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Everything posted by Alusq

  1. All of these things save world map events are done the exact same in FE8 as they are in FE7. The age of FE8 being a cryptic puzzle in comparison to FE7 is past, so if you're even thinking of trying FE8 modding I say go for it. You'll get split promotions and a world map that you can move around on, which are both pretty impossible in FE7. On the flip side, having the monsters in FE7 with the right sound effects will require you to export the samples (sound files) from FE8, import them back into FE7, and make a script for the animations that points to the new sound effects. Whether you want to deal with that and use FE7, or use FE8 and get more features but have to learn FE8 events, is your call. As a primarily-FE7 modder, I suggest learning FE8.
  2. I was a lukewarm, non-hipster before it was cool. checkmate I'll keep you in mind if I need more! Your avatar containing Karis helps, though.
  3. I recently had to do this, so it's fresh in my mind. Wlvl/affinity icons do use the same palette as weapon icons, but a different index. When you open it in GBAGE, look at the "palette index" field in the palette control window and switch it to 1. This will display the weapon level/affinity icons correctly (but not the weapon icons). However, you should dump the image with the index still on 0, open it in Usenti and hit the button that says "16" on it, and click in the second row of colors (which corresponds to index 1) on the palette so the red dot is there and the image uses those 16 colors. Edit the icons how you want, switch back to the first row of colors, and save and insert. This is the same reason why if you insert map/battle sprites, you insert them with the player/blue palette showing by default: the other palettes are indexes.
  4. That rally animation is perfect... I think I'm in love with that little speech bubble. @ш@ Well done! I was going to go with lances and my decision hasn't changed.
  5. Alusq

    Elibean Nights

    >"bastards" >not "dastards" Sigurdwood you had one jooooooooooob
  6. Thanks, Arch! No FEU post because it isn't presentable enough for FEU yet, and SF just seemed like the better place to seek beta testers for some reason. I'll post the project on FEU once I'm closer to having a demo out. now he's just somebody that I used to know...
  7. Today's thing!: In addition to enemy bosses, player characters now also have their own battle quotes that they say when you first use them in combat. It's just a little thing, but I think it adds quite a bit (especially to the prologue, which is otherwise fairly cut-and-dry "opening scene -> fight dudes -> end scene"), and it's always fun thinking up wacky one-liners for characters to yell as they jump into the battlefield. ... And if you have a sneaking suspicion that I'm not showcasing Theln because his animations aren't entirely finished, you would be correct... I mean, obviously the other characters deserve a chance to shine gosh. Thanks~ I mean, if I ran into grass that looked that much like grape soda I would need to taste-test it too
  8. here you go, weimaraner now I can be just like Blazer...! (‐^▽^‐)~♪ Bingo. Earlier versions of this project saw a lot of anima mages, with clergymen just having a minor role and shamans having no reason to exist, so light and dark have been merged into "spirit" and anima split into earth and sky. In retrospect, it was kind of also inspired by Dynasty Warriors 8's heaven->earth->man weapon triangle, but the in-universe reason is that the original religion of the world was shamanism (with FE shamans lololol), which was eventually regimented into a clergy that had disagreements with other groups of philosophers who called on the power of nature rather than spirits of the deceased. As a result, there's a huge schism between the token church nation and the mages/mystics' nation (mage= earth, mystic= sky), but this doesn't become relevant in the Kelssian conflict for some time. I knoooowwwww ;-;... but before that, the portrait just had l'Arachel's hair, which made her way too recognisable as a splice.
  9. Today's teaser (daily for now, I suppose?) features a weak, but fun to use, character: Thought she was just a cleric? Think again... Hey there, Duchess! I can't say that Asenath is still in this iteration of the project, unfortunately. When I re-started on a new rom I scrapped most of the characters in favor of making most of the non-main characters anew. Suffice it to say that they all have actual personalities this time (everyone's getting a lot more dialogue thanks to conditional events). ... Here I was hoping that this thread /wouldn't/ come off as a triumphant return, then half the people replying immediately call me Sqаwl and welcome me back. Oh well.
  10. Thanks; I might take you up on that. Hair is easily my weakest point in spriting. @Toa: I'll probably make a thread in the spriting forum here soon, too. While the current level of quality can be kind of overlooked with enemy bosses who are only seen for one chapter, I do need to do better on the portraits of characters that the player will be seeing for most of the game. @X-naut: Yeah, it's a pretty terrible working title because of how non-descriptive it is. But hey, that's why it's going to be called something else when I release it... Also curse you now I feel compelled to put in a Mother reference somewhere when there is nowhere in the mod where one would fit. :P @Ghast: If you enter the Konami Code, everything in the game turns to CANDY
  11. orly? ... but suit yourself I will make an actual palette for this cutscene map some time since I don't like the vanilla game's blue forests, though. They make sense on a GBA screen, but are otherwise only slightly less egregious than bubblegum forests @Agro/Ciraxis/Willie: got you guys down on the tester list. Combined with people on Skype, that makes five to six, which is already plenty, so yay! "Holy shit Agro wants to play my thing... Deeeep breaths..." [shot] I'll throw you each a PM once I'm at the point where we're ready for beta testing to begin.
