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Saint Nightroad

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Everything posted by Saint Nightroad

  1. Not flawed at all? What's a better character... one who can break the game in an actually challenging game, or one that can "break" the game in a much easier one (that doesn't even include any sort of meaningful ranking system)? And Aless is amazing without Mistoltin... now throw in an incredibly powerful and easily repairable sword.... Titania... just lost the game.
  2. How did I forget Sedgar and Wolf... well those two are absolutely game-breaking in and of themselves... Caeda... isn't she low in the tier list? She is certainly not better than anyone I listed. But the list of good units pretty much ends there, give or take 2 or 3 units. That still leaves over half (maybe as many as 3/4) of the cast who are mediocre or even absolutely horrible. Still... when there isn't much in the way of character, when you change their classes you completely trivialize what little identity and novelty they did have. Don't care. Bad games or plots are not to be babied because "They were good for their time." Even after P4, RD's plot was above average by FE standards... did it suck? Yes, but not half as much as most FE plots. Before P4, RD had one of the 3 best plots in the series hands down.
  3. Ok... who is useful in FE:11 .... Cain, Abel, Frey (unusable in anything but normal), Barst, Cord, Ogma, Merric, Navarre... the rest of the cast is divided among mediocre and useless, with the majority going to the latter. Now I have heard that Jeigan is necessary for the really high difficulty setttings for earlygame, but I wouldn't know... SD bores me to much for another playthrough. Atleast branched promotions kept the units in logical classes that -somewhat- suited them... class swap doesn't. Now, I never said that I liked branched promotions, but I hate class swap far more, because it just upsets the balance of the game further and hurts the significance of many characters. Ok fine... Shadow Dragon tells one of the most cliche'd story types ever written, while speaking in a monotone the whole time. LMFAO... so you think the 2d FE's have more varied maps because you can stand on the support pillars for the buildings for some completely illogical reason? Compare anything the 2d FE's can give to the actual variety of the console maps. One map you're marching across a bridge while the enemies fire ballistas and catapults at you and any wrong move results in your unit falling in a pothole. Just 2 maps later, you're climbing up a 2 path mountain/slope while enemies push boulders with varying paths down at you. THAT is variety. Oh and the 3d FE's pillars work like pillars should... not like paper thin walls that your character can somehow phase through/jump on top of. Oh and 3d FE's do have thickets and villages. Nice try though. Fortresses... I'll admit those don't appear, but geez... do you really want the 3d maps to be covered in rediculously small buildings that trivialize the term "fortress"? I don't... now if they applied the same bonuses to barricades or tents... that'ld be fine. RD's plot was well done... except for badly handled spoilers like the Black Knight's identity... the Dawn Brigade was just half-assed... either make good use of them or don't use them at all.
  4. Sacred Stones had personality... the characters were defined and many were actually likeable. Shadow Dragon gives you absolutely no reason to like anyone in the cast, because at no moment do any of them (except for Rodger and Xane, however briefly) show any personality at all. The story of Shadow Dragon was terribly bland and again, left nothing to like. As for difficulty- don't care... Sacred Stones was atleast consistently easy, whereas the step up from Normal to H1 in SD was very large, let alone the stepups for the other Hard difficulties. PoR, in my opinion, has the best difficulty settings in the series. The differences are reasonable and actually true to what the difficulty claims. Easy is easy. Normal is normal. Hard is hard, but never cruel. Then you've got Maniac Mode which is... well, I wouldnt know... haven't had the opportunity or desire to play it. As for the campaign length- yes, it was too short. But I'ld rather have 20 fun chapters than 25 drop-dead boring chapters, thank you very much. And are you kidding about balance? Shadow Dragon is as sickeningly unbalanced as any other FE, minus Shadow Dragon. You've got Sedgar, Wolf, Barst, Cain, and Able, who are staples and murder everything, and then the majority of the cast are laughably bad units like Bord, Samson, Aran, all of the archers, Est, and the list goes on. And class change feature was horrible... it made those generic personality-less units even more insignificant because now they don't even have the benefit or downfall of their respective classes... they are just a face to put on half the classes in the game. It's kind of hard to have plot holes in a game with no story. And did you seriously just say that the 3D FE's have more bland and less varied maps than the 2D ones?
  5. I disagree heavily. The music quality increased dramatically by being more varied yet still containing some of the classic pieces that I loved about the series in the first place. Pieces like Sorrowful Prince Pelleas, Wheeling Corby, and the different Dawn Brigade battle themes really brought some life to the game. There were not too many characters... they just weren't balanced well. The game actually managed to make defensive missions really fun (some of my favorite chapters, in fact), something that PoR did not do. Now do I worship the game... no... it is one of my 3 favorite FE's, alongside PoR and FE4, but it certainly doesn't take 1st place in my book. As for Shadow Dragon...it's "back to basics" was not a great change of pace. Past FE's had already shown that players enjoy features such as Rescue, Support Conversations, and the like. Shadow Dragon may have been a remake, but it was still boring beyond all belief. Every... single... chapter was a capture the base mission without exception. They didn't even try to throw in a fog of war to liven it up. As for the Gaiden Chapters, there was absolutely no excuse for those to be like every other mission. That new comment was an opportunity to vary the gameplay, which would actually give a little incentive to "earn" those Gaiden Chapters. I do believe I'ld rather play Radiant Dawn and its "bloatedness," because it actually had varied chapters, units with more personality than a rock, and exciting new features like heights to add to the experience of the game. Shadow Dragon could have been great, but it had to settle at mediocre (possibly even worse than Sacred Stones)- remake does not mean you cannot bring the game up to the current standards of the series.
