonie are difficult to recruit that early due to time-locked B supports; Ferdinand also suffers from requiring an obnoxious skill to recruit (Heavy Armor).  Anyone else though, I agree; I've definitely recruited Lysithea and Annette that early before.

  10. Vantage and Aegis in the same tier doesn't sit right with me. Vantage is niche, but it does have more usability than "useless unless you oneshot" due to the existence of Nosferatu, which is a pretty widespread spell. Vantage+Nosferatu is quite strong.  Aegis is just a random chance to take less damage from specific threats; it's useful, but never something to be relied on.


    I don't think I'd move Vantage very far up, but I feel like Aegis could stand to go down.

  11. 8 hours ago, Vorena said:

    I'd put this down for Lysithea has the best combat related stats in the highest magic and speed for magic units enabling OHKO or doubling on many units. However, she suffers from having no 3-range magic, but she does get Warp and obtaining it at an earlier rank than Linhardt.

    Keep in mind that Lysithea also has a budding talent in Swords, allowing her to use forged Levin Swords for 1-3 range. Also, assuming the player also has Lorenz and does his paralogue, all of Lysithea's magic becomes 1-4 range.

  12. 2 hours ago, Bavalurst said:

    You can cheese it with finding an archer, locking it into place, and hit it with a rusted axe or a broken axe for as long as you can. Do this on 3 maps and you're done. It costs you time only. Also gives access to pavise and weight - 3.

    Having her sitting at 17 defense starting part 2 with this setup is great. Also has 5 more base hp than warlock. 

    Generally, tier lists assume "moderate efficiency", which is to say not LTC, but also not deliberately stalling for strategies like this.

  13. 2 minutes ago, Bavalurst said:

    Just unlock fortress knight. Get free 17 defense. Put a stat booster on that and voila, defense fixed.

    Fortress Knight is not a trivial unlock given that she is weak in both of its requirements.  Not sure this is a viable path, especially since it's only +5 Def over Warlock, which she'll unlock almost by accident. 

  14. 33 minutes ago, Hekselka said:

    That being said, aside from Bernadetta there hasn't been a single character I straight up dislike.

    Bernadetta gets much better as the game and her supports progress.

    As for me, Lysithea's probably my favorite, but I also like Ashe, Edelgard, Claude, Ingrid, and... well, most of the characters.

  15. 3 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    What I'd like to hear is Amiibo functionality. Let me use my Ike to bring him into the game like in Fates! I loved having him on my team and he was a huge help too.

    We know there's some form of amiibo functionality, since the Monastery has an "amiibo gazebo". We don't know the specifics, but I'd wager it's going to allow summoning the amiibo characters like Fates and SoV did.

  16. [spoiler=MAJOR REVELATIONS SPOILERS]Revelations establishes that Corrin is half manakete, as he is the son of Anankos, a manakete, so Corn's lifespan would equal Nah's

    Also, the Before Awakening DLC clearly states Fates predates Awakening.

    [spoiler=Revelation]The question is whether Anankos and Nowi are the same kind of dragon. Nowi, Tiki, etc. are manaketes, but we don't know whether Anankos works quite the same way. It's possible that he does, it's possible that he doesn't.
  17. As noted above, Midori gets Apothecary/Ninja/Villager as her class set here. If she's Offspring Sealed to Merchant, she gets Aptitude right away (though she gets fewer levels to use it); either way, she can always acquire Aptitude within one level. I'm thinking the best passes to her might be Astra and Bowfaire, assuming no Exp constraints.

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