  12. I never left; I was just mostly on FEU until I got the urge to post a project on SF. It is nice to be "back", though! That old username is going to haunt me for the rest of my internet-life, though... As for the sprites, yeah, I made them all. Honestly, most of them are really iffy in quality, but my style is more to get things done and go back to them later rather than get hung up on quality. I feel that my previous stuff had characters who were way too recognisable as the characters they were spliced from so I've been going for everyone having their own look right off the bat.
  13. This is an FE7 mod, FE8 capitalising the names of generic weapons is an abomination, and you should feel bad about yourself @Jun: thanks! ^ш^
  14. hudafuq is that
  15. "KelssFE" Beta testing begins: Soon™ Demo release: Soon™ Hey, everyone! I'm making an FE7 mod. It's actually been in progress for the past half-year or so, but thanks to school it's gone really sluggishly. I'm trying to have a "revival" of FE modding for myself now that school is winding down (I still have a class, but I still have time to do stuff), so as my first step of that I'm posting this thread here... because honestly, when I'm posting stuff on a forum it gives me a lot of motivation to continue. I'm shooting for a full game of about 15 chapters, with a demo containing seven (prologue~5+one side chapter) planned for this year's Fire Emblem E3. So what's this all about? Our story begins in the northern reaches of the continent of Aertz, in Arnsk, a small country sandwiched between the eponymous Kelss in the north and its historical southern rival, Clarenz. Founded by a hero who rejected both sides of an old war and raised a land on his own terms, Arnsk has since fallen on hard times, trying several times to join both Clarenz and Kelss to no avail. As the lands of the north and south become wrapped up in their own problems, with Clarenz policing its eastern neighbors and dissatisfied rebels springing up like weeds in Kelss, a Kelssian envoy is sent to Arnsk to offer the small nation a chance to join a federation in exchange for contributing fighters to the ranks of the loyalist Kelssian Guard. Joakim, the Duke of Arnsk, sends his right-hand man, Theln, to meet the Kelssians and accept their offer while he musters the entire Arnskian military to answer the call to arms. But this is only the beginning, and as the conflict begins to escalate, more and more of Aertz's nations will become involved... Without further ado, here are some teaser screenshots from the prologue!: Top: Joakim briefs Theln and introduces some helpful traveling companions. Bottom: Theln talks with an excitable comrade on the road to Kelss, totes a longsword and bow, and an enigmatic hunter stands in our way. Not much, yes, but I'll post new stuff often (likely decreasing in frequency as release draws near). This mod will feature several never-before-seen custom battle animations (for main characters as well as some normal units) as well as music imported from other games and some new gameplay concepts: I'm actually showing a lot of restraint in just posting six screenshots that aren't very informative right now, but I'll reveal more and more minutiae about the project as the month goes on. If you like beta testing and want more on your plate, let me know! I'll be recruiting beta testers very soon, and with the game having several ways to play through it I'll be wanting enough testers such that everyone can test a different route.
  16. I didn't think that it was possible that I could possibly like this project any more but here we are... Interact with fortress/mobile-battle-station after converting it = Yes/No option to upgrade, which costs x amount of gold. Use the check/deduct gold event from Farina's recruitment, trigger an event ID, check for it whenever soldiers spawn from the fortress whether to spawn normal or upgraded ones, and BAM, amazing new mid-to-lategame use for Gold that isn't buying weapons. Y/y, Ghast?