  6. Well... I'll argue that Aless is a better Palidan than Titania regardless of whether or not she is the "best" in FE9. Mistoltin is just too good.
  7. FE4: Individual money for characters FE6: Enemy re-enforcements moving immediately... that's not difficult... that's just cheap FE7: Bartre... his base stats are hilarious FE8: The whole game FE9: Makalov... FE10: Astrid x Makalov.... FE11: The whole game... except even more so than FE8.
  8. Who cares about the bexp turn limits? I'ld much rather have my units actually leveling up in battle early on so that they can actually pull their own weight in the early game. Now that's why you lot think Titania is so mandatory for the early game... you're rely'ing on her too much. How do you even function on levels before you can actually spend your earned Bexp and can't just rely on Titania to beast everything on the map (first defense mission anyone?) The end result of not using Titania as much and letting others get the battle experience is a higher level for your non-Titania characters, and thus better efficiency after they promote.... which would be the majority of the game.
  9. What would happen if I gave the boss kills to Titania? She'ld be like 1-2 levels higher (maybe) and still mediocre in stats at that point, while I'ld have lower leveled other units... no thank you. I'ld describe Titania as such- Crucial till and on the second defense mission (chapter... 7?) For all missions but that defense mission, it is perfectly acceptable and probably a good idea to unequip her. After that misssion, she's just an average unit... she'll still contribute a lot, but your other units will really start to shine and pass her up. Basically... mediocre to above average. Crap after Ike promotes... to me, that level marks the point after which Titania is just deadweight, plain and simple... that's almost half the game.... yeah, she's the BEST unit in the game.... definitely. Now she isn't bringing your team down statistically, but relying on her is absolutely horrible from an experience standpoint.
  10. ~Zihark x Lethe~ Why didn't it happen? It had a lot more backing than Zihark x Illyana and Illyana is just... not marriage material... Illyana: I'm pregnant Zihark: ....Crap... now she's eating for two.... ~Bastian x Lucia~ Poor, poor Bastian... my favorite all time FE character just can't win that shallow woman.
  11. Titania the best unit in FE 9/10? Not seeing it. In FE9 she's only irreplaceable in the beginning and is mediocre at best later on. It's even debateable whether or not she's the best palidan... seeing as how Oscar and Kieran provide great competition for the class. In FE10 she's good but certainly not the best.... that's reserved for godmode characters like Haar and Shinon, if not the essential and incredibly powerful Nolan.
  12. Oscar (FE9) Great affinity, great availability, great endgame, solid early game, weapon triangle potential... all in all, just a great unit. (And a winning personality to top it off... that dude smiles during everything, including killing people. What a wonderfully sadistic knight he is.)
  13. Got Princess Mononoke on DVD now that makes me happy. Beautiful movie. Still watching Pandora Hearts (just finished episode 16). I really don't know if I like Gilbert or Break better now. They are both amazing characters.
  14. I'll need luck just to pick it up again... the handheld FE's bore me... so much.
  15. Actually, not fixed... I haven't even played level 7 yet.
  16. I was joking... I haven't really played much of that game... just got to level 7 and have been too bored to move on.
  17. Rutger... a great character in a game with very few great characters. He may as well be called a necessity.
  18. Umm... who said you were customizing your character's story and personality? That would simply be too much to expect. Your character is just a new name, gender, face, and class that fills in for the main. It doesn't change much at all.... except maybe now they'ld have to refer to your character as the opposite gender of the main character if you made it that way, or whatever story or dialogue relevant changes you made. Nothing awkward about it.
  19. Well, I could definitely see animation customization coming into play in the lord customizer... perhaps just have all class animations + a few unique ones for the customizer (Hell, I'ld be satisfied with just the class animations). Weapons was already mentioned...and I'm pretty sure attack style was as well what with stat and possibly skill customization.
  20. Oh yeah, Amelia, I love Pandora Hearts. Just finished the 14th episode and the brilliance of the series just becomes more apparent as it goes along. The many references to Alice and Wonderland seem to get more clever as they go along, even if some of them made me facepalm for not seeing them coming. But the thing I love the most about the series is it's highly emotional soundtrack.
  21. You have to keep in mind... that Healer or Dancer Lord could really make for a more challenging game when doing that sort of run. Then again, with the stat customization, you could actually see to it that they grow in all the right places.
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