  17. ... ... Toa yuo are of genious. @_@
  18. Rai unwittingly gives me FE7 nostalgia because Rai was what I named the tactician on my first playthrough. Looks like a cool guy~ Looking forward to seeing the animations! @ш@
  19. Ghast hun can you update the people on the skype chat about what's going on with the story now that pt2 is apparently different in some way? Thanks sweetum [insert "NieR, game of the YieR" joke HieR]
  20. Wait; doesn't the perceived problem here just get worse if you make Nino need ten more levels to become a viable unit by making her a trainee? If you want her not to need babying, you can make her join the party earlier in the game, balance out her bases and growths, or start her at level 10 and with a guiding ring in her inventory for those who don't like Ests but still want to use her for some reason (transfer some of her growths from character growths to class growths so you don't get a super-useable sage with Est growths and no drawbacks, and she'll turn out immediately-useable but eventually-mediocre if you promote her right off the bat). Florina comes to mind for the trainee treatment (I find trainees to be pretty useless and not-fun, but...), since she's a "pegasus knight earning her title" according to her R-button description, yet is of the Pegasus Knight class already, whose description says "Knights who've earned (past tense) the right to fly winged steeds". You'd think that Florina would be whatever is a step /below/ a Pegasus Knight to begin with. Plus, she arrives in earlygame (even in tutorial mode if you're counting that), which is a time when a trainee unit might actually be viable. Lowen would also make sense as a trainee since his description calls him a "fresh recruit" and you already get Kent and Sain as cavaliers later if you don't want to use him. If you're giving this idea out as an idea for someone to work on, things just don't work like that in this community. You see lots of people posting ideas, but nobody's going to do anything for that idea until the person posting it has evidence of a game. It's cool seeing others' thoughts on how to fix a game, though! To end on a non-cynical note, the first thing that flashed into my mind when I saw the news of custom world map locations/paths in FE8 was "whoah, what if someone re-made FE7 or 6 with a working world map...!" @the parentheses in the post: did someone else edit that in? Kind of weird not to leave a name or anything.
  21. Good point about the weapon triangle. That's gonna take a while to get used to. I'm probably going to blame most of my deaths on it, in fact... Also, you don't have to use another palette slot to change the generic palette for an animation. Refer to this. As for what I was talking about with Yang, it's probably easier just to put it in a picture: Ch2 map looks cool~ Edit: oh yeah; regarding you being wary of how much space in the rom you're using— is this being built on that FE8 full class package that you were working on but then canceled?
  22. It's a nice thought, but given the failed experiments that people have performed with trying to get mounting/dismounting systems working in FE7 before, RAM is just not conducive to juggling around whole classes and writing the ASM would be more trouble than its worth. If you really need to save up on class space, the best bet would be having one tactician class and then using a "give weapon rank to character" ASM. This would mean that you could only have one map sprite, palette, and set of bases/growths for the tactician across all weapon types, though. @Doing stuff with the tact's affinity: the hardest part about that would be making a "check for Tact's affinity" ASM. I have no idea whether or not that's difficult. Probably not, provided that we know the location of the tact's affinity within the rom (or RAM?). @Oreo good luck!
  23. You can also expect new music in the 1.4 demo— I learned some new tricks recently that made me want to go back and take a look at all of the music in BL so far as well as insert some new stuff for cutscenes/etc. So yeah, get ready for some new instruments replacing a few of the egregiously-bad older ones, no more bleeps and bloops in the background of the attack theme (if you didn't notice them before, you can't un-notice them now; so sorry), songs being balanced better between their instruments and being generally nicer to hear, and all of that fun stuff.
  24. In Soviet Merv, village raid YOU. [shot] Seriously, though, you may want to change the Red Army to something less USSR-implying, like Red Legion or Scarlet Army or something. Also, you may want to use a different palette if you're using the Lilina Mage as a generic enemy, because it just looks like Lilina is lurking within the enemy ranks as it is now... :P @"Merv 5": Usually in dialogue all numbers under 10 are always written out ("Five" instead of "5"). Put a few of the words in NotMurray's textbox on the next line so it doesn't look so strange with just "5?!" on the bottom. Yang's portrait has a strange horizontal line in the shading on the side of his face and his nose looks really scrunched in— are the eye frames placed correctly? You might wanna double-check that. Anyway, looking good! Seems like it's going to be a pretty action-packed defense chapter for just being five turns~
  25. That's why I stopped at physical weapons in the original version of my project— I didn't want to use ten class slots and event IDs for a single character in the original version of my project. Funny thing is, ever since that character evolved from a generic everyman-type to having his own personality, I didn't even bother to add the weapon choice when I restarted on a new rom (he just gets swords and bows now). Food for thought: since you can recycle the same magic-casting animation for all types of magic (i.e. you can use the mage anim for light magic, monk anim for dark, etc, with no glitches), you would only need to make one animation for casting magic. This brings another suggestion to mind: giving the player a choice of what magic they want Tact to be able to use when he promotes. This means that you would have to force-promote him in an event and have someone make a "give unit a rank in x weapon" ASM (guessing it isn't hard to do; in fact it might already be out there somewhere iırc...) to give his promoted class the right weapon rank and not have to use another four class slots for it, though (if you promoted him with an item it wouldn't be able to call the give-weapon-rank event).
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